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#1 -NineCoronas-

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 03:27 PM

Since there isn't really an explanation that I can find, I pose a single question to the following quote:

The mod will NOT contain (also subject to change):
- A Bodhi abduction of Haer?Dalis.
- Haer?Dalis? standard romance with Aerie ? no rivalry between her and the PC.

Why no Bodhy abduction and why no conflict (Not that Aerie has the backbone to start a conflict hehe).

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 03:33 PM

Hmm maybe to avoid soap opera content and cliche... but that's only my gues.

#3 Aeryn



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Posted 10 January 2011 - 06:39 PM

The romance will not be at a mutually committed stage at the time of Bodhi's abduction bit, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. I don't really want to elaborate beyond that. :)

As for Aerie, I could probably babble on and on about it, but I'll try to sum up my thoughts by simply saying that I cannot picture HD playing Aerie and the PC against each other - which is exactly what romancing them both would be - under any circumstances. Two other women? Certainly. But not those two women. It would, in my view, require a level of cruelty that Haer'Dalis does not have. There's more to it than that, but that's the biggest reason for me.

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#4 Jazara

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Posted 11 January 2011 - 09:43 PM

The romance will not be at a mutually committed stage at the time of Bodhi's abduction bit, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. I don't really want to elaborate beyond that. :)

As for Aerie, I could probably babble on and on about it, but I'll try to sum up my thoughts by simply saying that I cannot picture HD playing Aerie and the PC against each other - which is exactly what romancing them both would be - under any circumstances. Two other women? Certainly. But not those two women. It would, in my view, require a level of cruelty that Haer'Dalis does not have. There's more to it than that, but that's the biggest reason for me.

This is what I love about your modding Aeryn! You COULD put in a cat fight between the PC and Aerie and make it great, but you don't simply b/c that would put HD out of character. :Bow: It's your style of writing that has made me a Sarevok fangirl and will surely make me a HD one as well. <3
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#5 DeathAngel


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Posted 13 January 2011 - 10:38 AM

(Not that Aerie has the backbone to start a conflict hehe).

She really doesn't. I feel a bit sorry for her but am annoyed by her at the same time.

The romance will not be at a mutually committed stage at the time of Bodhi's abduction bit, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. I don't really want to elaborate beyond that. :)

As for Aerie, I could probably babble on and on about it, but I'll try to sum up my thoughts by simply saying that I cannot picture HD playing Aerie and the PC against each other - which is exactly what romancing them both would be - under any circumstances. Two other women? Certainly. But not those two women. It would, in my view, require a level of cruelty that Haer'Dalis does not have. There's more to it than that, but that's the biggest reason for me.

I can see what you mean and and have to agree with you. He may be crazy random and flirtatious but never cruel. Good on you. ^_^
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#6 -R & R-

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Posted 05 February 2011 - 06:53 PM

(Not that Aerie has the backbone to start a conflict hehe).

She really doesn't. I feel a bit sorry for her but am annoyed by her at the same time.

The romance will not be at a mutually committed stage at the time of Bodhi's abduction bit, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. I don't really want to elaborate beyond that. :)

As for Aerie, I could probably babble on and on about it, but I'll try to sum up my thoughts by simply saying that I cannot picture HD playing Aerie and the PC against each other - which is exactly what romancing them both would be - under any circumstances. Two other women? Certainly. But not those two women. It would, in my view, require a level of cruelty that Haer'Dalis does not have. There's more to it than that, but that's the biggest reason for me.

I can see what you mean and and have to agree with you. He may be crazy random and flirtatious but never cruel. Good on you. ^_^

#7 -RickyAnders-

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Posted 12 February 2011 - 02:57 AM

My thoughts are that in this case a conflict isn't necessary since Aerie never pursues Haer'Dalis. She might find him attractive, but its clear she doesn't really imagine there being anything between them until he springs it on her during rehearsal. I'd have thought that if he got into a situation when he was romancing both her and the PC, he would just have to choose between them before he and Aerie do the play together, and then Aerie would be none the wiser anyway and just continue on as normal.

Aerie certainly does have the backbone to stand up to the PC if Haer'Dalis started flirting while they were together (she stands her ground quite often in the game), but more likely she would she Haer'Dalis as the culprit and dump him... which she does do anyway, so no one really loses out.

#8 Agashi

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Posted 19 August 2011 - 08:59 PM

I don't believe this question has been addressed yet: Have you decided to release the whole mod at once, or release the SOA and TOB portions separately? Maybe a silly question since both portions have been progressing by leaps and bounds lately, but I thought I'd ask, just to clarify...
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#9 Aeryn



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Posted 19 August 2011 - 10:10 PM

That'll depend on how complete the ToB writing is by the time K'aeloree is done with the SoA technical bits (plus the time it will take to beta and clean up typos/general polish and all that jazz). The most likely scenario is that there will be a gap between the release of SoA and the release of ToB, so it's probably best just to expect that. :)

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#10 Iavasechui

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Posted 03 September 2011 - 03:29 PM

^_^; I'm actually going to miss that little fling. Aerie is one of my favorite characters and usually a permanent fixture in my party. I especially love her line at the final fight with Irenicus. I have one question, will the fling occur still if the pc is male or not in a romance with HD? Granted I certainly wouldn't want it to happen in the romance XD and believe me I will be romancing him as soon as this is released been waiting for too long and have already been heartbroken by one discontinued attempt at this. And apparently there have been other attempts... XD so as not to further curse this I shall refer to it until it is released as the Scottish Mod XD (Anyone who gets this gets a cookie)

#11 Agashi

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 01:36 PM

Yet another question: (I hope you're not getting sick of me :whistling: ) When it comes to TOB, will Haer Dalis be summonable by the Fate Spirit so that you may start a romance for TOB only? I would imagine not, since the romance path sounds very complicated and divergent, but I figured I'd ask just to know for sure.
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#12 Aeryn



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Posted 13 September 2011 - 02:12 PM

I haven't talked to Liam about it so don't take my word 100% on this, but what I'd planned was to have him summonable as 1) the PC's beloved, 2) the PC's casual lover, or 3) the PC's somewhat friend-zoned companion. That would set the most important variables and allow a new character to "continue" the romance through the ToB section as if they'd played the SoA portions. :)

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#13 Kaeloree


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Posted 13 September 2011 - 03:05 PM

The easiest way to do it would be to summon "My lover, Haer'Dalis" and then via dialogue decide what branch of the romance/status he is, I think. :)

#14 Agashi

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Posted 13 September 2011 - 03:06 PM

Oh, I hope that's how it ends up getting coded... Thanks for the quick response, Miss Aeryn. :cheers: Hope the beta-testing is going well!
"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison

#15 Aeryn



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Posted 13 September 2011 - 03:09 PM

The easiest way to do it would be to summon "My lover, Haer'Dalis" and then via dialogue decide what branch of the romance/status he is, I think. :)

Works for me. ^_^

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#16 -Ussnorway-

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 02:31 AM

Without giving too much of the plot away? will it break the romance if my pc decides to go spelunking before breaking H out of prison? :wub:

To be clear here I?m talking about taking him through the underdark with me & then doing to plainer prison quest after we get back.

#17 Aeryn



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Posted 09 December 2011 - 07:16 AM

Uhm...I think technically you could do it that way and still see the romance's "conclusion" for SoA (meaning there's no actual code that would prevent you from playing it that way), but you will definitely miss a lot of content, and I suspect the romance won't make much sense at some points. So...sure! But I don't recommend it. ^_^ In fact, when we add ToB and update SoA, I'll probably see about adding some conditions so people can't play events out in that order.

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#18 -Ussnorway-

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 09:20 PM

I?d like to suggest adding a way to adjust the dialog-timer... I know he?s a bard and all but did you need to make him that chatty? I get that he feels the need to discuss last night but OMG every 10mins is too much (especially in battle)... it?s a shame but I?m getting to the point of seriously considering uninstalling the mod just to shut him up!

#19 Aeryn



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Posted 16 December 2011 - 09:42 PM

What do you mean by discuss last night every 10 minutes? Is a certain dialog coming up more than once? Because that would be unintentional, and a problem, and any details you could provide about the talks in question would be helpful. The timered lovetalks are 20 minutes apart - slightly shorter than most romances because there are a fair number of talks pre-Spellhold - and shouldn't be appearing in battle at all, so if anything is coming up every 10 minutes, there is an issue.

I'm definitely willing to make adjustments if players feel it's necessary, but this is the first complaint of this kind I've seen. Never thought someone would be unhappy because of too many conversations. :)

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#20 -Ussnorway-

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 11:38 PM

No the talks don?t repeat but they do tend to follow a theme (I?m trying not to give too much plot away on the open forum here) & it probably is 20mins apart but I?m a no-reload player and single parent (sous-chef/ slave) so my computer spends long periods paused also my current game has Amber trying to romance my player2... poor girl can?t get a word in edge wise! From what I?ve observed so far he won?t talk if he can see an enemy but let me set the scene for you... I?ve buffed up & sent my summons in to attack the vampires then the game pauses because H decides to give me the talk i.e. last night was terrific but he?s a free spirit and all so don?t start planning the wedding just yet. :unsure: Perhaps it?s just me then... I?ll probably get into it better once I?m spelunking through the underdark.

:Bow: This is coming across negative so let me also just congratulate you on an interesting romance < yes > you get bonus points for making him actually communicate his feelings (grunting doesn't count). :Bow: