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Flickering/not working Action Bar

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#1 Skiffard

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:53 AM


Help! I'm experiencing the most annoying graphical glitch which is sadly preventing me from replaying these fantastic games.
The thing is the action bar in the bottom of the screen starts flashing/flickering and stops responding when I use a skill. Can't really go through the game without using my action bar. ;( The problem occurs in both BG and BG2.
Anyone have a clue what to do to solve this?
I use a widescreen, my graphics card is a gforce GTS 250 and I play on XP. I've tried a lot of things: More or less enable/disable everything in the game config and application settings from my graphics card, install a new driver, install an old driver, install/uninstall widescreen mod, run in windowed mode, reinstall and play without any mods/patches (stops the flickering, but my action bar still doesn't respond after the first use of an action. If I tap out, go to map or otherwise change the game picture I can use another action. Still makes it horrible to play with any special action heavy classes.).
I'm in urgent need of expert help!

#2 Skiffard

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 01:20 PM

A new Nvidia driver was just released today and installing it seems to have solved my flickering/not working action bars. Cool shit! :D