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Mega Kudos!

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#1 Jude-The-Obscure

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Posted 16 December 2010 - 07:04 PM

This is a brilliant mod for anyone who likes the interactions, storylines and jokes just as much (if not more!!) than the combat. If Boo is your favourite character, and Edwin already makes you crack up this mod will have you laughing out loud - possibly loud enough to wake up the neighbours.

Brilliantly written - funny without being superficial and slapstick; giving more insight into the original character and adding depth rather than changing his personality; a good mix of interactions, combat and the odd puzzle; some genuiunely sweet and romantic moments and the best "what happens next" end stories I've ever seen.

:cheers: :Bow: :hug: :woot: :wub:

#2 rbx4

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 03:08 AM

This is a brilliant mod for anyone who likes the interactions, storylines and jokes just as much (if not more!!) than the combat. If Boo is your favourite character, and Edwin already makes you crack up this mod will have you laughing out loud - possibly loud enough to wake up the neighbours.

Brilliantly written - funny without being superficial and slapstick; giving more insight into the original character and adding depth rather than changing his personality; a good mix of interactions, combat and the odd puzzle; some genuiunely sweet and romantic moments and the best "what happens next" end stories I've ever seen.

:cheers: :Bow: :hug: :woot: :wub:

I agree. This is the best romance out there, bar none. It makes Anomen look like, well...Anomen. The intelligence and mastery of this mod cannot be paralleled.

#3 Setepenre

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Posted 26 January 2011 - 04:05 PM

This is indeed a TERRIFIC romance! I adore the hell out of Edwin. The only thing lacking is the flirts. There are some, but it's too bad that Laufey didn't add more and even more importantly, the Edwina specific flirts.

Mankind will never be free until the last king is strangled to death by the entrails of the last cleric.

God may be your co-pilot, but never let him take the stick.

#4 Jab

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:30 AM

I did not really like it much. I though, that Edwin became too "sweet". The whole mod changed his character rather than just developed it. Also I don't know why, but in most of his dialogues it took him too much time, to get to the point. Again - it seemed strange.

It also seemed, that I missed many of his lines and encounters. I don't know, how many LT he had, but perhaps there are too much of them (?). Or perhaps there are too many requirements for many of them to appear (resting, resting outside etc.)?

All-in-all the mod wasn't really my cup of tea (especially for an evil party). But I guess many others might like it.