File Submitter: Zaldir
File Submitted: 12 Nov 2010
File Updated: 12 Nov 2010
File Category: Houses
Happy's Manor
Version 1.7
By Happy I Am & Zaldir with Hypergames2K8
This mod was originaly created by Happy-I-Am, but has been continued by me, with the permission of Happy-I-Am. It adds a player home in Chorrol, with some rocks as the door.
Main Entrances: A rock by the statue at the front door & a rock by the great oak.
adds a player home to chorrol. The door is some rocks in Chorrol.
It has a backdoor that goes to the stable outside of Chorrol.
3 swords on the wall in the basement which are full of food and stuff for potions ect
there is a chest full of my armour inside the house - its just steal armor renamed, but a bit stronger
Has a safe mode button that locks the hidden doors to the office and bedroom, and a "Turn off" safe mod button to unlock the doors again.
There's a storage room full of chests. The chests are safe.
Latest Oblivion patch
Shivering Isles
Extract all the files from the ZIP into your Oblivion\Data director.
Activate Happy's Manor.esp file from Data Files in the Oblivion Launcher.
Delete the following file:
Happy's Manor.esp
View Full Changelog
Replaced the two teleport stones (by the oak, and by the statue) to stand out from other rocks, to make them easier to spot.
Fixed some floating doors & items.
Fixed some tapestries, lights & paintings.
fixed door markers so you won't fall to the ground or get stuck when entering a room.
bug reports:
Happy-I-Am & Zaldir
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