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Imoen Romance

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#1 Quitch



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Posted 14 September 2002 - 09:46 AM

It seems someone is working on an Imoen Romance mod which has just hit Beta. You should be able to find details about it over on the FWP and TeamBG forums.

Between this one and Kelsey I seem to be the only person *not* working on a romance for the poor girl.

#2 Michel


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Posted 14 September 2002 - 10:04 AM

Meh, i'll wait for this one instead.
To be honest, i dont want to romance Imoen.

#3 Littiz

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Posted 14 September 2002 - 12:09 PM

No way.
I found it.
It's not what we were asking for...
I don't want to denigrate the work of this guy (I've no right 'cause
I haven't even tried it), but, I mean, she will romance everybody,
brothers and sisters, half-orcs or gnomes!!! :o
That's not Immie, nor the level of interaction (or conflict) expected here.
And if I play with a female char, I want her as a sister...
but a talking one!!!!!! :blink: :lol:

Also I loved some of the ideas Quitch proposed, as the fact that you
really *have* to run to free her unless you want to find her insane
or dead.
That's the way I always intended the game.
Quitch, we are still waiting for your Mod!!! B)

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#4 El Diablo

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 12:17 AM

brothers and sisters, half-orcs or gnomes!!! :o

You are here by disaproved by the anti raccism against half orcs, gnomes and dwarf commitee (me)
besides i always thought it was weird that females would romance HALFLINGS who are in about the size of childeren but not gnomes or dwarfs
half orcs okay i can understand that a little (not that i dont like them GO FOR GREEN GUYS)

#5 El Diablo

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 02:25 AM

by the way could someone post a link i wanna have a look at this

#6 Mael

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 02:29 AM

It's in beta at the moment. No link i know of.
This way? That way? Which way?

#7 Littiz

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 02:46 AM

Please, let's avoid bringing the "politically correct" thing
to the point that Immie should date with gnomes, half-orcs, halflings,
werevolves, dragons, IMPS or whatever.
(Whatever their sex too!!! Is she PAID to do that!?!?!?!? :o)
I'm human and I like HUMAN girls for instance. (I mean, even if there
existed other kinds of girls!)
Call me racist

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#8 El Diablo

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 05:30 AM

sorry i just may have gone a little over the top and im ANYTHING but political correct (trust me they don't call me teacher terror for nothing)
anyways i always thought that it should be possible for the uhm less attractive races to romance npc's BUT it would indeed require some stats to be high like IN or CHA and perhaps even WIS or STR that the other races would not since you dont have the looks so you'll have to talk your way into there heart (that sounded way to romantic for my liking awell)

#9 -jcompton-

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 06:08 AM

The thread is here: http://www.shsforums...t=0;boardseen=1

#10 El Diablo

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 07:20 AM

The thread is here: http://www.shsforums...t=0;boardseen=1

much obliged.

#11 Gurty

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 08:43 AM

sorry i just may have gone a little over the top and im ANYTHING but political correct (trust me they don't call me teacher terror for nothing)
anyways i always thought that it should be possible for the uhm less attractive races to romance npc's BUT it would indeed require some stats to be high like IN or CHA and perhaps even WIS or STR that the other races would not since you dont have the looks so you'll have to talk your way into there heart (that sounded way to romantic for my liking awell)

                    Believe me, He's way to political correct, right Peter B)


#12 El Diablo

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Posted 15 September 2002 - 11:17 AM

Believe me, He's way to political correct, right Peter B)


"Are You Talkin To Me? Are YOU talkin To ME Cause If You Are You Gotta Ask Yourself A Question: DO I Feel Lucky? Well Do You, PUNK?"

#13 Lord God Jinnai

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Posted 18 October 2002 - 07:58 PM

The thread is here: http://www.shsforums...t=0;boardseen=1

Cool, but I think I'll wait for Gally's mod she's got a compelling story behind the romance mod.

Not to be rude to Quitch (as this is his forum), but what's gally's site/thread link? Just curious to see different approaches.

#14 SakuraNeko

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Posted 15 November 2002 - 10:16 PM

Sigh it was on the Ironworks BG2:ToB forums but it seems to have stalled :(

#15 ak404


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Posted 17 March 2003 - 08:10 AM

Playing the one that's been linked to right now. Going through the mod right now. As much as my paladin - who's described in his bio as playing "the knight in shining armor" to Imoen's "damsel in distress" which has then developed into an overprotective big brother complex - fits the mod, things seem to develop at a much faster rate than the canon post-fixpack romances. I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing, as I haven't actually made it to Brynnlaw yet. I do have an objection to the romance being a "sure thing," but well, when it says romance on the mod, what you see is what you get.

It needs a lot of editing; there are numerous grammatical errors, as well as a general lack of capitalization. Also, the speech Imoen gives in your dreams and the speech she gives in canon BG2 is inconsistent. Consistency is extremely important, which is why Ascension was so good.

Other nits: Physical actions can be described via on the playing screen rather than through descriptive text on the message box. This is just my opinion, but physical actions can be also placed onto the message box through the options. Having to change disks mid-dream sequence breaks the flow, which is bad; it might've been easier to simply copy the entire map over to the HD.

Other than that, so far, it's a good mod. Quitch's should be better, though.

#16 jeremiah

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Posted 22 March 2003 - 07:08 AM

Hardly a sure thing. You do get the dreams but unless certain parameters are met before you leave the Underdark then the relationship is doomed to be sibling like instead. Fine by me, as I am getting a hoot out of the extra dialogue she gets even if you don't romance her.

She makes Aerie a bit more cheerful and fooled the PC twice. Still waiting for this mod as that mod seems to have given my Improved Irenicus tactics component and Revised Hell trials some hiccups.

#17 -Uhhh duno-

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Posted 28 August 2003 - 11:39 PM

The mods done if you want I can post a link to it while Im waiting for the ToB part

#18 -icelus-

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Posted 30 August 2003 - 01:08 PM

The mods done if you want I can post a link to it while Im waiting for the ToB part

Which mod would that be? The "Gally" mod mentioned previously in this thread?

#19 -uhhh dunno-

-uhhh dunno-
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Posted 01 September 2003 - 01:24 AM

Nah the Lord Ms Imoen romance, it kicks ass :D

#20 Siegfried

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Posted 30 September 2003 - 02:39 PM

I've played Lord M's mod all the way through the game (except for the ToB part, since it isn't ready yet) and I think it's quite a good mod. But I think that these 2 mods are aiming for completely different goals, and therefore I think it's unwise to compare them to each other. But that's just my own opinion.
I'll be happy playing both. :)