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Warsling Sniper Kit for Fighters

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#1 Adul

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Posted 25 November 2010 - 04:18 PM

File Name: Warsling Sniper Kit for Fighters
File Submitter: Adul
File Submitted: 26 Nov 2010
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods

Now available for BG2, BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE.
This is my interpretation of a prestige class from Races of Faerun that I've always found interesting. In BG I've made it a fighter kit.

The sling is a difficult weapon to master, but in the hands of a warsling sniper it becomes a precise tool of war. Although slings are commonly associated with and used by the hin, experts of the weapon may indeed come from any race.


- +1 bonus to hit and damage with missile weapons at first level and every 4 levels afterward
- At 10th level he gains the Improved Ricochet passive ability which allows all fired missiles to bounce off their primary target and hit one additional nearby foe


- May not specialize in any weapon other than the sling
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather
- Hit Die: d8

Version history:

v1.0: Initial release

- Updated mod to work with the Enhanced Editions
- Lowered hit die to d8 (only works on Enhanced Editions)
- Changed ability requisite from 9 DEX to 9 STR
- Changed dual-classing ability requisite from 15 DEX to 15 STR
- Updated file names to use new mod prefix
- v1.0 saves are *not* compatible with v2.0+

- Slightly increased Improved Ricochet damage
- Fixed a bug that caused Improved Ricochet not to work
- The above fix will not be applied to characters who have already
  reached level 10


Click here to download this file

#2 yarpen


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Posted 02 December 2010 - 02:47 AM

Nice kit! IMO about abilities it's just fine as it is - but I'd suggest altering a bit it's drawback. When your character is limited to proficiency (1 point) in nearly any weapon it's getting harder to spent all of those profciciency points. I'd suggest 2 points (specialisation).

#3 Armand

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 07:26 AM

French translation is in progress and traify is over. This mod is very shorter so it will be not very long.

Edited by Armand, 16 February 2011 - 07:26 AM.

#4 Sanctifer



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Posted 02 March 2011 - 01:06 AM

I'm quite interested in improving the kit further sometime soon so if you have any ideas for abilities or HLA's, or balance suggestions you'd like to see implemented then let me know in the support topic.

As HLA, what'd be cool would be some kind of Improved Ricochet, hurting three or four foes instead of just one.
Also, maybe you could add different types of bullets in the game, to make the kit more fun to play with.

Nice kit! IMO about abilities it's just fine as it is - but I'd suggest altering a bit it's drawback. When your character is limited to proficiency (1 point) in nearly any weapon it's getting harder to spent all of those profciciency points. I'd suggest 2 points (specialisation).

I agree with that !

Edited by Sanctifer, 02 March 2011 - 01:06 AM.

« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#5 Armand

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Posted 03 March 2011 - 01:33 PM

Translation is done. Apart from this I'm agree with sanctifer especially for bullet creation. If ever you need some help, contact me... In any case, the new mod with traify with translation is available here :

Attached Files

#6 Sanctifer



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Posted 04 March 2011 - 12:46 AM

Btw, if adding new types of bullets in the game world seems too complicated (adding them to merchants, containers, monsters'inventories, ...), you could just give the kit an innate ability (or two, or three) to create bullets (like Eldoth's arrows in BG1 or Jan's skull-exploding-things)

Just an idea :)
« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#7 Adul

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Posted 09 March 2011 - 03:09 AM

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, and to Armand for the French translation. I'll be thinking about the kit's abilities to possibly include new types of bullets in a next version. I think I'll remove the inherent ricochet ability and instead incorporate it into the different types of bullets the sniper can create. That way I'll be able to configure the looks and abilities of each ricochet bullet instead of using the same one on every occasion, as it is currently.

#8 JohnBob

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Posted 15 December 2022 - 06:19 AM


Here is an update for the Warsling Sniper Kit for Fighters mod.

The main goal is to add the French language to the kit and hopefully a complete EET compatibility.


The list of changes (no change in content).


Adul, I don't know if you are still on the forum, or if a moderator can validate. If the "modifications" are acceptable and approved a release will be created at this place...

Edited by JohnBob, 15 December 2022 - 06:20 AM.