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Progress Report

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#1 Aeryn



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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:11 AM

SoA Current Progress:

ToB Current Progress, writing only:

Edited by Aeryn, 02 January 2013 - 09:44 PM.

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



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Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:25 PM

You are pretty awesome. Can't wait to read flirts ;)

#3 cmorgan

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 06:11 AM

I love your speed and your focus. I hate your speed and your focus. OK, well I don't hate it, I just massively envy it. Just poking in to say I am specifically not reading any of this because I would absorb ideas and use them; I will gladly provide feedback if you want to poke me and direct me to something specific any time you want. I looked at one, and realized your voice for him was too interesting - I'd start doing riffs on your ideas!

But I thought I would just say it is very cool that with two of the toughest to write for NPCs, Sarevok and Haer'Dalis, at last they have found a writer that works on them with care and a sympathetic eye. The last person to do that with the "toughies" was Dorotea handling Irenicus' redemption in Longer Road.

#4 Aeryn



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 08:34 AM

Thank you! Heh, and here I was chiding myself for working so slowly. Sarevok was much easier for me, honestly. He's less shifty, his personality more unyielding. I could write something and clearly say, "No, Sarevok would never do that." Haer'Dalis is practically the opposite. He's so flexible that I can realistically write him into almost any situation, but the endless possibilities make my poor little head ache sometimes. :lol: It's been an interesting challenge so far.

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


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Haer'Dalis Friendship


#5 Aeryn



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Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:44 AM

Just dropping a note to say I am still writing away, but Christmas is eating my soul for the next week or so. Between having both my son and my father-in-law's birthdays last week, and a surprise call from my brother informing us that his clan and my sister's clan are invading my house on Christmas eve, and wrapping 40+ presents last night (with different paper for each kid, and separate paper from Santa, and using fancy handwriting on Santa's gifts so my kids won't realize I wrote the tags, then finding somewhere to hide the gifts from Santa that my kids won't discover "accidentally") until I passed out on the floor - not to mention the nonstop rain that I usually love but is making it really hard to be happy about driving all over Southern California every few days because everyone knows Californians can't drive in the rain at all - I'm just about drained dry. :zzz: Some of it might actually be a wee bit fun, but my inner pessimist won't allow me to admit that. :D

So, if I don't post anything for a while, never fear - I'll be back! Everyone have a fantastic Christmas/holiday/vacation/etc! :hug:

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#6 Kulyok

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Posted 29 December 2010 - 10:48 PM

Good luck with that! Hey, I just was re-reading Sarevok romance yesterday, can you imagine that? :) Must've felt something.

Please, please announce this mod as wide as possible when it's done. I'd hate to miss it!

#7 DeathAngel


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:08 PM

Good to know someone is picking up the Haer'Dalis romance again! :D
I'll be sure to keep an eye on this one.

p.s. :hug: (for encouragement)

Edited by DeathAngel, 02 January 2011 - 08:08 PM.

"Don't fear the dark...fear what's in it."

Dying's easy Living's hard

"The soul should know whither it is going and whence it came, what is good for it and what is evil, what it seeks and what it avoids, and what is that Reason which distinguishes between the desirable and the undesirable, and thereby tames the madness of our desires and calms the violence of our fears." -Seneca

shameless plug http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2246476/

#8 Aeryn



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 03:56 PM

Currently taking a break from lovetalks to work on HD/Anomen's romance conflict for SoA. Guy has too many variables. <_< That should be wrapped up by tonight. Also sketching out a few banters that I wasn't planning on, but the more the merrier, eh? :)

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#9 Choo Choo

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 06:30 PM

Go Aeryn! Go go! ^_^

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#10 -LurkerExtraordinaire-

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 10:03 AM

OMG! Finally, someone is REALLY doing a Haer Dalis romance? And it won't be abandoned for the 100th time? *happy dance!* Saravok is just so darned good that I've been waiting for Keldorn and Dalis, and Keldorn will be finished because berelinde is doing it, and I know we'll have Dalis for real this time! It's been a fantasy for so many for so long that to finally see this today has already made my entire week worth it!

#11 Aeryn



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Posted 06 January 2011 - 12:09 PM

:D I'm glad people are enthusiastic about the whole idea.

Managed to get 4/6 parts written for the conflict last night, but was distracted by a movie - Temple Grandin, see it, astounding look into Autism, cried like a baby and still has me reeling - so hopefully will wrap that up before this afternoon and move on to some banters. Not many banters in SoA, so that should go quickly, then back to the lovetalk grind.

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#12 DeathAngel


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Posted 06 January 2011 - 02:18 PM

sweet action! :D glad to hear of progress.
"Don't fear the dark...fear what's in it."

Dying's easy Living's hard

"The soul should know whither it is going and whence it came, what is good for it and what is evil, what it seeks and what it avoids, and what is that Reason which distinguishes between the desirable and the undesirable, and thereby tames the madness of our desires and calms the violence of our fears." -Seneca

shameless plug http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2246476/

#13 Aeryn



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Posted 11 January 2011 - 05:16 PM

Finished one more lovetalk, wrote out the Underdark flirts, finished banters and a few other minor things. Still working on the last bits of the romance conflict - there's only so much Anomen I can handle in any one sitting, I think - and added to my to-do list with a few new ideas that wouldn't go away. I'm back into the lovetalk groove, so hopefully I can crank those out before I get distracted by something shiny. :)

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#14 Aeryn



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Posted 18 January 2011 - 12:48 AM

Two more lovetalks and an interjection done, list updated.

We're deal with an outbreak of chickenpox in my house, so writing might be sporadic for a bit, though honestly with the kids passed out on medication all day, I might actually find myself with extra time on my hands. :P

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#15 -Fionna-

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Posted 19 January 2011 - 05:18 PM

Omigosh, I'm so excited for this one! Love your writing and stuff, Aeryn, and was hoping you'd go forward with this one. Haer'Dalis was my first romance choice when I played BG2 for the first time all those years ago (I wasn't happy when Anomen was the only guy who noticed my character, needless to say). XD

#16 Aeryn



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Posted 29 January 2011 - 09:03 AM

No progress to report, but I just wanted to let everyone know that while my kids have all recovered - turned out not to be chickenpox, but strep throat and scarlet fever (which I had heard of but had no clue what it really was) - I, unfortunately, have not. You know you're in bad shape when a doctor takes one glance at your throat, cringes, then tosses the most potent antibiotic available at you. :lol: I'm finally able to eat and sleep again, so I'm feeling much better than I have been and hope to have some progress to report within the next few days. :)

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#17 -Lupatria-

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 08:51 PM

Glad to hear you are doing alright! I de-lurked to also thank you for working on this mod, good to see someone adding Haer'Dalis as an option.

#18 MacabreLAM

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 11:54 AM


Edited by MacabreLAM, 25 September 2011 - 03:52 PM.

#19 Aeryn



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Posted 16 February 2011 - 02:34 PM

Yes, still being worked on. ^_^ Just moderately sidetracked by DA2 anticipation. I'm chipping away at the last few lovetalks currently.

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Completed Works:

Sarevok Romance

Haer'Dalis Romance

Sarevok Friendship



Romantic Encounters


Works in Progress:

Haer'Dalis Friendship


#20 -nightwoe-

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Posted 19 February 2011 - 04:09 PM

DUDE. How did I miss that someone was ACTUALLY working on a Haer'Dalis romance?? AWSOME! I begrudged Black Isle for not finishing his ORIGINAL content and sticking all the female PCs with Anomen in the first place :P
I'll be watching ;)