Well, there's a few ways you could do this other than editing the bgmain.exe actually, say an effect in all the armors to equip each others ... via the backpack inventory 'spells', this would also disable the characcter for the turn and so enable the realism, as you cannot really drop your 20 pound armor just to wave your hands a bit and then have it back on like the water from a water balloon.How about being able to remove armor in combat. I see no reason why a mage\thief throwing darts far from the front lines couldn't slip out of her chain mail to cast a few spells...

TobEx Wish list
Posted 06 January 2011 - 11:20 PM
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 07 January 2011 - 06:50 AM
Hm. Upon further deliberation, I'm unsure as to whether this would actually be possible, from an operational standpoint. Turn Undead is a modal action, so situating it beneath Special Abilities may inhibit the toggle functionality.How about a tweak for swapping Cleric/Thieves' Turn Undead and Thieving menu buttons?
Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:59 AM
This is a request thread, man! Shoot for the sky! We want modal actions accessible through the special abilities button!Hm. Upon further deliberation, I'm unsure as to whether this would actually be possible, from an operational standpoint. Turn Undead is a modal action, so situating it beneath Special Abilities may inhibit the toggle functionality.

Posted 07 January 2011 - 12:51 PM

Posted 07 January 2011 - 04:47 PM
I Ride for the King!
a.k.a. Chev
Posted 08 January 2011 - 12:34 AM
Näh, aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.This is a request thread, man! Shoot for the sky! We want modal actions accessible through the special abilities button!

What I would suggest is a fully customizable GUI... for starters alike the Icewind Dale 2's GUI, where you can choose to use a spell-casting icons, instead of ..(with the right click). and then if you can make the extended area usable...

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 08 January 2011 - 01:04 AM

Anyway, while I don't think this comes under ToBEx's scope, could something be done to like, reduce stuttering problems? Optimize the script engine? Increase the no. of usable CPU cores? (yes, I'm subtly comparing ToBEx with Oblivion's OBSE and OSR

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 08 January 2011 - 01:38 AM
Hmmm... it would also be nice to allow things into your secondary hand even if you're using a two-handed weapon; the engine could then enable or disable it depending on what you have in your first hand:What I would suggest is a fully customizable GUI... for starters alike the Icewind Dale 2's GUI, where you can choose to use a spell-casting icons, instead of ..(with the right click). and then if you can make the extended area usable...
eg, if you have a shield in your left hand, you can put anything in your first hand; the engine displays the shield on your animation and changes your AC only if you're using a 1-haned weapon.
Or, if you have a weapon in your left hand, the engine also checks that you don't have a throwing weapon, before changing attacks number and bonuses
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(how to correctly report CTDs)
Posted 11 January 2011 - 11:17 PM
Sorry, too much coding. So much code depends on detecting class.1) Enable us to add in a custom selectable classes.
I imagine it is possible to take an existing 'non-playable' race and turn it into a selectable race at chargen. However, the rule changes would need lots of coding. A lot of code depends on detecting race.I think that my wish isn't a wish, but a proof of my daydreaming, however is it possible to make subraces in BG2? I mean in character creation, not via dialogue in game or something.
Yeah, there are a lot of assertion errors and warnings. The same error might not always be due to one thing, either. This is the reason why I include the return address of the function that called the error. It enables someone to debug the error itself, but at the same time it requires a debugger who has reversed a significant portion of the executable, who aren't exactly abundant...On a side note, a list of all possible assertion errors would be great for the lolz
Yes, I am aware of this mentioned in the tob_hacks thread on G3. I will have a look at it.Throwing weapons animations...
I got confused trying to understand the threads and gave up a while ago (on the understanding part), but I will have another look.having a way to check for barbarian and/or wild mage kit
Will have a look, but should this configurable so that people can still require an exact match?giving penalties to thieving skills even when the unusability doesn't exactly match the Assassin / Bounty Hunter ones
A difficult one, since I haven't looked too much at the GuiWorld stuff, but will put it down as to-do.Forcing a full window redraw every tick, to avoid problems with external overlays
I'm sure everything's possible...Could It be possible to add "hidden" proficiences to game (Meele, Arquebuses, and something else)?

Anyway, I think it could be done by a similar hack that would extend STATS.IDS. It would be a pretty big hack though, because the entire CDerivedStats structure would need to be added onto.
I think the current BG2 behaviour is a single kind of penalty. So you want to be able to adjust that penalty based on an item flag for the weapon?Also, 2 weapon wielding in iwd2(d&d 3e) works much better than in bg2, engine can read additional bit in itm file to determine light or medium type of weapon...
Yeah, I too am trying to work out how that is different from the current arrangement and kit mods out there.Just curious, but how hard would it be to add an Order system similar to what Icewind Dale II has? Something like <Ranger/Paladin/Monk/Cleric> of <chosen deity>.
I'm currently thinking about how to make the 12 buttons more customisable - not easy, but probably worth doing. The quickest method would be to externalise the button choices allowing editing. Does IWDII allow customisation on the fly?How about a tweak for swapping Cleric/Thieves' Turn Undead and Thieving menu buttons?
If that is doable then what about a fully customisable menu bar for modders. Imagine a fighter kit with a find traps button? Or a bard who can't sing but can turn undead? Or maybe letting Viconia hide in shadows?
I'm still in the process of cross-checking with GemRB, but should be doable.Would it be possible to implement more bag-friendly HasItem()/PartyHasItem() etc. triggers?
Will have a look for it.D&D encumbrance
This is probably the easiest one - yes, definitely tweakable.How about being able to remove armor in combat. I see no reason why a mage\thief throwing darts far from the front lines couldn't slip out of her chain mail to cast a few spells...
Disabling pause, sure. I imagine the code is already there for multiplayer, so doable I think. As for Tab key, can't people just not use Tab?A couple of BG features would suit purists playing the various BG and IWD conversions, such as disabling pause on the inventory screen and disabling the tab key.
I suppose this is doable. Will need to cross-check with GemRB.An effect to grant a percentage increase to all damage dealt of a selected type would be nice. Ex: Aqua Mortis and the like from IWD2.
I haven't looked at world maps at all, but I'm sure this is doable (the Widescreen mod has already done lots).Full screen map in any resolution?
Yeah, pathfinding sucks, but I'm not bright enough to tweak the system at the moment.A Keep party formation function? I hate it when one or more NPC's thinks he should try the long way around (often getting ambushed alone).
I'm not familiar with this kind of coding, but I'm sure it is possible. As for reducing stuttering problems, I considered looking for example at the dragon animation issue, but haven't actually looked at it. Action stuttering is probably something that should be kept because it is indicative of poor scripting. Frame rate drops due to too many animations or too many items in a bag of holding is something to look into as well.Anyway, while I don't think this comes under ToBEx's scope, could something be done to like, reduce stuttering problems? Optimize the script engine? Increase the no. of usable CPU cores?
Complicated, but probably doable as well.Hmmm... it would also be nice to allow things into your secondary hand even if you're using a two-handed weapon; the engine could then enable or disable it depending on what you have in your first hand:
Retired Modder
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Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)
Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)
Posted 12 January 2011 - 01:46 AM
Is externalizing multi/dual-class combinations much of a hassle?Sorry, too much coding. So much code depends on detecting class.
1) Enable us to add in a custom selectable classes.
ITEMANIM.2da specifies (in a single column) what character sequence plays when activating an item's special ability. Right now that sequence plays whenever activating any ability for some item (for items with multiple abilities), and does not allow for attack animations to be overridden. Perhaps this could be fine-tuned (by adding more columns) to allow variations between extension headers, and allow attack animations to be overridden.Yes, I am aware of this mentioned in the tob_hacks thread on G3. I will have a look at it.Throwing weapons animations...
I thought as according to Nythrun, STATS.IDS is not expandable.I'm sure everything's possible...Could It be possible to add "hidden" proficiences to game (Meele, Arquebuses, and something else)?
Anyway, I think it could be done by a similar hack that would extend STATS.IDS. It would be a pretty big hack though, because the entire CDerivedStats structure would need to be added onto.
You could edit your buttons ingame.Does IWDII allow customisation on the fly?
Opcode #250 could help us out (with expanded parameters to account for damage dealt through spells/items, modifier type, etc).I suppose this is doable. Will need to cross-check with GemRB.An effect to grant a percentage increase to all damage dealt of a selected type would be nice. Ex: Aqua Mortis and the like from IWD2.
I'll list a few more that were mentioned at various threads at G3:
* Simulacra use male casting voices, this could be fixed if spellcasting uses 0x0237 (sex) instead of 0x0275 (gender)
* Spell Immunity-type menus (.2das) could be linked with spells (.spls) in an external .2da table so that the menu will expand to replace the spell when selecting contingencies/triggers.
* Flags for spells/item abilities to allow targeting of invisible characters, ignore the 1-spell/round limit, and (for item abilities) to be affected by aura cleansing
Here's one I'm keen on:
The engine rolls saving throws and calculates luck bonuses before the first feature block of the extended header is applied, rather than before the first feature block where the saving throw or damage reduction is calculated. This prevents us from applying effects that give bonuses to saving throws and luck bonuses on the fly (ie. in the same extended header). This is not the case with damage/magic resistances, where they are calculated when first looked for, so this is some engine inconsistency.
If the engine could take saving throw modifiers/luck modifiers into account when placed in the same feature block, but right before the order in which the rest of the effects are applied, then it would be possible to implement AD&D saving throws vs. damage types / wisdom modifiers to saving throws against charm-related effects.
Posted 12 January 2011 - 01:54 AM
About the interface buttons, and like I said, yes you can in most cases(with the right clicking on top of them which then gives a customization selecter, alike the spell selection window), some of them are preset, like the weapon slots(at least that's what I remember)... yep, the right click opens up this interface, from were you can set that interface button to be what you like:Does IWDII allow customisation on the fly?

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 12 January 2011 - 11:43 AM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 12 January 2011 - 03:56 AM
I don't understand the question; I think having a component in ToBExConfig asking if you want that tweak or not (like the rest of the stuff) is fine with me (I doubt this would cause compatibility issues, since sane modders wouldn't pillage the BH/Assassin unusability bit for their kit).Will have a look, but should this configurable so that people can still require an exact match?giving penalties to thieving skills even when the unusability doesn't exactly match the Assassin / Bounty Hunter ones
Re: buttons, I recall that some modder would've liked to disable the Bard button using opcode Button: Disable Button [144].
Re: stuttering, I heard that the Ammo Belt doesn't suffer from the stutter problem caused by the Bag of Holding (10000 copies of arow01 in the BoH would cause noticeable slowdown with PartyHasItem(), while the same wouldn't happen if the arrows were in the AB). The source of this information was the Iron Curtain, so assume the information is wrong or misleading until extensively tested.
Edited by the bigg, 12 January 2011 - 07:44 AM.
Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!
Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator
If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.
Posted 12 January 2011 - 06:36 AM
I imagine it is possible to take an existing 'non-playable' race and turn it into a selectable race at chargen. However, the rule changes would need lots of coding. A lot of code depends on detecting race.I think that my wish isn't a wish, but a proof of my daydreaming, however is it possible to make subraces in BG2? I mean in character creation, not via dialogue in game or something.
I mean to make it as it was in IWD2 - when you click elf, then another window appears offering you subraces. But I'm not sure if that's possible - the problem would be to make game "understand" that for example sun elf, drow etc are all elves... It's just an idea, however... probably it's to difficult to make it come true

Hmm, so maybe lets add at least tiefling to the options? Maybe one or two more, but logical and acceptable ones - not dragons and other questionable ones.
Most of my mods are available at Weasel Mods
Done projects:
-Colours of Infinity: TotDG, Innershade, TWQ, ISNF, Yvette, Foundling
-Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge, Ooze's Lounge, Tangled Oak Isle
-Other Quests: Eilistraee's Song | Will of the Wisps | The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield | Shades of the Sword Coast
-Items, spells, tweaks: FindIt IWD | ForgeIt IWD | Weasels!
-NPCs and related: Varshoon | Aeon | Petsy | Tsuki BG2 | Yoshimo Romance | Quayle BG2 | Swylif | Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul | Hephernaan BG2 | White | Gahesh | Will | Verr'Sza BG1EE | Verr'Sza BG2EE | Wilson Chronicles | Bristlelick | Walahnan BG1EE | Walahnan BG2EE | Khalid BG2EE
-IWD EE Modd: Dusky NPC | Dendjelion NPC | Ina NPC | Oak-Maw NPC | Orra NPC | Tipps NPC | T'viy NPC | Urchin NPC | L'anna | Hommet | ToOLD | TotS | NotBD | B&B Inn | TRoK
Contribution: PaintBG | Ilmatar's Portrait Pack | InfinityKits | Sarevok Friendship | Haer'Dalis Friendship | Cernd Friendship | Valygar Friendship | Sellswords | Fade | BG1 Romantic Encounters | Viconia Revamped
Posted 12 January 2011 - 08:10 AM
However, probably it's just me who would like to see it so...
Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 12 January 2011 - 08:13 AM.
Most of my mods are available at Weasel Mods
Done projects:
-Colours of Infinity: TotDG, Innershade, TWQ, ISNF, Yvette, Foundling
-Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge, Ooze's Lounge, Tangled Oak Isle
-Other Quests: Eilistraee's Song | Will of the Wisps | The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield | Shades of the Sword Coast
-Items, spells, tweaks: FindIt IWD | ForgeIt IWD | Weasels!
-NPCs and related: Varshoon | Aeon | Petsy | Tsuki BG2 | Yoshimo Romance | Quayle BG2 | Swylif | Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul | Hephernaan BG2 | White | Gahesh | Will | Verr'Sza BG1EE | Verr'Sza BG2EE | Wilson Chronicles | Bristlelick | Walahnan BG1EE | Walahnan BG2EE | Khalid BG2EE
-IWD EE Modd: Dusky NPC | Dendjelion NPC | Ina NPC | Oak-Maw NPC | Orra NPC | Tipps NPC | T'viy NPC | Urchin NPC | L'anna | Hommet | ToOLD | TotS | NotBD | B&B Inn | TRoK
Contribution: PaintBG | Ilmatar's Portrait Pack | InfinityKits | Sarevok Friendship | Haer'Dalis Friendship | Cernd Friendship | Valygar Friendship | Sellswords | Fade | BG1 Romantic Encounters | Viconia Revamped
Posted 12 January 2011 - 08:34 AM
Thinking more about it, could the concentration check be implemented, using creature's level as a base?
if ((level + 1d20) < damage) then interrupted=1
else interrupted=0
I second this. Female-looking planetars are also annoying.* Simulacra use male casting voices, this could be fixed if spellcasting uses 0x0237 (sex) instead of 0x0275 (gender)
Use 177. I've made Spirit Armor's backlash to be saved against at the moment of appliyng, instead of upon casting.Here's one I'm keen on:
The engine rolls saving throws and calculates luck bonuses before the first feature block of the extended header is applied, rather than before the first feature block where the saving throw or damage reduction is calculated. This prevents us from applying effects that give bonuses to saving throws and luck bonuses on the fly (ie. in the same extended header). This is not the case with damage/magic resistances, where they are calculated when first looked for, so this is some engine inconsistency.
If the engine could take saving throw modifiers/luck modifiers into account when placed in the same feature block, but right before the order in which the rest of the effects are applied, then it would be possible to implement AD&D saving throws vs. damage types / wisdom modifiers to saving throws against charm-related effects.
Retired from modding.
Posted 12 January 2011 - 09:52 AM
I've almost wrote a "no, not possible" post, but I decided to test it once again (I've been trying to get this to work using external .effs for years), and it sort of worked. I'm giving you credit for giving me the idea to delay the external damage-applying .eff.Use 177. I've made Spirit Armor's backlash to be saved against at the moment of appliyng, instead of upon casting.

1.) externalize all damage feature blocks into .effs
2.) make sure that .eff fires away with a delay of 0 (set in the extended header)
3.) make sure the saving throw modifier is placed before the external .eff with a duration of 1 (0 doesn't work, bc it expires before the .eff is fired).
It's still not optimal, because many things can happen within that one second when the saving throw/luck roll is penalized. Furthermore, I would have to externalize every single opcode in the game, which is a pain.
I'm also giving you credit because this made me test opcode 133 [Luck Non-Cumulative] instead of 22 [Luck modifier]. Opcode 133 is applied right when the game reads through that feature block, as opposed to opcode 22 (which is applied when the game reaches the end of the feature block list). You are now my friend, GeN1e.
In summary: I'd like opcodes 22, and 33-37 to behave like opcode 133 in terms of when they are applied.
Posted 12 January 2011 - 10:04 AM
Seconded.Some time ago I've asked in PM for no casting interruption if no damage (100% res) is taken.
But then Magic Missiles would never interrupt anythingThinking more about it, could the concentration check be implemented, using creature's level as a base?
if ((level + 1d20) < damage) then interrupted=1
else interrupted=0

Posted 12 January 2011 - 11:31 AM
I'm sure everything's possible...
Could It be possible to add "hidden" proficiences to game (Meele, Arquebuses, and something else)?
Anyway, I think it could be done by a similar hack that would extend STATS.IDS. It would be a pretty big hack though, because the entire CDerivedStats structure would need to be added onto.
BG2 has a number of unused proficiencies (they exist and you can set them via opcode #233 (Proficiency Modifier) param2 116 through 134, but they don't show on the chargen screen). Rather than adding brand new proficiencies, all you'd really need to to do would get these unused to show on the chargen screen.
Re: buttons, I recall that some modder would've liked to disable the Bard button using opcode Button: Disable Button [144].
You could restore opcode #144 / #279, param 2 = 10 (i.e. ability to enable/disable the Find Traps button).
Posted 12 January 2011 - 12:23 PM
Those are already used by DS, and I'll wager my accounts on all BG-related sites that 99% of players will take SCS over a mod with new profs, if they're forced to choose. So it's back to extending STATS.IDS.BG2 has a number of unused proficiencies (they exist and you can set them via opcode #233 (Proficiency Modifier) param2 116 through 134, but they don't show on the chargen screen). Rather than adding brand new proficiencies, all you'd really need to to do would get these unused to show on the chargen screen.
Retired from modding.