I cannot be able to install new version of NI. If I'll be able to install it I'll let you know![]()
In any case thank you for you help!!
Why not, it's simple zip-file.
No problem glad that i could help you.
Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:36 AM
I cannot be able to install new version of NI. If I'll be able to install it I'll let you know![]()
In any case thank you for you help!!
Why not, it's simple zip-file.
No problem glad that i could help you.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:40 AM
After 10/15 minutes of waiting I opened worldmap.wmp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but what is the different between "NearInfinity-1.3.0-ci" and "NearInfinity-1.3.0" ???
For the changes using Near Infinity I should use NearInfinity-1.3.0, right?
Italian mods tanslator!!!!
Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:48 AM
After 10/15 minutes of waiting I opened worldmap.wmp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but what is the different between "NearInfinity-1.3.0-ci" and "NearInfinity-1.3.0" ???
For the changes using Near Infinity I should use NearInfinity-1.3.0, right?
I don't have any idea what NearInfinity-1.3.0-ci means, i have always used NearInfinity-1.3.0.
Well Wisp knows what's the difference is.
Yes, you should use the newest NI so use NearInfinity-1.3.0.
Edited by micbaldur, 25 June 2013 - 05:51 AM.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 25 June 2013 - 06:22 AM
I don't have any idea what NearInfinity-1.3.0-ci means, i have always used NearInfinity-1.3.0.
Well Wisp knows what's the difference is.
I saw him saying that the ci version is for the non PC users. Or something to that line... he won't get to kill me, if that's incorrect.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 25 June 2013 - 06:32 AM
Thank to you I can modify worldmap, now!!!
a stupid question:
The first time for open Near Infinity I doubleclicked "Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat" file,
then for open Near Infinity 1.3.0, I must doubleclick always "Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat" file or simply nearinfinity 1.3.0.jar ?
Italian mods tanslator!!!!
Posted 25 June 2013 - 06:43 AM
Thank to you I can modify worldmap, now!!!
a stupid question:
The first time for open Near Infinity I doubleclicked "Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat" file,
then for open Near Infinity 1.3.0, I must doubleclick always "Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat" file or simply nearinfinity 1.3.0.jar ?
If you want edit big files like WMP-files you need to use Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat. For normal use you could use only nearinfinity 1.3.0.jar.
I use only Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat (you never know what you need to edit).
Edited by micbaldur, 25 June 2013 - 06:48 AM.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 25 June 2013 - 06:47 AM
I don't have any idea what NearInfinity-1.3.0-ci means, i have always used NearInfinity-1.3.0.
Well Wisp knows what's the difference is.
I saw him saying that the ci version is for the non PC users. Or something to that line... he won't get to kill me, if that's incorrect.
OK, thanks Imp.
You never know, he might use Imprisonment to you for speading incorrect rumors.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 25 June 2013 - 07:46 AM
If you want edit big files like WMP-files you need to use Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat. For normal use you could use only nearinfinity 1.3.0.jar.
I use only Nearinfinitybeta -512mb.bat (you never know what you need to edit).
Edited by ilot, 25 June 2013 - 07:49 AM.
Italian mods tanslator!!!!
Posted 08 July 2013 - 08:41 AM
I want to thank you micbaldur. Because of your posts on how you fix your game, I found and learned to use NI, which is really quite useful also because of it I have fixed a few bugs in my game with the guidance of your notes.
That said, I thought I would direct you too a bug that you'll surely get in your game also, so that you know about it. And also ask about how you would be going about solving this in NI (i'm still novice in it, so I thought you could maybe help out)
Bug is here: http://www.shsforums...d-dog-cutscene/
Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:40 AM
Hey thanks! I saw your post but I figured i'd post here instead but anyway thanks so much, I fixed it now.
Also, I don't want to bother you, but have you fixed more things in your game? I think many could benefit if you posted them if you have but I understand if it's too much hassle.
Posted 09 July 2013 - 12:52 PM
Hey thanks! I saw your post but I figured i'd post here insteadbut anyway thanks so much, I fixed it now.
Also, I don't want to bother you, but have you fixed more things in your game? I think many could benefit if you posted them if you have but I understand if it's too much hassle.
No problems, glad that i could help you.
Well i don't have new fixes now (there are less mods and less problems in BG1 than BG2) but there are some older problems in BG2. I check those when i get there. I'm still at BG1 and going to Bandit Camp next so i have long way to BG2.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:24 AM
I have encountered some CTDs.
Infinity Animations component "BG1 Animations for NPCs". Kagain (KAGAIN4.CRE) causes CTD at Mercenary HQ (AR6753.ARE) in Beregost.
Here's KAGAIN4.CRE change-log:
Here's CRE-file:
Infinity Animations component "BG1 Animations for NPCs". Gorgen Bloodaxe (MADURF01.CRE) and Duergar Fighter (MADURF02.CRE) at Nashkel Mines Level 3 (AR4403.ARE) from Dark Horizon mod causes CTD.
Here's MADURF01.CRE change-log:
Here's MADURF02.CRE change-log:
Here's CRE-files:
Infinity Animations component "BG1 Animations for NPCs". Mercenary (BHSHARG1.CRE) at Temple (AR9300.ARE) from SotBH mod causes CTD.
Here's BHSHARG1.CRE change-log:
Here's CRE-file:
These are new "bugs", i didn't have component "BG1 Animations for NPCs" installed in my previous BWP installs. Hopely Miloch could check these problems. Maybe these problems are related to my earlier CTD with Ginpachi (Angelo NPC) CRE-file which Miloch fixed.
BP Script problem: Shar-Teel (AR3200) stays hostile. She should change neutral and start talking. Fixed locally by changing BPWTRSGT.BCS to WTASIGHT.BCS from cre-file.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:28 AM
Posted 15 July 2013 - 04:47 AM
Thanks again for the info about "BG1 Animations for NPCs" 10th i didn't know that.
One little problem that i have encountered.
Alassa NPC: Alassa's party banters fires at BG1 even though she's not in party and she's BG2 NPC.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:12 AM
micbaldur, I do have to ask you something.
In your game(s), have you ran into the bug where swords that has a flaming animation causes damage to it's wielder? In my game, Yasraenas sword "Fireflower" does this. On each area load. I'm guessing you have seen this too, because you always play expert it seems
So, I was thinking to ask if you have somehow solved this? I've looked around in NI on this item but I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I found a post on this, which gives useful info, but I still don't know how to fix.
Here is that post: http://www.shsforums...xpack/?p=558237
If you have never seen this bug, then I'm sorry to have bothered you
Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:20 AM
micbaldur, I do have to ask you something.
In your game(s), have you ran into the bug where swords that has a flaming animation causes damage to it's wielder? In my game, Yasraenas sword "Fireflower" does this. On each area load. I'm guessing you have seen this too, because you always play expert it seems
So, I was thinking to ask if you have somehow solved this? I've looked around in NI on this item but I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I found a post on this, which gives useful info, but I still don't know how to fix.
Here is that post: http://www.shsforums...xpack/?p=558237
If you have never seen this bug, then I'm sorry to have bothered you
Well i remember that i had this problem in one of (maybe all i don't remember) my earlier BWP games but i didn't fixed it (that kind of item fixing is probably beyond my "fixing" capabilities).
Probably i forgot to write it down (like many other minor problems) and report it anywhere. I use Yasraena only during her quests.
Well i tested it my game and i also have this Fireflower problem. Flametongue (sw1h24) does that too. I don't know if any other items does that.
And no haven't bothered at all. You can ask anything from me if you like. I can always choose not to answer.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:49 AM
micbaldur, I do have to ask you something.
In your game(s), have you ran into the bug where swords that has a flaming animation causes damage to it's wielder? In my game, Yasraenas sword "Fireflower" does this. On each area load. I'm guessing you have seen this too, because you always play expert it seems
So, I was thinking to ask if you have somehow solved this? I've looked around in NI on this item but I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I found a post on this, which gives useful info, but I still don't know how to fix.
Here is that post: http://www.shsforums...xpack/?p=558237
If you have never seen this bug, then I'm sorry to have bothered you
Posted 19 July 2013 - 09:39 AM
Well i tested it my game and i also have this Fireflower problem. Flametongue (sw1h24) does that too. I don't know if any other items does that.
Ok thanks. I will have to try my version of Flametounge also later today. If I reach a solution somehow I will tell you how I fixed it.
By the way, I have to ask, since you also have this bug, does Yasraenas inventory act strange for you also? For me, she refuses to dual wield (the sword gets put in off hand but then it gets removed again) and also the swords gets "duplicated" every time I "pick them up" in her inventory. It's very strange. Have you seen this?
Hi and sorry for my intrusion. I was the one who wrote that post. Besides the area load, doesn't it also do damage if you unequip and reequip it ? I don't think it has to do with flaming animations. Yasraena's Fireflower sword uses some effects that used to do damage to a certain creature. Then at some point the BG2-Fixpack changed those effects to always do damage but also modified the vanilla swords so they work correctly. Flametongue and other vanilla swords should work correctly (unless they are overwritten by some mod). Yasraena's sword doesn't have these fixes so when the effect is applied it does damage to the wielder.
Here is a patch i made if you want to try it. It seems to work fine for me. The code is exactly the same the BG2-Fixpack uses with just some unneeded effects removed. All the credit for the hard work goes to the BG2-Fixpack team. I have read the BG2-Fixpack Readme and it says you shouldn't host a mod without permission and you shouldn't claim other people's work. I hope i didn't violate the BG2-Fixpack's license by providing this code.
Hi there! I had hoped you would see this post. Couldn't pm you since you post as guest. I'm glad you want to help with this. It's a rather annoying bug.
Yes you are right. It's also on reequipping.
And thanks for the patch. Maybe you should post it over at the Big World Fixpack thread, so that they can patch the mod. Sadly, I'm not versed enough on weidu (or coding at all, for that matter) to understand how to use it, myself. Can this be solved with NearInfinity somehow?
Posted 19 July 2013 - 10:42 AM
Ok thanks. I will have to try my version of Flametounge also later today. If I reach a solution somehow I will tell you how I fixed it.
By the way, I have to ask, since you also have this bug, does Yasraenas inventory act strange for you also? For me, she refuses to dual wield (the sword gets put in off hand but then it gets removed again) and also the swords gets "duplicated" every time I "pick them up" in her inventory. It's very strange. Have you seen this?
Well i'm still in BG1 and i just CLUA:Console Yasraena for testing purposes. I'll check her when i get to BG2. Still long way to go at BG1, haven't been city of Baldur's Gate yet.
I remember that if you take Yasraena's swords from her she takes them back to her inventory. It's possible that items gets duplicated. Do you have inventory pause still on? TobEx component disable it if you install it.
Hi there! I had hoped you would see this post. Couldn't pm you since you post as guest. I'm glad you want to help with this. It's a rather annoying bug.
Yes you are right. It's also on reequipping.
And thanks for the patch. Maybe you should post it over at the Big World Fixpack thread, so that they can patch the mod. Sadly, I'm not versed enough on weidu (or coding at all, for that matter) to understand how to use it, myself. Can this be solved with NearInfinity somehow?
Well i didn't understand the fix either. It's those diff files that i don't "read".
But i thank the guest for posting it and i agree that it belongs to Big World Fixpack thread.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:30 AM
Hi there! I had hoped you would see this post. Couldn't pm you since you post as guest. I'm glad you want to help with this. It's a rather annoying bug.When i wrote that post i had fixed it manually using dltcep so i guess NearInfinity can do it too. Actually, now that i have looked it a bit more closely, my patch will probably not set the correct values so you better fix it manually with NI.
Yes you are right. It's also on reequipping.
And thanks for the patch. Maybe you should post it over at the Big World Fixpack thread, so that they can patch the mod. Sadly, I'm not versed enough on weidu (or coding at all, for that matter) to understand how to use it, myself. Can this be solved with NearInfinity somehow?