Now that i have finished Shadows Over Soubar. I have some questions and problems.
At Guard Barracks in Prison Level 2 (AR4287) is container (x 450 y 1000). It has (n) Sword of Chaos. If i take Sword of Chaos (SW2H05) i cannot remove it from inventory.
Also i cannot enter to Prison Level 2 (AR4287) from Prison (AR4288) even though Soubar Major says that CHARNAME can go to Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. I can get there through Caves from Lyrar's Hold.
Charlotte didn't regain her Ranger status. If i understand correctly after i solve the Poison River, cross the river Chionthar and Spy in Soubar it should increase CharlotteRegainsRangerhood global. Spy quest didn't increase global.
I think so don't know for sure.
I noticed that Selence has BG1 weapon profiencies not BG2.
Final question. Now that i'm Mayor of Soubar what do get out it. Other than fancy title. Money power or what.
He He. 
Charlotte didn't regain her Ranger status. If i understand correctly after i solve the Poison River, cross the river Chionthar and Spy in Soubar it should increase CharlotteRegainsRangerhood global. Spy quest didn't increase global.
I think so don't know for sure.
You forgot something either with the ranger in the inn or the actual crossing the River Chionthar. The quest works fine, you just missed something.
Final question. Now that i'm Mayor of Soubar what do get out it. Other than fancy title. Money power or what.
He He. 
The title
I noticed that Selence has BG1 weapon profiencies not BG2.
I think it is related to the kit but I'll check
Also i cannot enter to Prison Level 2 (AR4287) from Prison (AR4288) even though Soubar Major says that CHARNAME can go to Lyrar's Hold through the Caves. I can get there through Caves from Lyrar's Hold.
I have a fix I think. Just look at the BCS and set some globals and the entrance is disabled by a global I know that.
Edited by Hoppy, 04 February 2011 - 01:59 PM.