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Notes, Oddities and Possible Bugs in My BWP Game (Spoilers)

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#1 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:57 PM

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Below this starts my first BWP install which is obsolete now.



Now that i have reach at end of SoA i though that i should share my experiences about my first real BWP install. There may have been other little problems but i don't remember those (I started writing this after i started chapter 6).

Note! This is BWP 9.1.2 and was made at end of May 2010. So this isn't most recent BWP install and some of the stuff in here are probably fixed already. I have no intention to re-install BWP every time when a new version is uploaded. It doesn't leave enough time for me to finish the game from Candlekeep to ToB. I always play the install to the end (only some very big game breaking bug that prevent playing is exception and i haven't encountered those so far).

These are possible bugs and at least oddities that i have encounter. Some of these have been probably reported earlier by someone else at somewhere? I cannot say that these are comfirmed bugs because i don't have any knowledge of modding. Some of these are probably random hick-ups in my local install or come from my unusual play style "Super NPC Switching".

Weidu Log:


Note! I use some mods that aren't in BWP. Mostly they are items mods. First is A Hero for All The Wrong Reasons it's Shed's entry to Iron Modder 6. I like the little mod and i had for years in my install. Then there is Moongaze's Crusader Pack Mod, Icendoan's Forum-Only Items, TrashMan's Holy Avenger Kit and Jamella's Diablo 2 Item Store.


Angheg Farms AR8300: Problems with Gerde quest. Had to do some Global setting.

Secret of the Bone Hill: "Hand of Glory" quest problem. Had to SetGlobal("BHHANDSEARCH","GLOBAL",2). Also problems with Sir BillyBob because he's invisible (Staff of the Magi). Had do some CRE-files editing.

BG1 NPC: Problem with Dynaheir quest. Had to SetGlobal("X#DQDRIZZTSPAWN","GLOBAL",1).

Only little problems with transition to SoA.


Imprison spell: If party member gets imprisoned it erases tooltip scroll (no name or hitpoints) have to repair with Shadowkeeper. If CHARNAME is imprisoned then CTD (i have this bug for many years). Thats why i always use Geirthan Plate or similar protection when there's a chance to get imprisoned.

Here's Baldur.err for the crash:


Rose NPC: If i kick her at BG2 she goes to Burning Wizard Inn at Beregost. Hard to get her back if i want to. Well it's beta Mod so i'm not going to take her to SoA unless mod gets some progress by modder.

B!Tweaks: Traveler's Stone doesn't work.

20h travel bug at Waukeen's Promenade (solved). Thanks to Wisp for fix and World Map Mod update. Topic here.

Solestia De'Luna NPC: Her cousins keep spawning endlessly at Copper Coronet. Also her meeting with cousins doesn't work due Global setting to prevent endless spawning. Well it's beta Mod and probably gone from my next install unless mod gets some progress by the modder. Fixed locally. Thanks to Turambar.

The Undying: 3 Ghost doesn't spawn at Graveyard at night.

Graveyard: Crypt (AR0807) Kiara-Zaiya NPC script-file overwrites the previous script-file erasing the items from Exnem Vault and CtB (Picking the Marks quest). Fixed locally. Thanks to Hoppy.

Exnem Vault: BCS script isn't set at Bridge (AR0503). Something is blocking script at Bridge (AR0505), Government (AR1007), de'Arnise Hold (AR1303) and Umar Hills (AR1103). Items doesn't appear at containers. I don't know cause for these problems but probably not Exnem mod bugs.

G3 Anniversary Mod: Poor Dewny has been unconsious over year and laying at kitchen floor at Five Flagons Inn at Bridge. Somebody should wake her up.

BP: I can't open the container at Horred's Lair (AR8050, x 1900 y 755) in City Gates. It contains Wizard's Buckler +2.

Lol's Rezmod: Mae'Var didn't have Mune +2 as a loot also Kangaxx didn't have Masa +2 or journal. Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP and DO Quest Pack are overwriting Mae'Var CRE-file and probably BP is overwriting Kangaxx CRE-file, other items (from other Mod/s) are gone too.

Stuff Of The Magi: Kangaxx didn't have Boots of the Magi. Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP is overwriting Kangaxx CRE-file other items (from other Mod/s) are gone too.

TDD: Montaron and Xzar quest required some Global settings.

No Branwen (BGT) and Yeslick (TDD) at Temple. Yeslick (TDD) problem is probably related to also installed Yeslick (BGT). Also problems with Shar-Teels (TDD) quest are also probably releated to this double install with Shar-Teel (BGT). I was wondering does these BGT add-on NPCs require that they are at party when transition to BG2 to appear at BG2. I don't know ?

de'Arnise Hold: Problems with TorGal spawning.

Ashes Of Embers: Bola of Web isn't at Adherent possesion at Druid Grove as readme states. Mod puts the Bola of Web in weapon slot and helmet slot then Cre-Fixer removes the item.

Ginpachi (Angelo NPC) CRE-file crash (i don't know the situation). Not Angelo NPC mod bug and i don't know what causes the CTD. Topic here.

Baldur.err for the CTD:


Area map isn't updated right at Docks after i get the thief stronghold. It says at area map "Mae'var Guildhall" and below it "CHARNAME'S Guildhall". It's extremely annoying. He He. tongue.gif

Small Teeth Pass: No dragons at chapter 2 or 6.

Tactics: North Forest meshed up by Tactics mod (overwrites actors in area). Shard Of Ice mod quest is broken. Well CLUAConsole helps to solve it.

Hessa NPC: Trade Way Merchant Camp Area (ARSU10) not in Worldmap had to CLUA:Console there.

Drizzt Do'Urden (RoT) and Charlotte (SoS) doesn't get priest spells (only empty spell slots) level 4 and up. It's just odd nothing more.

Escaped Prisoner quest (RoT): Tresham didn't spawn at Slums had to SetGlobal("THEFINMEWT","GLOBAL",1). Later i did find him also at Copper Coronet so i probably mess up the quest. I don't know which place he's supposed to be? I try diffently next time.

Stronghold quests: Problems with Firkraag (Revised Battles) spawning at Windspear Hills (AR1200) after the first battle at lair.

Fade NPC: Firkraak's Tooth missing from loot of Firkraag. Fade mod doesn't recognize that Revised Battles mod changes the Firkraag CRE-file to B#FIR02. (Had this in my previous install as well).

Stronghold quests: Last of the Helm's event (you prevent Talos attack against Lathander and then prevent counterattack) Talosians and Mistress Ada are hostile if you go to Temple of Talos after solving the quest. They probably shouldn't i don't know.

Planar Sphere Mod: After finishing "Finding Stolen Artifact" quest you come to AR0411 Belle talks to you. She says that she going to Map Room. But she never spawns at AR0411. Had to CLUAConsole her.

Some problems with compbility of Alternatives and Rogue Rebalancing mods. Gaelan Bayle didn't want talk about Arledrian in "A Missing Fence?" quest. Had to do some Global settings.

Wrong textscreens when going to TS Kara-Tur (same as RoT Icewind Dale Bremen) and going to Brynnlaw (same as ?). It's just odd and don't affect the game any other way.

Alissa (RoT) loses her experience and levels when she rejoins at Spirit Soaring (wrong cre-file?). Also Priest of Oghma and Alissa don't talk about Alissa's abilities like they should. Though i earlier forgot to take Alissa to Spirit Soaring for the second time so it could be the cause of the problem (chapter 6). I try this at my next install.

Randall (RoT) quest: After Razor is nearly dead i had to SetGlobal("RAZORBATTLE","GLOBAL",4) until Randall speaks with Razor. After that i had to SetGlobal("RAZORBATTLE","GLOBAL",6). Marcus didn't spawn at Spellhold had to CLUAConsole him then Randall and Marcus talks shortly and quest is over? Topic here.

D0 Quest Pack: Moneylender quests Moiya's husband Lorick hasn't ever spawn in Spellhold in my installs. I noticed it during Randall quest problem hunt.

TS: Something went wrong with Yoshimo (TS) at Spellhold. Everything seems to ok after first talks with Jon Irenicus at uptairs. Yoshimo says that he's not cursed anymore and Jon indicates that as well. After some more talks party is teleported to Cellar and CHARNAME into glasstube. 4 other party members are at nearby cell. Yoshimo is out of party and in the same room with Jon and CHARNAME. Talks with Jon and Yoshimo indicates that Yoshimo is now traitor and also cursed. After the normal talks party is teleported to Candlekeep Dream except Yoshimo. Later when i after Jon Irenicus battle Yoshimo comes and after short talks attacks. I had to kill him (no Yoshimo's Heart though) and then Kachiko (TS) leaves. This ain't probably a bug it might be some global mix up in MY install or is due to MY playstyle. Topic here.

Sahuagin City: During fight with Ettin you are teleported back to Sahuagin King before Ettin is dead. You can kill it later though.

Fading Promises: Aidan didn't spawn after i did get the Fist of Amaunator. Have to do some global setting. Also i did get two Fist of Amaunator. Also spawning problems later at Athkatla. Had to do some manual work to progress.

Ninde NPC: Some problems with repeating underdark lovetalk. Had to SetGlobal("LK#NINDELOVETALK_UNDERDARK","GLOBAL",3).

Underdark: When going to rescue Phaere you meet adventurer party. Damien doesn't spawn with others (Boz, N'ashtar, Pitch, Simbja and Chandrilla). Though he did spawn much later alone. At AR2100.BCS Boz have this "CreateCreature("gpfightl",[3346.2337],12)" and others similar but Damien have "CreateCreature("gpthiefl",[3789.2071],0)". Why 0 instead of 12. I don't know.

Illithid City: Only one Githyanki (out of 4 or 5) did teleport with Simyaz to Arena, later meeting after escape and later to Underdark meeting. Others remain at cell.

"No Valid Reply Links" at Demon Ritual in Ust Natha after Matron Mother Ardulace dies. Gavin NPC blamed at G3 (probably solved).

Game doesn't proceed to chapter 6 and no chapter 6 start screen and had to CLUAConsole chapter to 6.

"Picking the Marks" (CtB) quest: I did find Suspension Hourglass too early at Chapter 2 (quest not started yet). Later at Harper HQ i didn't find Harper's Harp (quest in progress at Chapter 6). Had to CLUAConsole it. Fixed by Hoppy. Topic here. Also problems at Graveyard look above.

Civil Disobediance (CtB) quest: Had to SetGlobal("CBPARTYESCAPEDUNDERDARK","GLOBAL",1). Topic here.

Umar Hills: D's Odd Quest Mod these "Spawn"s doesn't probably work right. They keeping doing "invisible spawning" during and after the quest is over. I don't know should they stop spawning or do they spawn for rest of game?

The Quest for the Eye of a God quest (RoT): At RA5000 i had to SetGlobal("SPEAKDIVINE","RA5000",6) to proceed next area. Divine Guardian didn't recognize getting the Tablets.

RoT: Game CTD when Bundor (Arlax) tries to upgrade items. XP tries to send bug report to Microsoft. Nothing on Baldur.err. Topic here.

Tales of Anegh curscene crash didn't appear after i copied the CRE-file to overwite folder. Thanks to Fouinto and Jastey for solving this. Topic here.

CtB: Nemg Horse Ranch (AR3597) can't open "invisible" container (x 2125 y 790). It has Hammer of Lokin. Topic here.

CtB: Quest "Assasination Attempt II" never start and this leads that quest "Death And Taxes" never start. Nobody answered my question about these quests. Maybe next install. Topic here.

Selence (SoS) has BG1 weapon profiencies not BG2. Topic here.

SoS: Problems with Imprisonment at 2nd Floor (AR42668) of The Splintered Stair at Soubar. If you joke with Laura Kross you party gets imprisoned and game CTD. This related to earlier Imprisonment CTD above. Topic here.

SoS: When you get the unremovable items back Ninde doesn't get her Anhk of Ascension. Selence gets two Selence's Knap Sacks. Topic here.

Soubar Main Quest (SoS): Prelate Wessalen keep spawning endlessly until you talk to him 2nd time. After that there's (n) Prelate Wessalen who have nothing say to you. Thanks for Turambar for help. SoS fixed and updated by Hoppy. Topic here.

SoS: (n) Sword of Chaos at container (x 450 y 1000) at AR4287. If you take Sword of Chaos (SW2H05) you cannot remove it from inventory. Topic here.

SoS: I cannot enter to Guard Barracks Prison Level 2 (AR4287) from Prison (AR4288) even though Soubar Major says that CHARNAME can go to Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. Well you go there later from Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. Topic here.

SoS: Charlotte didn't regain her Ranger status. Spy quest didn't increase Global. This is probably just hick-up in my unstall. Topic here.

TDD Mega Quest: I went into the house (DD1005) at Easthaven. I talked with Azim. Then everybody are teleported out. Cutscene starts and then it hangs. Everybody just stand there, nothing happens and i can't do anything but close the game.

TDD Mega Quest: Problem at fight with Errtu at cave fight (DD9400). When Errtu is nearly dead and "prepairing" to be teleported to Temple. CHARNAME gets hit and all items drop in to the ground and hitpoints drop to 1. Then all are teleported to Temple were Alustriel banishes Errtu to abyss. CHARNAME don't move or respond any other way still selectable though. I saved and look at saved file. I noticed that CHARNAME was petrified so i removed the effects, loaded and continued forward. I don't know if this is intended behavior or not.

TDD Mega Quest: Area loading CTD at areas ARPO27 and ARPO29. After some testing both CTD was caused by CRE-files. At area ARPO27 it was DDMANARC.CRE and at area ARPO29 DDGENERA.CRE. Both were fixed by copying CRE-file from backup folder of Infinity Animations. For me this looks like similar CTD like GINPACHI.CRE CTD above though Baldur.err is different so the cause is probably different. Solution is the same. Well i don't know was causes these CTDs and i can't blame Infinity Animations or any mod for these CTDs i don't have any knowledge for modding.

Baldur.err for the CTDs:


TDD: TDD main quest probably breaks Ninde NPC romance finale, restoring her soul. Ellesime never talk about Ninde's soul before TDD main quest starts. So no restoring her soul. Also i did't get the Seldarine Amulet from Ellesime.

CtB: Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell.

Cromwell dialogue: Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. First i commission Masamune +4 (Lol's Rezmod) and i get it. Next i comission The Righteous (Ajantis NPC) and get it but then he starts dialoque and i also get Masamune +4. Next i comission Ilvastarr Family Shield (Ajantis NPC) and get it but then he starts dialoque and i also get Masamune +4 again. Then i comission Deathbringer (Munchmod) and get it but then he starts dialogue and i get Masamune +4 again. Then he finds dragon scales and ankheg shells but i don't want them. Then i comission Crom Faeyr and get it but then he starts dialogue and i get Deathbringer again. After that every time i get item he starts dialogue and i get Deathbringer also. I ended having 4 Masamune +4 and 8 Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

Ruad: When you comission Wooden Stake (U#BLUN03) Ruad says that you need 3 Wooden Stake (MISC6W) but he takes 3 Chunk of Illithium Alloy (MISC6S).

Munchmod: When you comission Spear of the Phoenix (SGSPR1) at Trademeet. Blacksmith takes 7,500 Gold but not Spear Shaft (SGMISC3) or Dark Obsidian Spearhead (SGMISC2) and you don't get Spear of the Phoenix.

Well that's about every problem i remember. There might been little problems before SoA chapter 6 but i don't remember anymore.

Very special thanks go to Hoppy :cheers: for helping me in various problems in BIG mods.

Some notes on romances because i like them alot.

I have noticed that are many new NPCs relased recently sadly though they mostly male NPCs. I prefer female NPCs.

BG1: Sad that are only one romance Dynaheir. Even though i really like it alot and continue to do it at every game. Well there is Shar-Teel but it's unlikely that that play Evil CHARNAME. Maybe i try it in future. I don't know. There is Branwen but that romance dies.

BG2: It's sad that most these romances doesn't have ToB content. I really hope that Ninde NPC isn't dead now that the author is retired. Ninde is probably the best romance NPC. She so wonderfully "wicked". Sadly that romance is short and doesn't start before chapter 3. Fade NPC has the same problem when starting at chapter 3. Now with these Big Mods chapter 2 is very long at least in my game. I really hope that Fade NPCs ToB part is still progressing because she's also one of favoured romances. Amber NPCs ToB is hopely coming in future because i like her alot. These are at critical phase but only Ninde NPC is probably dead mod at the moment.

Kim NPC is also my favored but sadly it's romance doesn't start to "blossom". I don't know what's the status of this mod because it's french mod and i don't understand french so i can't follow it progress.

Kitanya NPC i like to play sometimes but it hasn't romance yet. Well it's not dead yet i hope.

Azure NPC and Sheena NPC mods are probably dead.

Kiara NPC i haven't never tried. I probably try it sometimes but my party doesn't usually have two vacant slot. Zaiya needs to be at party too.

Well then there is de'Arnise Romance Nalia. I don't know is she going to have the ToB content. Well i like Nalia sometimes and want to kill her sometimes. But like to play ToB part.

Fortunately one of my favoured Imoen Romance is showing signs of life after very long wait. I really looking forward it.

Now the good part, Tyris NPC is getting ToB part hopely soon. I like her alot.

I don't know what kind of ToB content Sime NPC have but i going to find out when play the ToB.

At least the moment two favoured mod Tashia and Saerileth have ToB content. Even though i don't like Saerileth mod's merciless romance killing but i like her alot.

Then there are Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia romances. Sadly that Aerie flirts doesn't work. I like to try her romance sometimes too.

Finally it's Delainy NPC which i really looking to try after it's released sometimes in the future.

Now i continue to ToB. After i finish it i make new BWP install and start from the beginning.

Update: Corrected wrong Fade NPC mod info.

Edited by micbaldur, 03 January 2017 - 06:54 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#2 Miloch



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Posted 26 February 2011 - 04:25 AM

That's quite the list :).

Imprison spell: If party member gets imprisoned it erases tooltip scroll (no name or hitpoints) have to repair with Shadowkeeper. If CHARNAME is imprisoned then CTD (i have this bug for many years). Thats why i always use Geirthan Plate or similar protection when there's a chance to get imprisoned.

Here's Baldur.err for the crash:


This is very odd. I would assume it's a bug with some mod or other but I don't know which. I do know both P5Tweaks and tb#tweaks address glitches in Imprisonment, though I have not heard of them causing a bug like this.

Exnem Vault: BCS script isn't set at Bridge (AR0503). Something is blocking script at Bridge (AR0505), Government (AR1007), de'Arnise Hold (AR1303) and Umar Hills (AR1103). Items doesn't appear at containers. I don't know cause for these problems but probably not Exnem mod bugs.

Heh, probably are Exnem mod bugs I would say, unless you don't get the bugs with just that mod by itself.

BP: I can't open the container at Horred's Lair (AR8050, x 1900 y 755) in City Gates. It contains Wizard's Buckler +2.

Will note (if you could post in the BP forum it will help make sure someone doesn't overlook it).

de'Arnise Hold: Problems with TorGal spawning.

This patch might help with that:

Ginpachi (Angelo NPC) CRE-file crash (i don't know the situation). Not Angelo NPC mod bug and i don't know what causes the CTD. Topic here.

Baldur.err for the CTD:


I don't know if we ever tracked this down definitely but it might be a non-Western European codepage issue with Infinity Animations if I recall. So switching your codepage might help (future versions should make this a non-issue, assuming that is the issue).

TDD Mega Quest: Area loading CTD at areas ARPO27 and ARPO29. After some testing both CTD was caused by CRE-files. At area ARPO27 it was DDMANARC.CRE and at area ARPO29 DDGENERA.CRE. Both were fixed by copying CRE-file from backup folder of Infinity Animations. For me this looks like similar CTD like GINPACHI.CRE CTD above though Baldur.err is different so the cause is probably different. Solution is the same. Well i don't know was causes these CTDs and i can't blame Infinity Animations or any mod for these CTDs i don't have any knowledge for modding.

Baldur.err for the CTDs:


Pretty sure Hoppy and I fixed this some time ago. It was a glitchy weapon animation on the manifest archer or whatever.

I don't know what kind of ToB content Sime NPC have but i going to find out when play the ToB.

Isn't this a TS NPC? I would tend to doubt it has any significant ToB content (or any extensive content at all) but then I don't really know anything about it.

Now i continue to ToB. After i finish it i make new BWP install and start from the beginning.

Know that the latest Big World Setup program makes it a lot easier to install BWP (though you would still have to start a new game).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#3 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 06:51 AM

That's quite the list :).

Well nothing major problems. :D

This is very odd. I would assume it's a bug with some mod or other but I don't know which. I do know both P5Tweaks and tb#tweaks address glitches in Imprisonment, though I have not heard of them causing a bug like this.

I don't know other than it has happended for many years. Here some other info about CTD.

Heh, probably are Exnem mod bugs I would say, unless you don't get the bugs with just that mod by itself.

I'll take your word for it. You know modding much more than i.

Will note (if you could post in the BP forum it will help make sure someone doesn't overlook it).

I posted to BP forum this and other problem.

This patch might help with that:

Thanks i try that in next install.

I don't know if we ever tracked this down definitely but it might be a non-Western European codepage issue with Infinity Animations if I recall. So switching your codepage might help (future versions should make this a non-issue, assuming that is the issue).

I don't know what finnish codepage is Western or non-Western so it could be it.

Pretty sure Hoppy and I fixed this some time ago. It was a glitchy weapon animation on the manifest archer or whatever.

Well this is kind of old install and it doesn't have some newer fixes.

Isn't this a TS NPC? I would tend to doubt it has any significant ToB content (or any extensive content at all) but then I don't really know anything about it.

Yes from TS. Well i shall see it later.

Know that the latest Big World Setup program makes it a lot easier to install BWP (though you would still have to start a new game).

I have used modified install.bat previously. Is it possible to skip netloading of mods in Big World Setup program? Maybe it try it.

Edited by micbaldur, 26 February 2011 - 06:53 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#4 Miloch



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Posted 26 February 2011 - 05:44 PM

If you've already downloaded the mod archives, you can put them in a 'BiG World Downloads' subfolder in your game folder and the BiG World Setup should detect them automatically - just make sure you have the latest versions.

For your code page, can you go to Start > Run, then type regedit. Expand the keys to:


Then scroll down on the right to the bottom and look at the ACP (ANSI Code Page) key. What data value is it set to? Should be a number like 1252 (which is Western European).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 micbaldur


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Posted 26 February 2011 - 06:22 PM

If you've already downloaded the mod archives, you can put them in a 'BiG World Downloads' subfolder in your game folder and the BiG World Setup should detect them automatically - just make sure you have the latest versions.

For your code page, can you go to Start > Run, then type regedit. Expand the keys to:


Then scroll down on the right to the bottom and look at the ACP (ANSI Code Page) key. What data value is it set to? Should be a number like 1252 (which is Western European).

Thanks for info on BWP Setup maybe i try it on next install.

My codepage is 1252.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#6 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 09:46 PM

This is part 2 of my report. It covers the ToB and Watcher's Keep levels 2-6. I play first level at SoA (Saerileth, Ritual and Red Badge quests).

Forest of Tethyr/Grove of the Ancients doesn't appear on worldmap at start of ToB. This leads to problems at end of the ToB.

Saradush Sewers (AR5013) cutscene in center (Orog, Orcs and Duergar Sappers vs Shadows) doesn't work. Nothing happens. Orog and Orcs just stand there and Duergar Sappers are wandering around sewers. Shadows are not coming. Had to set Global's to start the cutscene.

Lol's Rezmod: Gromnir doesn't have Doreen +4 (same problem with Mae'Var and Kangaxx). Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP is overwriting Gromnir CRE-file.

Watcher's Keep: Using the Ritual Scroll on Demogorgon does nothing. Have to do some Global setting to proceed.

Angelo NPC: ADNIN01.CRE and/or ADNIN02.CRE-file/s causes CTD (same kind CTD as ADGINPAC.CRE above at SoA). Not Angelo NPC mod bug and i don't know what causes the CTD.

Baldur.err for the CTD

Wheels Of Prophecy: After killing Balthazar and talking to Melissan worldmap is supposed to update when i take take Balthazar's Journal but nothing happens. So Forest of Tethyr/Grove of the Ancients (DW#TETH) doesn't appear on worldmap. Had to CLUAConsole to area.

Ghost Mod: I don't know when i am supposed to get this Ghost Ability or something. I didn't get it instead i did get many other Abilities (Unleash, Control Demon, Dimension Door and Focus). From which mod these Abilities are i don't know (maybe BP).

BP Ascension: Game freezes if Sendai is last bhaalspawn to die. Tried again and killed Illasera last and everything went ok. I finish the game. Topic here.

Note! I don't know has this failing harddrive0 affecting any of these problems.

Final notes on Sime romance. Sadly she doesn't have almost any content on ToB (as Miloch said). She only has comments on Gorion/Master Wraith at Forest of Mir and final choice at Throne of Bhaal.

Thoughts about BGT: Previously i used EasyTutu for the BG1 part and then transfered the character to BG2. But now after trying the BGT for the first time there no return to EasyTutu anymore. Now i can get all the BG1 items to BG2 and that's important to me (Items, more items :Tasty: Packrat am i, he he :D ).

Thoughts about BP and Big Mods: I must to confess that i'm an idiot :wall: (nothing new, he he :P ) because i haven't played these before. And i've been using these mods for years now. It have been like a new game to me. So much new quests, places, NPCs and everything.

Now i'm planning to make a new BWP install. I have decided to add the NEJ to next install but i'm curious how far does it go into the Icewind Dale.

I also have a question about this BWP Setup program. Is it possible to add mods that aren't in BWP (have have a few in mind mostly item mods). If not possible then i use modified install bat.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#7 Lollorian


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Posted 19 March 2011 - 10:45 PM

This list just LEAKS awesome! :D

Lol's Rezmod: Mae'Var didn't have Mune +2 as a loot also Kangaxx didn't have Masa +2 or journal. Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP and DO Quest Pack are overwriting Mae'Var CRE-file and probably BP is overwriting Kangaxx CRE-file, other items (from other Mod/s) are gone too.

Lol's Rezmod: Gromnir doesn't have Doreen +4 (same problem with Mae'Var and Kangaxx). Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP is overwriting Gromnir CRE-file.

Should be fixed by installing:
~REZMOD/SETUP-REZMOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Masamune Sword Mini-Mini-Quest - SoA by ShadowDaemon (WeiDU): 2.2
~REZMOD/SETUP-REZMOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Masamune Sword Mini-Mini-Quest - ToB by ShadowDaemon (WeiDU): 2.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Creature & Area Improvements -> All Creature & Area Improvements: v2.3 (Feb 14, 2010) BWP Fix
~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #18 // Improved Gromnir

Noticed you're using BPv179 but BPv180 still overwrites Gromnir (and loads of other cres) :unsure:

You seem to know exactly which files seem to be affected in most cases. Which would mean you could help a lot by change-logging the file in question :) (check here for a "How to changelog")

That said, I'm really looking forward to you next BWP install now :P

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#8 micbaldur


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 05:53 AM

This list just LEAKS awesome! :D

Well i hope it shorter on next BWP install. :P

Should be fixed by installing:

~REZMOD/SETUP-REZMOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Masamune Sword Mini-Mini-Quest - SoA by ShadowDaemon (WeiDU): 2.2
~REZMOD/SETUP-REZMOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Masamune Sword Mini-Mini-Quest - ToB by ShadowDaemon (WeiDU): 2.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Creature & Area Improvements -> All Creature & Area Improvements: v2.3 (Feb 14, 2010) BWP Fix
~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #5 // Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu
~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #18 // Improved Gromnir

Thanks. I'm probably using install bat (not BWP Setup) on my next BWP so i make necessary adjustments.

Noticed you're using BPv179 but BPv180 still overwrites Gromnir (and loads of other cres) :unsure:

Like i said in the first post my main goal is playing the game not reinstalling BWP every week. ;)

So mods aren't always up-to-date version (this is BWP made may 2010).

You seem to know exactly which files seem to be affected in most cases. Which would mean you could help a lot by change-logging the file in question :) (check here for a "How to changelog")

Well i know that change-log helps but it didn't work on my BWP install because stupidly i run the "cleanup.bat" after install. What a mistake. :wall:

That said, I'm really looking forward to you next BWP install now :P

Me too. It takes couple of days because of my dying harddisk0. I have to change hardrive and reinstall everything.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#9 Miloch



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Posted 21 March 2011 - 10:58 AM

Angelo NPC: ADNIN01.CRE and/or ADNIN02.CRE-file/s causes CTD (same kind CTD as ADGINPAC.CRE above at SoA). Not Angelo NPC mod bug and i don't know what causes the CTD.

If you've still got your old install, can you look at your game with an editor (like Near Infinity or DLTCEP) and see if you've got a BAM named:

Most likely that ¢ (cent) character doesn't get translated properly on some systems, even if they have the right codepage. Seems to be an issue with Finnish and Eastern European OSes (will be fixed in the next Infinity Animations).

I also have a question about this BWP Setup program. Is it possible to add mods that aren't in BWP (have have a few in mind mostly item mods). If not possible then i use modified install bat.

Yes - I would recommend the BWS beta, as it is highly flexible and easy to use.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#10 micbaldur


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Posted 21 March 2011 - 11:48 AM

If you've still got your old install, can you look at your game with an editor (like Near Infinity or DLTCEP) and see if you've got a BAM named:

Most likely that ¢ (cent) character doesn't get translated properly on some systems, even if they have the right codepage. Seems to be an issue with Finnish and Eastern European OSes (will be fixed in the next Infinity Animations).

Yes i have those files (looking with NI). When this IA version is coming out (planning new BWP right now) maybe tomorrow or day after that i hope. :P

Yes - I would recommend the BWS beta, as it is highly flexible and easy to use.

If i can add some items mods i a try the BWS beta.

Edited by micbaldur, 21 March 2011 - 11:48 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#11 Miloch



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Posted 22 March 2011 - 08:19 AM

When this IA version is coming out (planning new BWP right now) maybe tomorrow or day after that i hope.

Heh, no it'll be a while yet. But from the sounds of it, everything should be ok on your system. You've got the right codepage and files. If it comes up again, we'll have to do more troubleshooting (hopefully with a fix this time).

If i can add some items mods i a try the BWS beta.

You can add (or remove) whatever you like - just click the "further customisation" check box or whatever it's called.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#12 micbaldur


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 08:29 PM

These are the voyages of Starsh... oh :blink: To boldly go were no... hell CHARNAME isn't bold. :wacko:

I don't know were that comes from probably wrong genre or something. :P

Well as you can clearly see i'm not the most gifted writer in the world. So back something i good at, writing boring technical stuff and that ain't very good either. :lol:

Note! This is BWP 9.9.1 and was made at 3 of April 2011. So this isn't most recent BWP install and some of the stuff in here are probably fixed already.

These are possible bugs and at least oddities that i have encounter. Some of these have been probably reported earlier by someone else at somewhere? I cannot say that these are comfirmed bugs because i don't have any knowledge of modding. Some of these are probably random hick-ups in my local install or come from my unusual play style "Super NPC Switching".

Weidu Log:

Note! I use some mods that aren't in BWP. Mostly they are items mods. First is A Hero for All The Wrong Reasons it's Shed's entry to Iron Modder 6. I like the little mod and i had for years in my install. Then there is Moongaze's Crusader Pack Mod, Icendoan's Forum-Only Items and Jamella's Diablo 2 Item Store. Also Exnem mod is installed.


NTotSC: Northern Wood (AR40PB) didn't show at worldmap when Lesser Tanar'ri gives the quest at Solitary Valley. Fixed locally.


Imprison spell: If party member gets imprisoned it erases tooltip scroll (no name or hitpoints) have to repair with Shadowkeeper. If CHARNAME is imprisoned then CTD (i have this bug for many years). Thats why i always use Geirthan Plate or similar protection when there's a chance to get imprisoned.

Here's Baldur.err for the crash:

Rose NPC: If i kick her at BG2 she goes to Burning Wizard Inn at Beregost. Hard to get her back if i want to. Well it's beta Mod so i'm not going to take her to SoA unless mod gets some progress by modder.

B!Tweaks: Traveler's Stone doesn't work.

The Undying: 3 Ghost doesn't spawn at Graveyard at night. Fixed locally.

Graveyard: Crypt (AR0807) Kiara-Zaiya NPC script-file overwrites the previous script-file erasing the items from Exnem Vault and CtB (Picking the Marks quest). Fixed locally. Thanks to Hoppy.

Exnem Vault: BCS script isn't set at Bridge (AR0503). Something is blocking script at Bridge (AR0505), Government (AR1007), de'Arnise Hold (AR1303) and Umar Hills (AR1103). Items doesn't appear at containers. I don't know cause for these problems.

NEJ: Mod locks the door to Vulova Estate at Government with key (Govan's Key (KEYVULOV.ITM)) and only way you get the key is taking the Bodhi offer instead of Gaylen Bayle or choices that Alternatives offers. Well i think that it's easily fixed by changing NEJ key to open entrance inside the Vulova Estate. Topic here.

NEJ: At Halruaa i encounter 3 hanging cutscenes.

1) First one is when i talk to Xan (TT0069.ARE) for the reward for completing Xan's Enchantment Test.

2) Second one is same area (TT0069.ARE). I'm also asking Phineas for reward completing Phineas' Abjuration Test.

3) Third one is when i enter area (TT0068) RayVon & Ayana cutscene starts.

Fixed locally (VPCUTT11.BCS, VPCUTT20.BCS and VPCUTT23.BCS).

NEJ: End of Part 2 i did't get back to SoA part of the worldmap from Ulcaster (AR9799), every SoA areas are "Destination Unreachable". I can only go BG1 areas. Had to CLUA:Console. Might try to fix locally.

SoS: Can't get Bolivar NPC to join party. During the pre-joining fight he accuse cheating and comes hostile. I had to kill him. Might be problem with Bard Song Switching-mod (Salvanas is singing battle songs) or maybe it's something else i don't know.

G3 Anniversary Mod: Poor Dewny has been unconsious over year and laying at kitchen floor at Five Flagons Inn at Bridge. Somebody should wake her up.

BP: I can't open the container at Horred's Lair Barrel 2 (AR8050, x 1900 y 755) in City Gates. It contains Wizard's Buckler +2. Fixed locally.

Lol's Rezmod: Mae'Var didn't have Mune +2 as a loot also Kangaxx didn't have Masa +2 or journal. Had to CLUAConsole. Probably DO Quest Pack is overwriting Mae'Var CRE-file and probably BP is overwriting Kangaxx CRE-file, other items (from other Mod/s) are gone too.

Stuff Of The Magi: Kangaxx didn't have Boots of the Magi. Had to CLUAConsole. Probably BP is overwriting Kangaxx CRE-file other items (from other Mod/s) are gone too.

TDD: Montaron and Xzar quest is broken.

No Branwen (BGT) and Yeslick (TDD) at Temple. Yeslick (TDD) problem is probably related to also installed Yeslick (BGT). Also problems with Shar-Teels (TDD) quest are also probably releated to this double install with Shar-Teel (BGT). I was wondering does these BGT add-on NPCs require that they are at party when transition to BG2 to appear at BG2. I don't know?

Ashes Of Embers: Bola of Web isn't at Adherent possesion at Druid Grove as readme states. Mod puts the Bola of Web in weapon slot and helmet slot then Cre-Fixer removes the item. Fixed locally.

Ginpachi (Angelo NPC) CRE-file crash. Fixed by Miloch. Topic here.

Small Teeth Pass: No BP dragons at chapter 2 or 6.

Hessa NPC: Trade Way Merchant Camp Area (ARSU10) not in Worldmap had to CLUA:Console there.

Drizzt Do'Urden (RoT) and Charlotte (SoS) doesn't get priest spells (only empty spell slots) level 4 and up. It's just odd nothing more.

Fade NPC: Firgraak's Tooth missing from loot of Firkraag (possible incompability with Revised Battles?). (Had this in my previous installs as well).

Sylmar Battlefield: I had to SetGlobal("SetBalrogDialog","Zy1800",11) after that Warden talks to me and i get reward and teleportation out of area. Topic here.

Stronghold quests: Last of the Helm's event (you prevent Talos attack against Lathander and then prevent counterattack) Talosians and Mistress Ada are hostile if you go to Temple of Talos after solving the quest. They probably shouldn't i don't know. Fixed locally.

Planar Sphere Mod: After finishing "Finding Stolen Artifact" quest you come to AR0411 Belle talks to you. She says that she going to Map Room. But she never spawns at AR0411. Had to CLUAConsole her.

CtB: Central Hlondeth (AR3610) can't get items from non-visible Secret Wagon.

Some problems with compbility of Alternatives and Rogue Rebalancing mods. Gaelan Bayle didn't want talk about Arledrian in "A Missing Fence?" quest. Had to do some Global settings.

Wrong textscreens when going to TS Kara-Tur (same as RoT Icewind Dale Bremen) and going to Brynnlaw (same as ?). It's just odd and don't affect the game any other way.

Alissa (RoT) loses her experience and levels when she rejoins at Spirit Soaring (wrong cre-file?) also SetGlobal("ALISSAQUEST","GLOBAL",5) isn't set. Also Priest of Oghma (he doesn't recognize Alissa as party member?) and Alissa don't talk about Alissa's abilities as they should.

Randall (RoT) quest: After Razor is nearly dead i had to SetGlobal("RAZORBATTLE","GLOBAL",4) until Randall speaks with Razor. Marcus didn't spawn at Spellhold had to CLUAConsole him then Randall and Marcus talks shortly and quest is over? Topic here.

D0 Quest Pack: Moneylender quests Moiya's husband Lorick hasn't ever spawn in Spellhold in my installs. I noticed it during Randall quest problem hunt.

TS: Something went wrong with Yoshimo (TS) at Spellhold. Everything seems to ok after first talks with Jon Irenicus at uptairs. Yoshimo says that he's not cursed anymore and Jon indicates that as well. After some more talks party is teleported to Cellar and CHARNAME into glasstube. 4 other party members are at nearby cell. Yoshimo is out of party and in the same room with Jon and CHARNAME. Talks with Jon and Yoshimo indicates that Yoshimo is now traitor and also cursed. After the normal talks party is teleported to Candlekeep Dream except Yoshimo. Later when i after Jon Irenicus battle Yoshimo comes and after short talks attacks. I had to kill him (no Yoshimo's Heart though) and then Kachiko (TS) leaves. This ain't probably a bug it might be some global mix up in MY install or is due to MY playstyle (Yoshimo and Kachiko don't have any lovetalks due to early kick-out). Topic here.

Fading Promises: Aidan didn't spawn after i did get the Fist of Amaunator. Have to do some global setting. Also i did get two Fist of Amaunator. Also spawning problems later at Athkatla. Had to do some manual work to progress.

Ninde NPC: Some problems with repeating underdark lovetalk. Had to SetGlobal("LK#NINDELOVETALK_UNDERDARK","GLOBAL",3).

Illithid City: Only one Githyanki (out of 4 or 5) did teleport with Simyaz to Arena, later meeting after escape and later to Underdark meeting. Others remain at cell.

Imoen Romance: Incompability with NEJ. Campfire scene is cut short. Had to SetGlobal("VP_TOUCH_STATUE","GLOBAL",6) then scene works ok.

Eilistraee's Song: Strangely Elilistraee's Clearing is supposed located Forest of Tethyr but it's far north of Baldur's Gate (travel is 4 hours from Underdark Exit). I have Huge World Map. Works ok even though it was hard to find.

Umar Hills: D's Odd Quest Mod these "Spawn"s doesn't probably work right. They keeping doing "invisible spawning" during and after the quest is over. I don't know should they stop spawning or do they spawn for rest of game? Fixed somewhere.

The Quest for the Eye of a God quest (RoT): At RA5000 i had to CLUAConsole the Tablets I-IV (they got removed from inventory during the fights).

CtB: Quest "Assasination Attempt II" never start and this leads that quest "Death And Taxes" never start. Topic here.

Selence (SoS) has BG1 weapon profiencies not BG2. Topic here.

Innershade: Elf (9XELF) doesn't recognize killing of Bodhi. At 9XELF.DLG trigger is Dead("BODHI") but it probably should be Dead("C6BODHI"). Fixed locally. Topic here.

SoS: Problems with Imprisonment at 2nd Floor (AR42668) of The Splintered Stair at Soubar. If you joke with Laura Kross you party gets imprisoned and game CTD. This related to earlier Imprisonment CTD above. Didn't try this but it probably happens.

SoS: When you get the unremovable items back Ninde doesn't get her Anhk of Ascension (LK#NANKH). Tashia doesn't get her Scrimshaw Figurine (TAFAMIL). Selence gets two Selence's Knap Sacks. Also Imoen Bracelet (MRIMRIN2) from Imoen Romance causes problems, Imoen doesn't want to give it and then it disappears.

Soubar Main Quest (SoS): Prelate Wessalen keep spawning endlessly until you talk to him 2nd time. After that there's (n) Prelate Wessalen who have nothing say to you. Thanks for Turambar for help. Maybe Hoppy fixes and updates sometimes in the future. Topic here.

SoS: (n) Sword of Chaos at container (x 450 y 1000) at AR4287. If you take Sword of Chaos (SW2H05) you cannot remove it from inventory. Fixed locally.

SoS: I cannot enter to Guard Barracks Prison Level 2 (AR4287) from Prison (AR4288) even though Soubar Major says that CHARNAME can go to Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. Well you go there later from Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. Topic here.

SoS: Charlotte didn't regain her Ranger status. Problem with Global setting. This is probably just hick-up in my install. Topic here.

Cromwell dialogue: CtBs Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell. Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. I ended having multiple Masamune +4 and Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

TDD: TDD main quest probably breaks Ninde NPC romance finale, restoring her soul. Ellesime never talk about Ninde's soul before TDD main quest starts. So no restoring her soul. Well it don't matter she don't have Tob part anyway. Also i did't get the "Seldarine Amulet" from Ellesime.

Very special thanks go to Miloch for helping me. Sadly that Hoppy hasn't been here lately i hope that he makes return sometime near future.

This install i made BWP multiromancing friendly for all female NPCs and it was great. No problems encountered.

This is only overview about problems that i had. I can give further info about those problems if somebody is interested (as long i have this BWP isntall).

Now i continue to ToB.

Edited by micbaldur, 02 October 2011 - 08:35 PM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#13 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 08:21 PM

This is part 2 of my report. It covers the ToB and Watcher's Keep levels 2-6. I play first level at SoA (Saerileth, Ritual and Red Badge quests).

Saradush Sewers (AR5013) cutscene in center (Orog, Orcs and Duergar Sappers vs Shadows) doesn't work. Nothing happens. Orog and Orcs just stand there and Duergar Sappers (SEWDUE01.CRE and SEWDUE02.CRE) are wandering around sewers (default script BPWTASGT.BCS is to blame, changing it to none.bcs fixes the problem). Fixed locally.

Watcher's Keep: Machine of the Lum the Mad doesn't work. It won't let you push more two buttons and then some random thing happen. I don't know what caused this problem. Fixed locally.

Watcher's Keep: Using the Ritual Scroll on Demogorgon does nothing. Have to do some Global setting to proceed.

Angelo NPC: ADNIN01.CRE and/or ADNIN02.CRE-file/s causes CTD. Not Angelo NPC mod bug. Fixed by Miloch. Thanks. :coolthumb:

Lunar Stance: When Balthazar is using Lunar Stance game CTD without any error message in baldur.err. After couple tries i managed to kill him quickly before Lunar Stance. Someone has encountered this problem earlier topic here.

Lunar Stance: Also at final battle game freezes when Balthazar uses Lunar Stance. Fixed freezing locally but don't know what's wrong with Lunar Stance.

Ghost Mod: I don't know when i am supposed to get this Ghost Ability or something. I didn't get it instead i did get many other Abilities (Unleash, Control Demon, Dimension Door and Focus). From which mod these Abilities are i don't know (maybe BP?).

BP Ascension: Game freezes if Sendai is last bhaalspawn to die. Didn't try if this happens due to Balthazar problem, maybe later or next install.

Gametime: BG1 1 month, BG2 chapter 1 week, chapter 2 3 months, chapter 3-7 2 months and ToB 2 weeks. Total about 6 months (break during summerholiday).

Now i'm planning to make a new BWP 10.2 (modified bat not BWS) install ASAP and start over. I have decided to add Vecna (new big mod that i haven't played) among other added minor mods.

One question. What happens when gametime reaches to 1000 day? Game breaks horribly, days starts at 0 day, nothing or something else. Just curious because this time it took about 850 days and next install i have at least Vecna (other new mods too) adding gametime.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#14 10th

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:10 AM

B!Tweaks: Traveler's Stone doesn't work.

TDD: Montaron and Xzar quest is broken.

No Branwen (BGT) and Yeslick (TDD) at Temple. Yeslick (TDD) problem is probably related to also installed Yeslick (BGT). Also problems with Shar-Teels (TDD) quest are also probably releated to this double install with Shar-Teel (BGT). I was wondering does these BGT add-on NPCs require that they are at party when transition to BG2 to appear at BG2. I don't know?

1) Known bug
2) Problem in installation order of BWP, Hoppy states in the TDD readme, that the following happens depending on installation order:
TDD before BGT -> only BGT versions of Xzar, Monty, Shar-Teel and Kivan will get TDD quests
BGT before TDD -> only TDD versions of those mentioned above get TDD quest.

And yes, those BGT versions only appear if you had them in your party during the transition from BG1 to 2.

german mod wiki page detailing BGT transition, use google translate if you understand gibberish

Illithid City: Only one Githyanki (out of 4 or 5) did teleport with Simyaz to Arena, later meeting after escape and later to Underdark meeting. Others remain at cell.

Afair problem with infinity animations. Similar things should also happen in other places, you might wanna dig through recent posts in infinity animations forum if you're interested.

Cromwell dialogue: CtBs Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell. Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. I ended having multiple Masamune +4 and Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

Known problem with CtB, afair due to non-existant smithy reset variables. Lollorian should know more about that, if he takes a look at it, as he updated Weimer's item upgrade.

Machine of Lum the Mad

Disable Instantly Set Dialogue Variables in TobEX as detailed in this post

Ghost Mod

Doesn't work. Unless there's another mod required to make this work. If that's the case, someone should have mentioned that somewhere.


Edited by 10th, 16 October 2011 - 09:21 AM.

Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#15 Lollorian


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 10:14 AM

Cromwell dialogue: CtBs Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell. Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. I ended having multiple Masamune +4 and Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

Known problem with CtB, afair due to non-existant smithy reset variables. Lollorian should know more about that, if he takes a look at it, as he updated Weimer's item upgrade.

1) Extract the contents of the attachment to your BGII-SoA folder and run it
2) zip/rar/7z the folders change-log1 & change-log2 AND the files called AR0334.BAF and WSMITH01.D in the main BGII-SoA folder (not in any subfolder or the override) and attach it to a following post :cheers:

... should be all we need to debug this :D

And yeah, Cromwell is popular... maybe a bit too much :ermm: Might not be CtB that's responsible even lol - maybe a combination of stuff? :unsure:

Attached Files

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#16 micbaldur


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 10:57 AM

Cromwell dialogue: CtBs Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell. Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. I ended having multiple Masamune +4 and Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

Known problem with CtB, afair due to non-existant smithy reset variables. Lollorian should know more about that, if he takes a look at it, as he updated Weimer's item upgrade.

1) Extract the contents of the attachment to your BGII-SoA folder and run it
2) zip/rar/7z the folders change-log1 & change-log2 AND the files called AR0334.BAF and WSMITH01.D in the main BGII-SoA folder (not in any subfolder or the override) and attach it to a following post :cheers:

... should be all we need to debug this :D

And yeah, Cromwell is popular... maybe a bit too much :ermm: Might not be CtB that's responsible even lol - maybe a combination of stuff? :unsure:

Here's the results of crom-debugger.
Attached File  crom.rar   172.36K   698 downloads

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#17 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 11:17 AM

B!Tweaks: Traveler's Stone doesn't work.

TDD: Montaron and Xzar quest is broken.

No Branwen (BGT) and Yeslick (TDD) at Temple. Yeslick (TDD) problem is probably related to also installed Yeslick (BGT). Also problems with Shar-Teels (TDD) quest are also probably releated to this double install with Shar-Teel (BGT). I was wondering does these BGT add-on NPCs require that they are at party when transition to BG2 to appear at BG2. I don't know?

1) Known bug
2) Problem in installation order of BWP, Hoppy states in the TDD readme, that the following happens depending on installation order:
TDD before BGT -> only BGT versions of Xzar, Monty, Shar-Teel and Kivan will get TDD quests
BGT before TDD -> only TDD versions of those mentioned above get TDD quest.

And yes, those BGT versions only appear if you had them in your party during the transition from BG1 to 2.

german mod wiki page detailing BGT transition, use google translate if you understand gibberish

Ok thanks for info about those BGT NPCs i didn't know that.

Well... these BGT and TDD NPCs don't matter any more because this new mod BG1NPCSoA brings these BG1 NPCs to BG2 with quests and items (ooh... shiny ones :Tasty: ).

Illithid City: Only one Githyanki (out of 4 or 5) did teleport with Simyaz to Arena, later meeting after escape and later to Underdark meeting. Others remain at cell.

Afair problem with infinity animations. Similar things should also happen in other places, you might wanna dig through recent posts in infinity animations forum if you're interested.

This only minor problem as long as Simyaz works.

Cromwell dialogue: CtBs Oak Pole (CBDRSWOD), Smelted Ore (CBRNGMTL) and Titanium Rod (CBNRTHM2) stops the Cromwell's item search dialogue. Cromwell says that unfortunately you don't have the other part and stops for seaching other items. Well you can always drop them before talking to Cromwell. Something is wrong with item enchancement dialogue. I ended having multiple Masamune +4 and Deathbringer. Cromwell is probably most modded character in game.

Known problem with CtB, afair due to non-existant smithy reset variables. Lollorian should know more about that, if he takes a look at it, as he updated Weimer's item upgrade.

I just replied Lollorian's post. Hope it helps fixing problem (if there is a problem other than problem in my BWP install).

Machine of Lum the Mad
Disable Instantly Set Dialogue Variables in TobEX as detailed in this post

Oh i didn't know that. This might explain other little variable problems (like Cespenar item enhances).

Ghost Mod
Doesn't work. Unless there's another mod required to make this work. If that's the case, someone should have mentioned that somewhere.

This is minor problem. I'm just curious what it is and why didn't i get it.
Why then it's on BWP i don't know.


Thank you for replies. :cheers:

Edited by micbaldur, 16 October 2011 - 11:23 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#18 Miloch



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Posted 21 October 2011 - 08:26 AM

Afair problem with infinity animations. Similar things should also happen in other places, you might wanna dig through recent posts in infinity animations forum if you're interested.

That problem was several months old and patched I believe, as he says. If you do find anything else, please report it in the mod forum. I won't get the time to read too many posts like these, but eventually will go through bugfix threads for my mods.

Same goes for BP - if you find any bugs, report them in the BP forum - Turambar or someone may be able to look into fixes.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#19 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 21 October 2011 - 09:02 AM

Afair problem with infinity animations. Similar things should also happen in other places, you might wanna dig through recent posts in infinity animations forum if you're interested.

That problem was several months old and patched I believe, as he says. If you do find anything else, please report it in the mod forum. I won't get the time to read too many posts like these, but eventually will go through bugfix threads for my mods.

Same goes for BP - if you find any bugs, report them in the BP forum - Turambar or someone may be able to look into fixes.

Ok i try report to correct mod forum also in future but most of times i don't know what causes the problem. So i can't report anywhere else. :unsure:

I haven't done my next BWP install yet. Waiting on Lollorian's findings on Cromwell dialogue problems.

New BWP. :Tasty: No must wait! :o So Waiting... Waiting... Waiting... :P

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#20 micbaldur


    Retired Perkele, Ultimate BWP player

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Posted 28 October 2011 - 05:23 AM

1) Extract the contents of the attachment to your BGII-SoA folder and run it
2) zip/rar/7z the folders change-log1 & change-log2 AND the files called AR0334.BAF and WSMITH01.D in the main BGII-SoA folder (not in any subfolder or the override) and attach it to a following post :cheers:

... should be all we need to debug this :D

And yeah, Cromwell is popular... maybe a bit too much :ermm: Might not be CtB that's responsible even lol - maybe a combination of stuff? :unsure:

Any news about problems in dialogue. :unsure:

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible