Looking for: one or two proofreaders to check my translation of the Hanna NPC Mod for BG2
Content for proofreading: about 90 kb in .tra files (see attachment: http://www.shsforums...attach_id=22075)
Deadline: There is no deadline (I hope to make it for a Xmas release

Mod Information:
Version: 2.3
Creator: Eslizón (drizzt905@hotmail.com)
Language: Castilian, German
Hanna comes from an old family of rangers who dedicated themselves to protecting the people in the vicinity of Myth Drannor for generations. Since they were children, Hanna's father took them into the forest, when pursuing various evil creatures to preserve peace and justice in the village, and both Hanna and her brother began to learn the trade of their father, although this didn't please their mother. Years later, while in her youth, her father died, and her older brother took over his father's work. Everyone thought that Hanna was not suitable for the job being a woman, so Hanna felt hurt and left, taking along the traditional Guardian Sword of her family. Since then she roamed the Realms, devoted primarily to improve her already impressive skills and to become as skilled as her father one day, and show everyone that women can also be a great beast hunters. This lifestyle has made Hanna a lonesome ranger, little concerned about social relations. She feels more comfortable in a forgotten dungeon, her sword at hand, than in big cities.
This Mod includes:
- Hanna, a new NPC
- Dozens of interactions with the player and other playable NPCs
- 20 new objects, including Hanna's family sword
- A new quest if Hanna is in your group
- Her own epilogue
- Includes the "Enhanced De'Arnise Keep" Mod, the Minimods "Improved Irenicus", "Improved Irenicus Dragon" and others, making the encounters with Irenicus, the Dragon and other encounters more difficult, improving their scripts, having them call allies beside them or giving them more power or powerful objects.
Mod download: http://www.shsforums...ds&showfile=821
Edited by Xicloing, 05 January 2011 - 06:00 PM.