Another terrible idea for TobEx.
Edit: removed useless request;
Totally missed
But here are some other action requests i'd like:
Even with the set token, there is no actual way of setting a dynamic value there.
For instance, I want to put in the value of the LOCKPICK skill in a token? There is no function that returns stats (there don't seem to be any returns at all in
bg script).
Sooo... I think it's still needed to go the
WeiDU route of generating lots of strings, and a huge state machine, just to display a string because of the possible ranges, just because some CRE values can't be put in the globals. That would be a nice action.
And maybe (but not necessary)
Naturally, i want the above to be able to compare them directly without writing out a slow state machine. So maybe:
CheckStatLT(O:Object*,S:Name*,S:Area, I:StatNum*Stats)
CheckStatGT(O:Object*,S:Name*,S:Area, I:StatNum*Stats)
CheckStat(O:Object*,S:Name*,S:Area, I:StatNum*Stats)
Would be better
Naturally, on the write side, a "SetStatFromGlobal(I:StatNum*Stats,S:Object*,S:Area*,S:Name*)"
would be nice too, instead of using effects.
Being able to call effects in dialog would be cool though.
MultiplyGlobals(S:Name*, S:Name*) would be nice too (like AddGlobals).
If you decide to do this, you can ditch the S:Area* and only use globals since these are transitory operations. If the value must be stored into private space, you could do a
CopyGlobal(S:Name*, S:Area*, S:Name*, S:Area*) to transfer to one namespace, do something there, and back, since bioware for some reason decided to make LOCALS and AREA read/setonce only.
I'd like a opcode to enable/disable the level up button like the others. The ChangeClass command seems useless for the party without it (but that's a personal idea that might not even work).
If i'm not missing anything else.
Edited by i30817, 14 November 2011 - 03:52 PM.