Frennedan NPC: Problem with interjection in Imrae's dialogue (UDIMRAE.DLG) at Ust Natha (AR2200).In Frennedan mod v1.03, we have in FrenJ.d:
In UDIMRAE.DLG changed response trigger 1 from:InParty("frendan") !Dead("frendan")to:!InParty("frendan")and response trigger 2 from:!InParty("frendan")to:InParty("frendan") !Dead("frendan")
ALTER_TRANS UDIMRAE BEGIN 4 END BEGIN 0 END BEGIN "TRIGGER" ~!InParty("frendan")~ END EXTEND_TOP UDIMRAE 4 - IF ~InParty("frendan") !Dead("frendan")~ THEN EXTERN ~UDSOLA01~ 1 //frsola00 /* line deleted by BW Fixpack */ + IF ~InParty("frendan") !Dead("frendan")~ THEN EXTERN ~UDSOLA01~ frsola00 /* line added by BW Fixpack */ END APPEND ~UDSOLA01~ IF ~~ THEN BEGIN frsola00 SAY @116 // FrenJ.tra @116 = ~Sofort, Zofe Lolth. Ich wurde bereits darüber informiert, dass Ihr einen unterworfenen Sauger bei Euch habt, Veldrin. Ich bin in der Tat beeindruckt. Nun zur Sache...~ // Translated: ~ Immediately, maid of Lolth. I was informed that you have a subjugated devourer with you, Veldrin. I am very impressed indeed. Now to the point... ~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 30 END ENDThe affected transition 4 in UDIMRAE is Imrae saying "Explain what has occurred, Solaufein. And be quick about it, male, for the Spider Queen demands my attention." with no trigger conditions or actions and one response (un-modded) leading to state 25 in UDSOLA01. That is, Solaufein says: ~At once, Handmaiden. If I were to speak of the devourers, Veldrin... you would know what of [sic] I speak, yes?~
Frennedan's FrenJ.d (code above) adds a condition to the above transition so it can only occur if Frennedan is not in the party, then adds an alternative transition if Frennedan is in the party and not dead, leading to the new 'frsola00' state in UDSOLA01, which makes Solaufein say line @116 (above), and then jumps to state 30 in his dialogue, which is just ahead of the original dialogue path: ~A Matron Mother's eldest daughter ran afoul of devourers while scouting. Her fool companions fled or were slaughtered, and she was taken captive.~
I see that this doesn't cover all possibilities. In particular, if Frennedan is in party and is dead, the modified dialogue state 4 in UDIMRAE has no matching transitions.
I think what we should change here to fix it is to remove the !Dead check from the new transition. If Frennedan is dead, Solaufein can still use the new dialogue branch, since it doesn't directly interact with Frennedan. Right?
Edit: BWFixpack'd.
Edited by agb1, 16 November 2016 - 10:09 AM.