Ask Miles
Posted 01 December 2010 - 04:04 PM
Example Questions Already Asked...
What was the most ridiculous thing Miles spent time in jail for doing?
The most ridiculous thing he spent jail time for was the theft of a building.
He didn't do it...it just crumbled.
What happened when he fell in love the first time?
The first time he fell in love was when he saw a beautiful woman on the streets of Atkhatla -- she wore the biggest diamond ring he ever saw.
Is Miles extremely dishonest, being a thief?
He doesn't lie all that often. In fact, he tries to tell the truth most of the time. That truth is very subjective is an entirely different issue.
Does he know how to climb trees?
Yes; the only tree he ever climbed in his life is the tallest tree in government district. He was running away from a small dog.
He got arrested for 4 days and paid 100 coins for disturbing the peace in the middle of the day.
Class: Multi-Class (Coder/Designer/Composer)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Mod Involvement: Miles NPC Mod - Coder
Please Do Not Hit Me
Mages Can Not Take Damage
I Am Too Squishy
-- Haiku from ThinkGeek.com
Posted 05 December 2010 - 11:59 PM
Cheers and happy coding/designing

Posted 06 December 2010 - 12:27 AM
After the first 6 years of his life he realized that his clumsiness is constantly getting in the way and made a vow to become more agile by trying to climb rooftops. He broke his leg on the same day. Still, it hadn't deterred him, only motivated him further.
The process of gaining agility resulted in many broken windows, about 308 trips to a temple for healing over the span of 5 years only and many days of jailtime for 'disturbing public order'.
He's stubborn.
c: why thank youCheers and happy coding/designing
Team Silvivi Mods
Miles NPC
Name: Silvi
Class: Witch (Writer/Painter)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
When asked about her past, SILVI asks why are you asking about her past. After some nagging she admits she always had a weak spot for Baldur's Gate, game from her youth. She mentions she had been seeking for a way to add a mod of her own to it. Now, she notes proudly, her little dream is being granted.

Oh, and you've just lost the game.
Posted 13 December 2010 - 09:53 PM
I mean, if he only wants to be friends with benefits, I can certainly dig it.

Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:41 PM
The straight-forward answer to this is the relationship can't be anything more than friends with benefits. Because you have the strong connection with nature that comes with your class, Miles will probably never get past the thought that if he said something wrong and made you angry, you could unleash "nature's fury" upon him. It's silly, but it really is a phobia, and I doubt he'd get over it without some intense therapy.Miles and I may have a wee problem. You see, I am a druid at heart and with his paranoia regarding nature... Are we going to be able to work this out?
I mean, if he only wants to be friends with benefits, I can certainly dig it.But I must know... can it be anything more?
However, you don't have to worry about being left out of the fun. The FWB path is slightly more light-hearted, has a lot more jokes, and Miles is very comfortable most of the time because he gets to be himself (so far, I prefer the FWB path for this very reason). Not to mention druids get a few hilarious conversations all to themselves...
Class: Multi-Class (Coder/Designer/Composer)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Mod Involvement: Miles NPC Mod - Coder
Please Do Not Hit Me
Mages Can Not Take Damage
I Am Too Squishy
-- Haiku from ThinkGeek.com
Posted 14 December 2010 - 03:32 PM
Miles and I may have a wee problem. You see, I am a druid at heart and with his paranoia regarding nature... Are we going to be able to work this out?
I mean, if he only wants to be friends with benefits, I can certainly dig it.But I must know... can it be anything more?
Basically what Vivi said, however we balanced this very class with dialogues just for druids and also some practical jokes you can indulge in, including summoning a terror-inducing squirrel into his backpack (if I don't forget to put that into the PiDs next time I update those).
Btw the question of 'can this be more' is a dodgy ground, even for non-druids. Best watch out, because being too clingy may make him back away.
Team Silvivi Mods
Miles NPC
Name: Silvi
Class: Witch (Writer/Painter)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
When asked about her past, SILVI asks why are you asking about her past. After some nagging she admits she always had a weak spot for Baldur's Gate, game from her youth. She mentions she had been seeking for a way to add a mod of her own to it. Now, she notes proudly, her little dream is being granted.

Oh, and you've just lost the game.