Wow thank you

I didn't know anyone would enjoy it, since it was a quiet little mod and hardly any reviews ever came in. This really made my day, thank you!
One minor concern: despite having 1 attack per round and pitfull thaco, my condustor seems to hit nearly twice as much with her dart than a mage (with comparable lvls). I don't know if its just my delusion or some hidden bonuses I'm not aware of, though ;P
There's no bonus granted to the Conductor whatsoever. In fact I don't think they have any Proficiency in Darts... That said, the Bard should have a higher base
Thac0 than a Mage. They follow the Rogues'
Thac0 progression, I believe... but I could be wrong, not on my
BG2 Comp now.
Any more you'd like to see with the Conductor? I personally feel it is pretty complete as it is, except for some minor bugs here and there... any you encountered yet?