Crashing when entering Mebbeth's House (among others)
Posted 28 November 2010 - 09:37 PM
So I'm experiencing repeatable crashes (or outright system lock-ups) when doing the following:
-Entering any building in Ragpicker's Square (except for Sharegrave's Kip).
In short, I originally installed PS:T with the proper mods in the correct order (outlined in this guide). When I originally installed the widescreen mod, I shot for the full native resolution of my laptop (1400 x 1050). It ran fine for a bit, but I was noticing really bad slow-down when entering small buildings or being in a crowded area. None of those were really big issues until after I had moved on to the Wards.
When that hit, I decided to downgrade my resolution to 1024x768 and the performance increased dramatically. Even in busy areas, the game was playable again (yay!). So I did a bunch of quests in the Wards before deciding to tie up some loose quests. Going back to Ragpicker's Square (meaning to talk to Mebbeth and become a Level 8 Fighter / Mage) - it crashed horrifically when entering her shop.
I can't get around this, at all. Also, when entering other buildings in the area - same thing. The only building that works is Sharegrave's Kip - probably because I never stopped in there before I switched resolutions. I found a post about using a HEX editor on my .SAV files (correct?) here - but when I open my Torment.SAV files (in XVI32), any searches for the strings listed in the post aren't found.
Does anyone know how to work around this issue? I'm down for alternative surgery on my .SAV files, if need be.
Thank you,
Posted 29 November 2010 - 12:23 AM
Now, as far as I know there isn't a way to actually fix this. If you absolutely have to re-enter certain places you could try to workaround the problem by going back to 1400x1050, enter the places your game crashed (beware not to save the game while in houses, save only outside) and then go back to 1024x768 if you wish. I don't guarantee this will work everywhere though.
As for your performance issues, they may be introduced because of the usual problem modern cards have with DDRAW emulation. There is a pinned thread in the forum offering some possible solutions.
Edited by ghostdog, 29 November 2010 - 06:26 AM.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 07:06 AM
I'll give the work-around a shot. Out of curiosity, the hex editing method (which I linked to) is just jibberish, then?Now, as far as I know there isn't a way to actually fix this. If you absolutely have to re-enter certain places you could try to workaround the problem by going back to 1400x1050, enter the places your game crashed (beware not to save the game while in houses, save only outside) and then go back to 1024x768 if you wish. I don't guarantee this will work everywhere though.
Addenum: Grog! I put it back to 1400x1050 and it crashed when entering Mebbeth's house. I think there are only a handful of buildings that'd be killed with this issue, but I may just start over...
Edited by NickDelios, 29 November 2010 - 07:20 AM.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 07:48 AM
Oh yes, I missed that link. The hex-editing mentioned there isn't for the save files but for Torment.exe. You should give it a try, it may work (just be sure to backup torment.exe in case something goes wrong). If this doesn't help, starting over may be your only option.I'll give the work-around a shot. Out of curiosity, the hex editing method (which I linked to) is just jibberish, then?
Posted 29 November 2010 - 10:37 PM
Well, I just did the hex edit and *bam*, same problem. Off to start a new game - hopefully jumping in to the Mage class as-soon-as-possible this time.Oh yes, I missed that link. The hex-editing mentioned there isn't for the save files but for Torment.exe. You should give it a try, it may work (just be sure to backup torment.exe in case something goes wrong). If this doesn't help, starting over may be your only option.I'll give the work-around a shot. Out of curiosity, the hex editing method (which I linked to) is just jibberish, then?
Thanks for all your help, ghostdog. Also - your UI enhancement is fantastic. Truly great stuff!
Posted 30 August 2011 - 01:25 PM
I would like to bump this thread.
I am experiencing random crashes while entering small areas. Basically the game tries to load the location but eventually crashes after a while. Restarting the game and reentering the area from auto-save fixes the problem.
It seems as if the game had problems with unpacking the files, so only the second try works. On the other hand, my cache file hax max set to 1 (also did test with 100).
The game I am playing is a completely new game as I have lost any Torment saves. In other words, I haven't changed the resolution.
I'm playing with XP and have all the game CD files in one folder if that would matter.
Posted 18 March 2017 - 01:31 PM
This really pisses me off. Those mods basically break the game, so what is the purpose of installing them? I've returned to the game after a long time, after Numenera failed to deliver, I wanted to play something good. Bought it on GoG, installed the mods as advised, played a while and now I have to reinstall and start over? I know this is kind of a first world problem, but man, is it frustrating. I mean, if you couldn't have done the mods well, you should not encourage people to install them and break their games. I'm gritting my teeth so hard because of this.