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Faren's voice

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#1 Peachplums

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Posted 09 January 2011 - 10:10 PM

When I first heard Faren's voice (the first half of fhf01) I was underneath my desk looking for a pen that I had dropped, and my first thought was, "Hey! What's Alistair doing in my BG2 mod?!" Then I realized that no, a sound clip from DAO hadn't made its way into the audio folder and that it was indeed Faren's voice and didn't sound like Alistair after I extricated myself from underneath my desk. But that said, I rather like his voice acting :wub:

So who does Faren's voice? I didn't see it on the mod page (or maybe I'm just blind).
The word plum is delicious..

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 09 January 2011 - 10:37 PM

The readme is always the best port of call for this kind of information. :) The voice actor is Dan Mitrovic. :cheers:

#3 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 09 January 2011 - 11:45 PM

I'm pleased you like the voice! Dan's an RL friend who very kindly spent several hours talking for us. Ah, conscripting non-BG2-players to voice - always entertaining when you have to explain how to pronounce strange words!

#4 Peachplums

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Posted 09 January 2011 - 11:48 PM

I didn't see a readme on the SHS NPC main page, it wasn't mentioned in the FAQ/Overview in the forum, and I hadn't installed the mod so I hadn't read/seen the readme (despite the fact it was one of the first documents in the folder, and I missed it due to personal negligence :doh: ). Thanks for filling me in! : D
The word plum is delicious..