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Possible Icewind Dale 3?

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#1 -Derus-

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Posted 19 February 2011 - 11:44 AM

Of particular note is my nearly 30-minute Q&A with Feargus. Would you like to know exactly what Project Virginia is? Do you want the very first details about Obsidian's secret "Defiance" project? Perhaps you're interested in learning about yet another project they've taken on that utilizes a license that they simply "could not turn down"? Or maybe you'd just like to know what the future holds for the Icewind Dale series?


#2 Daulmakan


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Posted 19 February 2011 - 12:53 PM

Interesting. Thanks for the heads-up.

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#3 Archmage Silver

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Posted 20 February 2011 - 02:44 PM

I fear that it'll be cheap mainstream crap. Frankly, I'd rather see that they left the series alone if they can't do a proper sequel.

With that said, it's interesting to see where this is going.

#4 Vicen


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Posted 22 February 2011 - 12:38 AM

If they do what they did to Baldurs Gate (Dark Alliance and whatever other titles they made that were crap) You can count me out...but if they stay true to what it was or somehow improve or only stray a little bit...it could certainly be worth a look... :ph34r:

Edited by Vicen, 22 February 2011 - 12:38 AM.

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#5 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 22 February 2011 - 02:46 AM

If they do what they did to Baldurs Gate (Dark Alliance and whatever other titles they made that were crap) You can count me out...but if they stay true to what it was or somehow improve or only stray a little bit...it could certainly be worth a look... :ph34r:

Well, the Icewind Dale was still awesome, but the second was cheesed up with the rule system, as the race level's were totally the worst idea ever... you could play with the normal races but then you lost a few bits and pieces. The second thing is that the rule system is totally unfair in few places, like you get 0XP for killing creatures you have killed before, that you might still face thousands because you are already on levels above the one you get any XP from... for example, the wolf riders in the "Horde Fortress Gate", they were really hard because they were 2 creatures, the goblin with the wolf, and then the goblin... and they always kept being summoned if I hadn't killed their summoner(drums or what ever), and the stealth killing those were hard cause there were traps, etc. few tougher creature behind the bridges, moats and walls. So I ended up killing a whole ... a lot of those creatures for nothing.

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#6 Solar's Harper

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Posted 22 February 2011 - 03:05 AM

Well the second was a blogfest of enemies put in just for the sake of being there more often than not, and don't get me started at how clunky the game got when there are a lot of enemies on the screen at the same time and your characters want to glitch out for four precious seconds.

Realistically speaking, that many enemies, armed to the teeth more often than not with arrows axes and other nasty tools? No matter how good you were at dodging, eventually you'd at the very least be visiting a hospital bed for several months at a time. Minus a few limbs maybe, weather and all.

At least the damn illithids weren't one-hit kill player that time round... So yeah, if they could at least make it a little more sensible next time, the series might yet have a chance to achieve the spotlight for a few minutes.

I mean it's not like they could make it worse or anything. :)

Edited by Solar's Harper, 22 February 2011 - 03:05 AM.

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#7 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 February 2011 - 09:09 AM

Well the second was a blogfest of enemies put in just for the sake of being there more often than not, and don't get me started at how clunky the game got when there are a lot of enemies on the screen at the same time and your characters want to glitch out for four precious seconds.

That's not directly related to the number of enemies, as the game is stable on most systems. If you experience stuttering in some areas, you should try the Slowdown Fixes mod. It certainly works for me.

Some people experience horrible slowdowns in some areas of IWD2.
Movement is not smooth, seems to stop every second or so, the rotating globe does not rotate smoothly, making gameplay difficult and annoying.

Not everyone experiences these problems. They could be related to hardware issues, such as CPU, chipset, type of ram, or whatever. My system has a P4 1.7GHz, i850 chipset with RDRAM, and it does experience these problems.

They could also be related to how your party members' inventory is organized, as the problem stems from a scripting function calls PartyHasItem() which scans all member inventories in search of an item. The slowdown occurs if you do not have the item, or if the item is not carried by the 1st member (party leader) and the function has to search longer for it.

I mean it's not like they could make it worse or anything. :)

Yes they could. I don't think it would even take that much effort to do so. -1 for no IE to begin with.

#8 Daulmakan


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Posted 22 February 2011 - 09:24 AM

Yes they could. I don't think it would even take that much effort to do so. -1 for no IE to begin with.

I was wondering about that and figured it was unlikely, sadly. Is the engine thing confirmed yet?

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#9 Miloch



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Posted 22 February 2011 - 09:47 AM

If they do what they did to Baldurs Gate (Dark Alliance and whatever other titles they made that were crap) You can count me out...

Hey, I'm still waiting for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance III :D.

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#10 Vicen


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Posted 22 February 2011 - 03:53 PM

If they do what they did to Baldurs Gate (Dark Alliance and whatever other titles they made that were crap) You can count me out...

Hey, I'm still waiting for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance III :D.

Haha...I suspect that wait will be a LONG time...!

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#11 Archmage Silver

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 06:36 PM

Fearqus Urquhart Interview @ Joystiq

So a part of it is, why not go make Icewind Dale 3? You can't spend $20 million on it, but why not go make it?

- Feargus Urquhart

#12 -JR-


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Posted 22 March 2011 - 07:03 PM

I fear that it'll be cheap mainstream crap. Frankly, I'd rather see that they left the series alone if they can't do a proper sequel.

With that said, it's interesting to see where this is going.

If they do what they did to Baldurs Gate (Dark Alliance and whatever other titles they made that were crap) You can count me out...but if they stay true to what it was or somehow improve or only stray a little bit...it could certainly be worth a look... :ph34r:

-1 for no IE to begin with.

Hear, hear.

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#13 Destiny

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 10:40 AM

That would be awesome.

#14 Western Paladin

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 03:51 PM

I loved the first two Icewind Dale games. I'd love to see another some day.

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#15 Archmage Silver

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Posted 28 October 2011 - 04:18 PM

Something Eric Schwarz wrote for GameBanshee: Icewind Dale: The Past, Present, and Future. For the IWD3 rumors, see "Rebirth on the Horizon?" on page 3.

#16 -Dude__-

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 04:07 AM

I love this series, though I have always wanted to play it on heart of winter mode, but I have always forgotten to import my last playthrough character into saves, and next time I change my pc and become intrested of playing icewind again, there's no character saves anywhere to be found and of course game save are also somewhere in cd-r hell, so I begin game from scratch and after playthrough, u just have to wait couple of years until next time, and you go back to beginning of this note.

And they should totally make icw3 if they finally are making baldur's gate 3, after they have updated old ones of course first. I hope they make it work much better for android than gembr.


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 03:40 AM

Baldurs gate 3 will be considered to be looked into if the company sell 200,000 copies of Baldurs Gate Enchance Edition they will consider it to be a succcess and therefore they claimed they will definetely look into releasing a third game :). So i say buy Enchanced edition play the heck out of it and enjoy it and hope they would sell enough to make a Baldurs Gate 3,