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Is there any chance for a new friendship-packs?

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#1 -Asthariel-

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Posted 02 December 2010 - 07:51 AM

Hey, I played with Yoshimo Friendship lately, and I must say, that it's just brilliant! Next time, I will play with Mazzy in a team (for a first time).
Is there any chances, that we will see more "friendship" mods? I'm especially interested in such a packs for Valygar (because he is too silent in game), and Anomen (it's time to make him more likeable!). Once again - good job, and thanks for adding new content to 9-years old game!

#2 Eric P.

Eric P.

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 07:48 AM

Hey, I played with Yoshimo Friendship lately, and I must say, that it's just brilliant! Next time, I will play with Mazzy in a team (for a first time).
Is there any chances, that we will see more "friendship" mods? I'm especially interested in such a packs for Valygar (because he is too silent in game), and Anomen (it's time to make him more likeable!). Once again - good job, and thanks for adding new content to 9-years old game!

I'd like to see this, too. There are friendship mods for Imoen and Viconia, but it would be great to have some for other BioWare NPCs (not necessarily all of them, but then again different people like different characters, so...).

All the work that's been done so far, and that continues currently, to enhance the BGII playing experience is most impressive and hugely appreciated! I look forward to what will come next...and what will come after that :) Some day, I'll even see my own mod released ;)


Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.

~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.

A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?

#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 02:28 PM

You never know! If someone wants to write one, well... ;)

Unfortunately for me right now I've got a few other priorities, but I would like to write more in this vein. I had a lot of fun with the friendship packs I wrote!

#4 Iavasechui

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:36 PM

XD I second the request for an Anomen friendship mod. So I don't have to feel like a complete ass dragging him around with absolutely no intention to romance him.

#5 Nilfalasiel

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 05:54 PM

The thing is, as far as I know, there's still an unresolved bug with the Viconia friendship. There was a fix posted for the Mazzy friendship (which was also bugged), but I've uninstalled it, because I decided I didn't care for Mazzy all that much, so I don't know if it actually works. But it would be nice to get the Viconia one working...I really enjoyed it before she got all stuttery on me.


As for a Valygar friendship, there's always Lava's LaValygar mod.