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#1 Silvi

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  • 48 posts

Posted 01 December 2010 - 12:01 AM

Druid-specific Love Talk

SAY~Do you really like wilderness that much?~
++~ I do. Nature is beautiful.~ + 3.01druid
++~ It’s powerful. Even if you don’t like it, you have to respect its strength.~ + 3.02druid

SAY~Scary, more like. I much prefer the cities.~
++~ You’re actually afraid of nature? Even of little critters? ~ + 3.02adruid
++~ Is that why you became a thief?~+ 3.03druid
++~ There is nothing scary about nature. ~+ 3.04druid

IF~~ 3.02druid
SAY~~I prefer the cities, thank you very much.~
++~ You’re actually afraid of nature? Even of little critters? ~ + 3.02adruid
++~ Is that why you became a thief?~+ 3.03druid
++~ There is nothing scary about nature. ~+ 3.04druid

IF~~ 3.02adruid
SAY~Especially of the little critters. Those things are mean, they can sneak up on you and hit you with a nasty club and carry you off, all the way looking cute and fluffy…~
=~Okay, maybe  I went a little bit too far. Let’s just say I’m not comfortable in the wild.~
++~ But you’re a half-elf. Part of you belong to the wild.~+ 3.02bdruid
++~ Is that why you became a thief?~+ 3.03druid
++~ There is nothing scary about nature. ~+ 3.04druid

IF~~ 3.02bdruid
SAY~A much bigger part of me prefers not to belong to nature at all.~
++~ Is that why you became a thief?~+ 3.03druid
++~ Odd example of a half-elf you are. Very odd.~ + 3.02cdruid

IF~~ 3.02cdruid
SAY~Because all elves have to love trees? May I point out the existende of drow?~

++ ~ I suppose… is that why you became a thief? To avoid wilderness? + 3.03druid
++~ That was a weak argument there – drow are not natural, thief. + 3.02ddruid

IF~~ 3.02ddruid
SAY~ They seem to exist, though and I don’t think they’re undead. Seems pretty natural. ~
=~ I prefer to be a thief and stay in the city… though becoming a thief was never my decision. It’s my life – that and telling jokes, of course.~
++ ~Why not become a bard then? ~+ 3.05druid
++~ You became a thief because you had to? ~+3.05adruid

IF~~ 3.03druid
SAY~Being a thief isn’t my profession. It’s my life. That and telling jokes.~
++ ~Why not become a bard then? ~+ 3.05druid
++~ You became a thief because you had to? ~+3.05adruid

IF~~ 3.04druid
SAY~Animals, moose, plants, deep water, weather, critters… I’d say there is plenty of scary things that fall into the ‘nature’ category.~
++~ There are a lot of scary things in the city. If you’re afraid of everything, why did you become a thief?~+ 3.03druid
++~ You are actually afraid of *critters*?~ + 3.02adruid
++~ Moose? ~ + 3.04adruid

IF~~ 3.04adruid
SAY~Mooses? Er, moosi? Hm. Meese? No I’m pretty sure it was moose. They’re like sheep. They can sneak up on you in great numbers and you don’t even notice because it’s still just ‘moose’ and ‘sheep’.~
=~Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best argument. Let’s just say I’m not comfortable in the wild.~
++~ But you’re a half-elf. Part of you belong to the wild.~+ 3.02bdruid
++~ Is that why you became a thief? ~+ 3.03druid

IF~~ 3.05druid
SAY~A *bard*!? No. Just no. I found out I’m way too intelligent to be one. I don’t love my own voice and I wouldn’t be able to sing happy songs when someone is charging at me with a sword. I prefer to get behind people and stab them in the back.~
=~ Being a thief has countless other perks, too.~
IF~~ + 3.06druid

IF~~ 3.05adruid
SAY~Something like that. It’s survival of the fittest on the streets and how can you get food if you are too small to earn for it? ~
IF~~ + 3.06druid

IF~~ 3.06druid
SAY~One way or another, I’ll remember to avoid being caught looking through your things. I don’t fancy wild animals attacking me for that.~
++~ You’re actually telling me you’re going to steal my things? ~ + 3.07druid
++~ I’ll make sure to summon a legion of battle-ready squirrels to protect my things.~+ 3.07adruid

IF~~ 3.07druid
SAY~Of course not. I’ll just have a look around. Your journal seems to be an interesting goal to begin with.~
++ ~Don’t you dare.~+ 3.08druid
++~ You can expect nature’s wrath for that.~+ 3.08adruid

IF~~ 3.07adruid
SAY~I’m sure they’ll have to leave to eat or take a leak. I’ll wait for a crack in those heavy squirrel defenses before attacking. Your journal seems to be an interesting war spoil to acquire.~
++ ~That's why I said 'legion', Miles.  Someone will always be on watch.  *Always*.~ +3.08bdruid
++~ Don’t you dare. ~ +3.08druid
++~ You can expect nature’s wrath for that. ~ +3.08adruid

IF~~ 3.08druid
SAY~Be not afraid, <CHARNAME>. I was kidding. (Something in the way he winks at you and leaves you be afterwards tells you he was definitely *not* kidding.)~

IF~~ 3.08adruid
SAY~I always expect nature’s wrath. ~
IF~~ + 3.08druid

IF ~~ 3.08bdruid
SAY ~...don't say "always" like that ever again.  Gave me the creeps...~
IF~~ + 3.08druid

Edited by Silvi, 01 December 2010 - 07:11 AM.

My deviantArt lair
Team Silvivi Mods
Miles NPC

Name: Silvi
Class: Witch (Writer/Painter)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
When asked about her past, SILVI asks why are you asking about her past. After some nagging she admits she always had a weak spot for Baldur's Gate, game from her youth. She mentions she had been seeking for a way to add a mod of her own to it. Now, she notes proudly, her little dream is being granted.

Posted Image

Oh, and you've just lost the game.