By the way, most of those go only wrong, when you uninstall a mod, and as the dialog.tlk's strings get renumbered in the reinstalls, the text index the items refer to wrong strings and you get this mess where everything is off, the creature names, item names and descriptions, worldmap names etc... the game has text in.
Dialog.tlk is never renumbered (certainly not on 'clean' uninstalls), so that isn't an issue either. Dialog.tlk bombs are always the result of improper mod maintenance.
Uh, do they, let's take a case made just for this, let's install first a mod that renames Imoen to Nomei on all the character file references(but not the DV), start a new BGII -
SoA game and save it as such.
Then uninstall that mod, and then install a mod that adds an item with long descriptions, it just so happens that the modder used a normal item as the base item, and the only strings that the
WeiDU.exe needed to add, was the name and the long... and then we load the already made save, and then we wonder how in the hell is Imoen's name now Hackmaster +12, and when she talks to us, the dialog window only contains the Hackmaster +12's description...
It's because the dialog strings were reordered in the uninstall while the saves items(.cre's .itm's etc.) use the old ones. Hmm, I wonder if the
WeiDU.exe could have an uninstall option(not the regular one of course) that would keep the dialog.tlk intact even though all the other modified content is removed... yes, this might make the dialog.tlk file extra large, but would be up to the installer to mess around if they really needed.
Thanks for the responses guys - I think I'll leave it as is. (For the record I'm running BGT, the fix packs, both unfinished businesses, DSoTSC and the Kivan + Deheriana mod. (I like Kivan
Random question (While I have you here) - based on what was said before, so I'm going to go into SoA with my party members as they are? To clarify, I presume that just means the normal people who go into the game, Imoen, Minsc etc. And they'll be at the levels I was at already?
Well, if you have installed the
WeiDU, not the aged old
BGT, then you should have installed it in this order:
BGII Fixpack (this has to be installed before the
WeiDU (any of the recent versions, starting from)
DSotSCUnfinished Business for
BG1Kivan + Deheriana
Unfinished Business
Then yes, the characters should remain the same, as long as they are alive and in the party in the transition(when you speak to Belt the last time).