Okay, so this is an idea for a mod for Oblivion that would be like a huge arena. It could be an alternate worldspace, or just in a huge fort. It would be like the book The Hunger Games, don't know if any one has ever read that though. It's a huge arena, and random people are thrown in to it to fight, and the last person standing is the victor. You would be thrown in with no weapon and simple clothes, but near where everyone starts is a giant barrell with weapons, potions, armor, and other supplies in it. The combatants could either fight near the barrell to get supplies, or if your speed is high you could probably run in fast and grab a weapon. Or, you could just go hide in the many areas that should be in the worldspcae/fort. In an alternate worldspace their could be mountains, a forest, ruins, and other places to hide and fight. If your speechcraft skill was high enough you should be ablt to try and talk to the other combatants and persuade them to make an alliance in order to have a better chance to win. Also, their would be natural dangers, such as traps and wild animals, but stronger so that it's actually a fight for survival. Also, maybe if their would be some way have to drink water and eat food then that would make it better too. I would try to make this, however I am not a skilled modder, plus I am unable to save anything on my TES CS. Hopefully you could make it so it wouldn't require OBSE or Shivering Isles, for I am unable to download OBSE, and I don't have shivering isles.

Most Dangerous Game/ Human Hunting
Started by
, Jan 13 2011 11:06 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 13 January 2011 - 11:06 AM
Posted 08 March 2011 - 01:12 PM
Loving the idea, although it sounds like it will probably need OBSE, but not necessarily SI,& I could help make the maps if there are no pro-modders to help.
Posted 11 May 2011 - 07:41 PM
That's awesome, I'm going to get started on this right away, and I figure the arena should have 4 areas, one foresty area, one snowy area, one area with ruins, and one with lava pits. I'll upload it if I ever finish it
Posted 02 July 2011 - 11:27 AM
Loving the idea, although it sounds like it will probably need OBSE, but not necessarily SI,& I could help make the maps if there are no pro-modders to help.
Sorry that this is such a late reply, but if you are interested still go ahead with the arena/map. I'll still need to find someone to make the NPC's. I don't mind if it will need OBSE, but as long as yo ucan do it without shivering isles it'd be cool.
Posted 22 August 2011 - 07:42 AM
Sorry for the late reply, but it sounds cool, after finishing the arena multiple times i do get bored, but i'd love to fight with bare hands over a barrel full of weapons.
Unfortunatly, i am not a very good modder (i haven't even made my 1st mod yet) but it would be cool if as you progress the guards or organisers like you more and allow you to enter with weapons, or maybe you could even co-ordiante a quest where they capture you and force you to fight for your freedom.
Unfortunatly, i am not a very good modder (i haven't even made my 1st mod yet) but it would be cool if as you progress the guards or organisers like you more and allow you to enter with weapons, or maybe you could even co-ordiante a quest where they capture you and force you to fight for your freedom.
Oblivion Take You!
"Who, Me?"
"Who, Me?"