Love the Luxleys! I'm just having a problem with the Pid (or maybe it's not a problem so much as my impatience). I have checked the global Variables for FHLSebFlirt, and FHLSebLike, they are 17 and 10 respectively. However, in the Pid I only have access to the initial flirts available for Sebastien. Is there something I'm missing, a quest I need to do in order to access more flirts/romance? Or am I just being impatient, and it has yet to trigger? I'm currently done with the Bodhi quest for Aran, but I have yet to go to spellhold. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Started by
, Jan 16 2011 06:07 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 16 January 2011 - 06:07 PM
Posted 16 January 2011 - 11:34 PM
In order to access Sebastian's flirty content, you need to complete the Luxleys' quest which starts off with a visit to their estate.
Co-creator: Faren | The Luxley Family | Nathaniel
Posted 17 January 2011 - 02:43 PM
Ah, I had thought as much, but I wasn't certain. Thank you so much for your timely response, I really appreciate it!