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Question about the BGT main menu

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#1 joshykins

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Posted 02 February 2011 - 04:33 PM

Hi everybody, this is my third time installing BGT and I absolutly love it. All three times I've used the Big World Installer and have never had any real problems until now. It really isnt a huge deal at all really, just an annoying little tick in the back of my mind. The installation went smooth as usual, however the main menu still displayed the old Baldur's Gate II art work and not the new BGT background and buttons. Is here an easy remedy for this other than a reinstall? Thanks!

#2 fearless

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Posted 02 February 2011 - 06:22 PM

There should be a Setup-GUI.exe (included with BGT) in your BGII - SoA folder (the one used with BGT, if its installed at say C:\BGT\BGII - SoA)

Running that should give you the option to update the GUI with the BGT one.

However if you have the widescreen mod installed im not sure if you need to uninstall widescreen then run Setup-GUI.exe, then re-install widescreen mod, as i think im right in saying the widescreen mod probably should be the last one installed.



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