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#61 Aeryn



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Posted 11 August 2011 - 06:12 AM

Does this mean we can start poking you about a Solaufein mod soon?

It's very tempting. And that's all I'll say about that. :P

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#62 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 10:17 AM

I'd rather see some kind of new relationship for men next. Maybe the courtesan from tanner quest (sorry, I just know her nick name from Polish version...in English that would be... Rose-something :P) or Mrs Cragmoon. Even Mazzy Romance would do.

However, Haer'Dalis first! The more romances we have the better ^^ I love those :P

#63 Shae

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 03:14 PM

Does this mean we can start poking you about a Solaufein mod soon?

It's very tempting. And that's all I'll say about that. :P

*snort* I was thinking exactly the same thing, but I wasn't going to mention it until after the ToB portion of the Haer'Dalis mod was done. It's good to know that other people are interested in it too~!

Edited by Shae, 11 August 2011 - 03:15 PM.

I scribble and I chirp, wait no. I mean tweet (infrequently). And sometimes I tumble about as well.

#64 DeathAngel


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Posted 14 August 2011 - 03:23 PM

Glad such progress is being made, keep up the good work. I can't wait to try it. :D

Edited by DeathAngel, 14 August 2011 - 03:25 PM.

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#65 -Ash-

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Posted 18 August 2011 - 03:46 PM

Jeez all this progress so fast! It almost feels like an early birthday present. But holy cow, it's really happening this time! I absolutely can't wait! Except I will.

#66 -Allahandra-

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Posted 22 August 2011 - 09:10 AM

This is so very exciting! *proceeds to squeal like a schoolgirl* Can't wait for the finished product!

#67 -AnonymousM-

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Posted 22 August 2011 - 10:11 AM

Does this mean we can start poking you about a Solaufein mod soon?

It's very tempting. And that's all I'll say about that. :P

*snort* I was thinking exactly the same thing, but I wasn't going to mention it until after the ToB portion of the Haer'Dalis mod was done. It's good to know that other people are interested in it too~!

If you didn't know already Weimer created a Solaufein mod that extend into TOB...But would be nice to see some fresh Sola material :P

#68 Shae

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Posted 22 August 2011 - 09:06 PM

Does this mean we can start poking you about a Solaufein mod soon?

It's very tempting. And that's all I'll say about that. :P

*snort* I was thinking exactly the same thing, but I wasn't going to mention it until after the ToB portion of the Haer'Dalis mod was done. It's good to know that other people are interested in it too~!

If you didn't know already Weimer created a Solaufein mod that extend into TOB...But would be nice to see some fresh Sola material :P

Oh no, I am well aware of Weimers mod... I just happen to dislike it for various reasons :P From a Sola fanfic that Aeryn wrote and having read several other things that she has written I think I'd like a Sola mod written by her a lot more :)
I scribble and I chirp, wait no. I mean tweet (infrequently). And sometimes I tumble about as well.

#69 Aeryn



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Posted 22 August 2011 - 10:35 PM

You guys are trying to kill me with all this talk of Solaufein, I just know it... :P

Update: There were a few SoA talks that I was never satisfied with, so I did the logical thing and bought Planescape: Torment (a game I always meant to play and just never did for whatever reason). And yes, that was the logical thing to do. For...research. I'm reworking and adding to 3 or 4 SoA PIDs based off of my "research," so that's why there hasn't been any real ToB progress marked in the last several days. Believe me, it's well worth the small delay because these talks are friggin' awesome. Not to pat myself on the back. But they are.

Of course, now I'm hooked on PS:T and it might be a few days before I can focus on ToB content again properly, but I'll do my best to get back to the grind quickly. ^_^

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#70 Setepenre

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 08:04 AM

You guys are trying to kill me with all this talk of Solaufein, I just know it... :P

Update: There were a few SoA talks that I was never satisfied with, so I did the logical thing and bought Planescape: Torment (a game I always meant to play and just never did for whatever reason). And yes, that was the logical thing to do. For...research. I'm reworking and adding to 3 or 4 SoA PIDs based off of my "research," so that's why there hasn't been any real ToB progress marked in the last several days. Believe me, it's well worth the small delay because these talks are friggin' awesome. Not to pat myself on the back. But they are.

Of course, now I'm hooked on PS:T and it might be a few days before I can focus on ToB content again properly, but I'll do my best to get back to the grind quickly. ^_^

Heh...though I loved Sola when I first played him, I love him less now. Not that the mod isn't brilliant, but when other romances came out, I now feel that Solaufein is too...bland for me. It's too impersonal, imo, and I got tired of his not "knowing" that I was a woman and that there were endless poetry recitations (nothing against that, but after a while...) and that everywhere we went or had a moment together a goddess was there, too.

So, for me, Sola content can wait! I mean no offense to that great mod, but I love more "personal" romances.

And you are just freaking brilliant. I still play Sarevok to death! Hah! The man gets no rest and I have to say that I've NEVER enjoyed ToB so much that I start it from just there just for Sarevok relationship building and loving. You are SUCH a "god-send" to us! LOL

Okay, I'll try to not drool while I wait for Dalis. He's someone I never really took much of a shine to, but I have no doubt I will by the time you are finished with him.

Thank you for all your hard work. :)

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#71 Aeryn



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Posted 23 August 2011 - 08:25 PM

Update: Epilogues are complete. No, I don't write stuff in order. Messy chaos is better. :D

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#72 -Iavasechui-

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 09:56 PM

0_0 I love you!!! Seriously I've wanted a Haer'Dalis romance since I saw him!

#73 Adia

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Posted 24 August 2011 - 01:14 AM

You guys are trying to kill me with all this talk of Solaufein, I just know it... :P

It is all out of love - and partly your fault for writing such an awesome fanfic and making us want your Sola in-game! :D At least the Haer'Dalis mod will keep us distracted for a bit! :D

And I think it sounds awesome that you are incorporating more into the mod from playing PS:T! I really need to go back and give that game another whirl.

#74 Aeryn



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Posted 26 August 2011 - 11:36 AM

Update: Completed a number of ToB PIDs and worked out some endgame scenarios that I was still sketchy on. Progress is going strong. :)

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#75 -Xulinaa-

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Posted 26 August 2011 - 01:24 PM

Update: Completed a number of ToB PIDs and worked out some endgame scenarios that I was still sketchy on. Progress is going strong. :)

I wanted to install Baldur's Gate today and so I went online for a search for new mods when I came across this one. I decided to wait beceause I have always love Heir'Dalis, just never could take him with me for whatever reason or purpose.

I'm going to wait to install it until this is done :)

You are just a god send sweetie, I can't wait

#76 -M-

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Posted 26 August 2011 - 08:42 PM

I keep checking this every day just to see how close we are! :D I'm so excited I can hardly stand waiting!!!

#77 Daulmakan


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 08:50 PM

Sorry if it was asked before, are you guys planning to "restore" Haer'Dalis murder implication quest?

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#78 Aeryn



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Posted 26 August 2011 - 09:14 PM

No. I don't really have a solid reason why I decided not to bother with it, but that's where it is. It was suggested to me early on and I never gave it much thought because I'd kind of buried myself in the writing. At this point, I don't really know anything about it except that it was an incomplete and unimplemented quest. Once the ToB writing is done, I'll take a look at what's there and possibly talk to K'aeloree about it to see if we can put something together for a future release. :)

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#79 Kaeloree


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Posted 26 August 2011 - 09:33 PM

In the most polite way possible, oh god, please no. :D

The quest that was originally intended for Haer'Dalis was relatively involved and needed a bunch of new areas, and I barely have the time to code a simple romance let alone a proper quest. :(

#80 Aeryn



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Posted 26 August 2011 - 09:38 PM

:lol: I'm not a fan of adding a quest just for the sake of adding a quest, so it's not a loss to me.

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