Posted 29 December 2010 - 10:53 PM
The mod will stretch through both SoA and ToB. SoA's content focuses largely on the development of the type of relationship between the PC and HD, establishing their similarities and differences, highlighting his philosophies and allowing for much argument and dissent. (Let me assure you, this tiefling loves to argue. In many cases, conversations will be much longer and more in depth if the PC does not see eye-to-eye with HD, and he may get bored with a PC who is too agreeable.) The ToB content will focus on the resolution of the relationship and where it stands/is going, and what one is willing to sacrifice for the other (and vice versa). There are many different epilogues.
A casual sexual relationship is possible, and he will be content to be the other man in <CHARNAME>'s life. He will even lie to her other lover if she asks him to. The image I have of him is that of a highly skilled actor and chameleon, one who can shift and adjust his persona to fit the moment. But, he does these things because he wants to and not because he feels he has to, making it seem unlikely that he will always be content to be the other man or do the PC's bidding.
The mod will contain (subject to change):
- 23 Lovetalks
- player initiated flirts in two stages
- several possible sexual encounters, both HD and player initiated
- several PID talks, number is currently 14
- a number of hidden surprise talks
- romance "conflict" with Anomen, may add more conflicts
- roughly 10 Lovetalks
- two, possibly three different flirt sets depending on relationship
- wraith encounter
- numerous HD/NPC banters, possibly PC/NPC banters
- roughly 9 different epilogues
The mod will NOT contain (also subject to change):
- A Bodhi abduction of Haer?Dalis.
- Haer?Dalis? standard romance with Aerie ? no rivalry between her and the PC.
Completed Works:
Works in Progress:
Haer'Dalis Friendship
Posted 29 July 2012 - 11:18 PM
The basic outline posted below contains **SPOILERS!** for the Haer'Dalis romance or the game itself. The first line or a portion of the the first line of every important talk is listed in order as you will see them appear. There is much more dialog than what is listed here (flirts, PIDs, bedroom scenes, banters, etc), but these represent the core of the romance and will hopefully help players know if the romance is on track.
Edited by Aeryn, 10 January 2013 - 08:01 AM.
Completed Works:
Works in Progress:
Haer'Dalis Friendship