This could be useful for spells that cure a fixed number of hitpoints - HPPercentLT can mean a deficiency of 5, 10, 20, etc. number of hitpoints. So you'd have to check the maxhp alongside to get a rough estimate - no wait, you can't check max hitpoints. If you can do this with extra triggers that's just better.You can now to NextTriggerObject() and then DamageTaken(), but I did discuss the limitations of DamageTaken() earlier in that the last amount of damage sticks. My question here is why you need an absolute value for damage? Wouldn't it be more consistent to use HPPercentLT()?AMOUNTOFDAMAGESUFFERED (maxhp - currenthp) (doesn't go over 255) IIRC DamageTaken() only works for Myself
I don't know; we'll have to see. I was thinking about running away scripts to check if the pursuers are faster, and haste does matter.Now the movement rate is not affected by haste and slow, but is affected by 126, 176. I did throw in MovementRate[LT/GT]() trigger, but given that haste and slow does nothing to it, is it still useful?MOVEMENTRATE (default is 9, set by opcodes 126, 176, haste, and slow opcodes)
Yeah, that's much better than using a whole bunch of stats.Rather than using up 20 stats, I've just made triggers instead. See http://www.shsforums...post__p__510530
The rest all look really good, thanks.