No the talks don?t repeat but they do tend to follow a theme (
I?m trying not to give too much plot away on the open forum here) & it probably is 20mins apart but I?m a no-reload player and single parent (
sous-chef/ slave) so my computer spends long periods paused also my current game has
Amber trying to romance my player2... poor girl can?t get a word in edge wise! From what I?ve observed so far he won?t talk if he can see an enemy but let me set the scene for you... I?ve buffed up & sent my summons in to attack the vampires then the game pauses because
H decides to give me the talk i.e. last night was terrific but he?s a free spirit and all so don?t start planning the wedding just yet.

Perhaps it?s just me then... I?ll probably get into it better once I?m spelunking through the underdark.

This is coming across negative so let me also just congratulate you on an interesting romance < yes > you get bonus points for making him actually communicate his feelings (
grunting doesn't count).