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TobEx Wish list

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#121 Ascension64

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 06:45 PM

I'd rather prefer clever soft-modding to achieve something that would be otherwise more difficult with a sense of consistency and reliability compared to making all kinds of beta changes to hard-code with a probability of unexpected consequences. This is what modders, players, and myself deal with every day when using TobEx.

Hence, I'm inclined not to implement things in hard-code just because they are 'more convenient'. That's why this wish list can end up being more of a discussion on how to mod, than a full-on request list of a million changes to 'source code'.

For everything else, there is Mastercard GemRB.

P.S. As such, someone should really just update Ascension...

Edited by Ascension64, 29 January 2011 - 06:46 PM.

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Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#122 Miloch



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Posted 29 January 2011 - 07:01 PM

P.S. As such, someone should really just update Ascension...

What exactly would need to be changed? Sounds more like it would involve an overhaul rather than a quick fix.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#123 the bigg

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 07:04 PM

For the (n+1)th time, use tb#tweaks :)

Also, Ascension isn't the only mod to do this - Oversight Improved Sendai, some Tactics components, and D0QuestPack use Difficulty() too (and are thus patched by tb#tweaks).

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
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Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.

#124 GeN1e


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 07:07 PM

I heard Erebusant was making an update to it, but it's been about two years ago... Unless someone does it first, I'm going to give it a shot (mainly to update DS), but that's not very likely to happen in this year.

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#125 Miloch



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Posted 29 January 2011 - 07:14 PM

I heard Erebusant was making an update to it, but it's been about two years ago... Unless someone does it first, I'm going to give it a shot (mainly to update DS), but that's not very likely to happen in this year.

I have erebusant's version and am reviewing it for further bugfixes. The above is one I'll only make if I understand it (I don't currently) and if it doesn't change the mod significantly. I wasn't planning on touching scripts more than I have to.

Feel free to revise DS though if you wish - I doubt I'll touch that other than using the latest code (which I believe is DavidW's revision as in SCS, Revised Battles etc.).

@the bigg: I don't like mods requiring other mods if it can be avoided. Also, a lot of folks aren't necessarily going to have a BWP-type install with every mod available (some folks prefer a handful of mods).

@A64: Feel free to split this off if it wanders away from TobEx's scope.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#126 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 08:28 PM

ah, im sorry to mention Ancension. Didnt want to spark a discussion. xD What i meant is that there is a hardcoded 200% damage boost which f*cks up a lot of mods which rely on a difficulty slider And thats it. I mean the "convenient" logic can be applied to many things. For instance i currently play with a party of 4 illegal multiclasses. Not done in Tobex, but simply Shadowkeeped.

#127 Ascension64

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 08:52 PM

The Maximum HP Modifier effect has the option to update or not the current HP with the chosen modifier. If update is enabled, the item will heal the character everytime it's equipped. The not update option solves this, but at the expense of having the HP bonus vanish whenever a new area (or the game) is (re)loaded, so the item has to be reequipped for the bonus to work. Can something be done about this?

Kudos for the new release, BTW. :)

I don't fully understand this. Do you mean the max Hp bonus isn't applied when loading the game? Are you trying to stack the effect? Could you give a concrete example and an actual item so I can test with?

I can tell you that equipped timings for % modifier (param2 = 2 or 5) do not stack properly because the base maxHP is used. I don't know if this is deliberate, but it does prevent 'order of operations' exploits when the modified maxHP is used.

For example, X.CRE has 100 max HP. A.ITM gives +5 maxHP, B.ITM gives +20% maxHP.

1. If the % modifier uses the modified maxHP
If I equip A, then B -> (100 + 5) * 1.2 = 126
If I equip B, then A -> (100 * 1.2) + 5 = 125

2. If the % modifier uses the base maxHP
If I equip A, then B -> (100 + 5) -> 100 * 1.2 = 120
If I equip B, then A -> (100 * 1.2) + 5 = 125

Both methods don't match up. But it is safe to say that vanilla behaviour is that % modifier trumps both +/- modifier and set modifier for non-permanent timings.

Edited by Ascension64, 29 January 2011 - 09:00 PM.

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Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#128 GeN1e


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 10:58 PM

If an item affects both current and maximum HP (par2 < 3), it will heal infinitely by simply re-equipping it repeatedly. Same happens with CON bonus, btw.

If it does not touch current (par2 > 2), then the increased HP capacity must be filled up through healing or whatever. However, since equipped items' effects are loaded after those embedded in CRE, when a game is reloaded the extra HP is gone and must be healed up again, potentially wasting away spells and potions.

I'm unsure what much can be done here... Perhaps the par2=[3-5] part can be made to affect current HP as well and take them off when the effect expires.

WA2AMU.ITM offers HP bonus.

Edited by GeN1e, 29 January 2011 - 10:59 PM.

Retired from modding.

#129 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 11:33 PM

ah yes there is definitely something wrong with +HP(%) items. They randomly heal on gameload. Sometimes quite a significant amount. Even now with latest fixpacks installed. I believe there was a detailed explanation of whats going on on g3 forums a couple of years ago.

Edited by ydfhdsfh, 29 January 2011 - 11:34 PM.

#130 -GuestGuestGuest-

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 01:05 AM

BG2 has a number of unused proficiencies (they exist and you can set them via opcode #233 (Proficiency Modifier) param2 116 through 134, but they don't show on the chargen screen). Rather than adding brand new proficiencies, all you'd really need to to do would get these unused to show on the chargen screen

Can I reiterate this request?

In theory, new proficiencies can be added via the expanded stats.ids hack, but they'd have to be set via dialog/script. Getting the existing proficiencies to show up in the GUI would be a much better and consistent user experience.

#131 Turambar

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 02:08 AM

BG2 has a number of unused proficiencies (they exist and you can set them via opcode #233 (Proficiency Modifier) param2 116 through 134, but they don't show on the chargen screen). Rather than adding brand new proficiencies, all you'd really need to to do would get these unused to show on the chargen screen

Can I reiterate this request?

In theory, new proficiencies can be added via the expanded stats.ids hack, but they'd have to be set via dialog/script. Getting the existing proficiencies to show up in the GUI would be a much better and consistent user experience.

Actually, using those unused weapon proficiency slots would create compatibility problems, as the Big Picture uses them for its scripts.
Anyway, I don't see where those proficiencies could get useful, as I believe there are enough different weapon categories without adding new ones


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#132 -GuestGuestGuest-

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 03:28 AM

Actually, using those unused weapon proficiency slots would create compatibility problems, as the Big Picture uses them for its scripts.

Having mods that are incompatible with each other will hardly be a unique event.

Anyway, I don't see where those proficiencies could get useful, as I believe there are enough different weapon categories without adding new ones

Just because you don't immediately see a use for something doesn't mean there isn't one.

#133 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 03:38 AM

i was about to test +HP items, but didt even had too. Brought naked Korgan down to 10 HP. Saved. Then reloaded a couple of times. The results can be seen below. He randomly stayed at 10hp or fully regenerated. The single source of regen is his CON 21. And this isnt something which was brought with mods. I recall the same behavior back in unpatched SoA. Got it on the first day it was available in stores, back in.. dark ages really.

2 pics below. I rared them because they would otherwise show as pics, taking too much space, dunno how to make preview pics
Attached File  Baldr_load2.rar   287.38K   222 downloads

#134 DavidWallace

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 03:43 AM

Actually, using those unused weapon proficiency slots would create compatibility problems, as the Big Picture uses them for its scripts.

Having mods that are incompatible with each other will hardly be a unique event.

This would be a quite large incompatibility. Those proficiency slots have been used for Detectable Spells for at least five years. Get ready to break basically any mod that uses Detectable-Spells scripting, including but not limited to Big Picture, Oversight, Sword Coast Stratagems I and II, aTweaks, Rogue Rebalancing...

Edited by DavidWallace, 30 January 2011 - 03:44 AM.

#135 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 03:54 AM

Thank the gods, Asc64 seems to be in coding rage and breaking the lightspeed limit. :) :) While the time is right i would like to wish to make mage scrolls icons to work like in IWD2, different color for these spells which the mage already knows. Its a huge pain to check it for every mage. for every spell.

Edited by ydfhdsfh, 30 January 2011 - 04:02 AM.

#136 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 January 2011 - 04:05 AM

Thank the gods, Asc64 seems to be in coding rage and breaking the lightspeed limit. :) :) While the time is right i would like to wish to make mage scrolls icons to work like in IWD2, different color for these spells which the mage already knows. Its a huge pain to check it for every mage. for every spell.

Seconded. This would be a fantastic addition, if it's at all possible to do.

I would also like to request a MakeAwesome() command. I feel this would be extremely conducive to modding in general.

#137 Ascension64

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 10:31 PM

Thank the gods, Asc64 seems to be in coding rage and breaking the lightspeed limit. :) :) While the time is right i would like to wish to make mage scrolls icons to work like in IWD2, different color for these spells which the mage already knows. Its a huge pain to check it for every mage. for every spell.

Not for much longer, unfortunately...
Anway, is this shading in the inventory? Like a red shading when an item can't be used?

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Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#138 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 11:26 PM

Very strange i just checked iwd2 and could find none of this. I swear, last time i played (long ago) there was an indicator, a small green triangle. But different inventory shading will ofc do just as fine, if its possible.

#139 ydfhdsfh

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 03:32 AM

There does exist another bug in the game. Off-hand attack continues to be used if the main weapon is replaced by a ranged weapon, via magical or other way. Pic below, Korgan hacking heads off from range.

Fixing this would be rather a nerf for powergamers lol, however i guess thats why the game prohibits equipping 2H or ranged weps in the main hand with something in the offhand. It always counts the offhand. But if it would be possible to disable offhand slot in certain situations, it could be possible to painlessly allow Sword&Shield users to equip bows, and dual wielders to generally equip a ranged weapon without pausing and going into inventory. Quickswitching and bugfixing. Double win.


#140 -@vGur-

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 05:40 AM

Smells like off-hand overhaul :rolleyes: