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Friendship feedback?

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:00 PM

Hey ya'll!

IEP is always in progress, and since we would like to write more friendships in the future, I'm curious to hear what you guys think of the existing friendships. There hasn't been a whole lot of feedback on any of them, so it's hard to know where we can improve in future!

Did you think they stayed true to character? Were the topics appropriate? Length? Was there enough player interaction? Did they really add to the character?

Thanks, all!

#2 Shaitan

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:31 PM

I've only tried the Imoen friendship, which adds very good material to her. The tough thing is to stay true to the original NPC, and to me it worked swell. I haven't been to ToB with her yet. (BTW it is not even in your signature)

#3 Adia

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 10:00 PM

I like all of them, and Viconia's is probably my favourite. For length, Imoen's could always be expanded if you actually wanted to go further there. I think they are all true to character and definitely good additions to game playing.

#4 -Asthariel-

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 11:13 PM

I really liked talks with Yoshimo, and in my opinion their lenght was okay - but for me, always could be longer ;-P
Maybe you could start adding new inclusions to dialogs of CHARNAME? I really liked playing with Xan, because of his "talkativness".

#5 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 03:47 AM

Isn't it obvious that they are great? :P Since there are friendship, charname may create a real bond between his/her team members. My favorite is Yoshimo, Mazzy is also quite interesting. To be honest I never played Viconia Friendship.
It would be nice to see Valygar Friendship. Also (but I think it wouldn't suite Valygar, because of his character) it would be nice to have a male-male friendship. I mean, I would like to see a line like "Oi, Lava! Fancy a pint?" in the game... Or at least a something like 3-4 normal friendship talks and then maybe 3 more for each gender, but that would mean more writing for you...
However, this was only my wish, that probably will never come true :P It would be pleasure to see any new friendship mods :)


#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 03:17 PM

I've only tried the Imoen friendship, which adds very good material to her. The tough thing is to stay true to the original NPC, and to me it worked swell. I haven't been to ToB with her yet. (BTW it is not even in your signature)

Awesome, thanks! And added now ;) Thanks for letting me know!

I like all of them, and Viconia's is probably my favourite. For length, Imoen's could always be expanded if you actually wanted to go further there. I think they are all true to character and definitely good additions to game playing.

I'm glad you enjoyed them :) Viconia's is probably my favourite as well--apart from Yoshimo, which Shadowhawke did a fantastic job with. I'll take a look at Imoen's and see if there's anything that can be expanded, thanks! The reason it's relatively short is because Imoen is in the party for far less time than others, but I'll definitely look into adding one or two more talks.

I really liked talks with Yoshimo, and in my opinion their lenght was okay - but for me, always could be longer ;-P
Maybe you could start adding new inclusions to dialogs of CHARNAME? I really liked playing with Xan, because of his "talkativness".

I'm sure Shadowhawke will be pleased to hear that! Do you mean player-initiated talks? Potentially--I'm not a huge fan of PIDs, but if someone has some fantastic ideas and would like to write player initiated dialogue for some of the NPCs I would be happy to code and include it.

Isn't it obvious that they are great? :P Since there are friendship, charname may create a real bond between his/her team members. My favorite is Yoshimo, Mazzy is also quite interesting. To be honest I never played Viconia Friendship.
It would be nice to see Valygar Friendship. Also (but I think it wouldn't suite Valygar, because of his character) it would be nice to have a male-male friendship. I mean, I would like to see a line like "Oi, Lava! Fancy a pint?" in the game... Or at least a something like 3-4 normal friendship talks and then maybe 3 more for each gender, but that would mean more writing for you...
However, this was only my wish, that probably will never come true :P It would be pleasure to see any new friendship mods :)


If I ever get inspired to write a Valygar "friendship" (it would probably be relatively short with talks spaced out throughout the game, as Valygar is not the talkative type), then there would definitely be some bro-bonding talks. At least one! Valygar is not a character I'm particularly good at writing for, though, so if anyone else would like to take a crack, I'm all ears.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, keep it coming! The more we get, the better future inclusions can be!

#7 Sanctifer



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 01:13 AM

I played Viconia and Yoshimo friendships, and really loved them !
And I'm definitely going to play Imoen friendship one of these days :)

Maybe some friendship with Anomen would be great ?
I know there's a "consensus" (does that word exist in english ?) on everyone hating and despising him, but I think he would be worth knowing further if you don't romance him.
I imagine it could be very difficult though, with all those possibilities of him being LN, LG or CN, it's a lot of different tracks for a possible friendship...
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#8 Shaitan

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 07:20 AM

I like Anomen

#9 Lady of payne

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Posted 17 December 2010 - 09:31 AM

Pro bono publuko.
Create Ano Friendship. Especially CN version. It will be a bomb :woot:
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#10 Kaeloree


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Posted 17 December 2010 - 02:32 PM

Thanks peeps, but I'm not really looking for suggestions for new friendships as feedback on existing ones ;) Thanks anyway! :cheers:

#11 Cal Jones

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Posted 18 December 2010 - 03:37 AM

I liked 'em all - they add something to the game. It'd be nice to see more but I'm not holding my breath.