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Bug Report for 0.53

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#141 MythrylEagle

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 09:57 AM

A few more typos:


your a slaver > you're a slaver [multiple occurances]
as is some > as are some


messanger > messenger


wifes > wives


its not > it's not [multiple]
no where > nowhere
pined under > pinned under
apologise > apologize
realise > realize [multiple]
realises > realizes
apologises > apologizes
perculiar > peculiar
apologising > apologizing
offguard > off guard
sits besides > sits beside


then death > than death


Its always > It's always


wifes > wives


where killed > were killed

only 75 more .D files to go. (Note: I'm finding very few typos compared to the spellchecks I performed in past years. There are obviously many uses of poor grammer and spelling that are intentional within the game dialog and I attempt to screen as many of these as i can before reporting them as typos. It is very reasonable to assume that some of what I report is still intentional and should not be reported but alas my ability to screen intentional verse unintentional is imperfect .

The volume of dialog has grown significantly over the years. Job well done to all involved.)
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#142 MythrylEagle

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 01:29 PM

Finished Mistmoor, spoke to fletcher and fletcher's wife afterwards. one of them gives me a quest to go talk to Militia captain in Saltmarsh to discover what happend to arrow and bow shipment. I talk to Saltmarsh captain but captain has nothing to say. What do I need to do to proceed with this quest?
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#143 MythrylEagle

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 11:56 AM

A few more typos:


give give > give
wonderous > wondrous


townfolk > townsfolk


defyling > defiling [multiple occurrences]
rightgousness > righteousness [multiple]


adequently > adequately


courtyard were > courtyard where
anymore > any more
Its starting > It's starting


look out > lookout


look and ack > look and act

that all for now, only 50 more files to go.
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#144 MythrylEagle

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:51 PM

A few more typos:


Welcom to > Welcome to
persuing > pursuing


only to happy > only too happy


It's mind > Its mind
beggers > beggars


Vildmayr along > Vildamyr a long
borne > born
magicks > magics
undue > undo
me a with > me with


pitful > pitiful
splendour > splendor
has to with > has to do with
godsforsaken > godforsaken
grovelling > groveling


your going > you're going
they whole > the whole


human corpes > human corpses [multiple ]


human corpes > human corpses [multiple ]


history Thar > history of Thar


have past > have passed


apologise > apologize
spellstrikes,his > spellstrikes, his
life,and > life, and


momment > moment [multiple]


tigeress > tigress


it was do > it was due

that all for now, only 30 more files to go.
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#145 MythrylEagle

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:05 PM

finished the Vault of Ages, did run into the broken dialog which refers to Amber, but otherwise it went well.
love the new Westgate map. I do find the encounters on this map challenging. tough with so little equipment.

Quick overview of my progress: Sunless citadel, Saltmarsh, Haunted house, Lizardmen, Sauguan, Bane dungeon, Silver princess (I pickpocketed the wardstone on map 1), Mistmoor, Vault of Ages and have begun Westgate.

Did I miss any major maps/quests so far?
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#146 Noelstrum

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 03:46 PM

Finished Mistmoor, spoke to fletcher and fletcher's wife afterwards. one of them gives me a quest to go talk to Militia captain in Saltmarsh to discover what happend to arrow and bow shipment. I talk to Saltmarsh captain but captain has nothing to say. What do I need to do to proceed with this quest?

I had the same problem. I think there's a bug in TCSALTCA.D that means you can only do the Fletcher's Quest if you have followed the UK2 / UK3 path. Otherwise the dialog block beginning:

IF ~Global("TCBattleReport","TC0030",1)~ THEN BEGIN LastThing1

will take precedence over the one that allows the fletcher quest to go forward.

#147 Noelstrum

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 04:15 PM

Playing CA 053a

I struggled to get the Bane cleric quest to start. No bugs to report, but I would have missed it had i not known that it was there. Would suggest some more dialog from additional sources to direct the PC toward this quest. I go upstairs and all of the adepts, initiates,... just direct me back downstairs. Couldn't get them to exchange any dialog at all. Couldn't even talk them into hostility.

I still have difficulty finding places to sleep when I go to the saguahan map. In fact this is a basic problem I have with traveling between many maps. There is often a travel time of 8, 12, 16 or more hours between maps. I arrive exhausted, often have an immediate encounter ( not unreasonable) but then have no opportunity to rest before continuing with the map.

I also missed the Bane quest the 1st time I played through, and only got it when I found out how on these fora.


As for the Sahaugin .... there is a way to rest on the surface map before heading into the actual dungeon, it's just not that obvious. However, a bigger issue may be that it is easy to exploit resting inside the dungeon itself. Absolutely every time you rest you get woken by a single Sahaugin. Kill him for whatever (600 ish I think) xp and rest again for another 600 and again for another etc. etc.. I stopped after 100 myself, by which time the engine was REALLY struggling to render all the bodies!

Rest encounters should be a bit more variable than this, with some chance of something really dangerous or they are way to easy to exploit. The Silver Princess dungeon is also readily exploitable, but more for the items than the xp. Try for long enough and every character can have a 25 stat in everything!

#148 Sam.

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 04:27 PM

Did I miss any major maps/quests so far?

You could have done the UK series instead of the U series if you wanted (or bent the rules and done both :whistling: ). It explains how in Chapter 2 of the walkthrough. You can check out the cover art of the modules here if you want to see which module is which. The G series (Giants) is in the works now. There may be a teaser map for them in the game, but I don't remember for sure.

"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden


___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________

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#149 MythrylEagle

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 01:25 PM

a few more typos;


run away > runaway
haven't never > haven't ever [might be intentional?]


human corpes > human corpses [multiple]


he petite > her petite
colour's > color's
Oakhust > Oakhurst


except Shar > accept Shar


would't > wouldn't
defence > defense


themselves > one's self
Cromyr > Cormyr


Cromyr > Cormyr


each others > each other's
on going down > of going down


colours > colors
colour > colour
am omen > an omen


you hands > your hands
Shaaran > Sharan


it self > itself
adamantum > adamantine [multiple occurances] [this is a new item reference to a chain, other uses of the adamantine ore including adamantine chain mail use the adamantine spelling]

still another 20 .D files to spellcheck and then a few other text files like the setup files to check.

didn't play CA last night, had to watch my Crimson Tide play a little football.
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#150 MythrylEagle

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 12:48 PM

a few more typos;


use top > use to
as possibly before > as possible before
there sockets > their sockets
than I need > then I need


Lloth > Lolth
recognised > recognized


fervour > fervor
familiarise > familiarize
its just > it's just
or each other > of each other
seperate > separate
realise > realize
bussiness like > bussinesslike


with there sources > with other resources
favour > favor [multiple]
favours > favors
Loth's > Lolth's


it's family > its family


realise > realize [multiple]
existance > existence
rumours > rumors
humour > humor
cowards > coward's


brining > bringing


queit > quiet
organisation > organization [multiple]
tantalising > tantalizing


recognised > recognized
lain before > laid before


specialise > specialize
tounge > tonque
realised > realized


humilation > humiliation
realises > realizes
desireable > desirable


refering > referring [multiple]


then any other > than any other


extra curricular > extracurricular
ladies man > ladies' man
some time > sometime
mislike > dislike
civilised > civilizes


standby > stand by
alot > a lot [multiple]


then a mere > than a mere
loose control > lose control
succubi > succubus
more then that > more than that
daughters death > daughter's death
is a unhealthy > is an unhealthy
surperior > superior
Prehaps > Perhaps
distiguish > distinguish
greatful > grateful


sorceror > sorcerer [multiple]
favour > favor
Eriscdottir > Ericsdottir
each others secrets > each other's secrets
need you help > need your help
not too mention > not to mention
Makessa Demuir > Markessa Demuir
sarcasim > sarcasm


smiles upon you > smile upon you
anyway I can > any way I can
its one small > it's one small [multiple]
sofly > softly


lets take > let's take
that the have > that they have

this complete my review of the .D files included in 0.53 and 0.53a
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#151 MythrylEagle

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Posted 18 January 2012 - 09:01 AM

a few comments as I play through 053a:

Catharandamus sues for peace but dies before I can stop all party members from completing ongoing attacks. Probably had arrows in flight that cause damage that exceeds the margin between cath dialog and death.

TERRA biography:
Cromyr > Cormyr
fulfil > fulfill

Urquant dialog: tried to assailed > tried to assail

map west of Piney Bluff crashes regularly, If I continually save and reload I can complete map.

I have not been able to play through the UK series. I can visit Piney Bluff and the 1 map to the west with the gargoyle tower but that is all. There must be more but I cannot find the proper game path.

Played silver princess through several times. Once with Caarna in party, everything works and completes properly, although the end dialogs have awkward delays. Also played silver princess without caarna, (picked her pocket for wardstone) in this scenario the module ending dialogs do not occur (no Caarna) and I'm left with figuring out where the dwarves are for delivering the gem. I wonder if I have same problem if i drop Caarna prior to completing module?

TC1044 encounter map has no encounter contrary to message given entering map

Mistmoor map: Ril comments on statue missing from pedestal, there is no bare pedestal just the remaining statue.

ICAR dialog:
My I touch > May I touch
but you family > but your family
show me you face > show me your face

Dirbert dialog:
I'm going deck > I'm going to deck
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#152 MythrylEagle

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 09:52 AM

a few more comments:

cannot rest at Madam Daisy's

@ madam Daisy's, dialog with Fhalyssa 4.) ... will show you what a man I am. (this dialog appears even if character talking to Fhalyssa is female.)
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#153 MythrylEagle

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 10:06 AM

Did I miss any major maps/quests so far?

You could have done the UK series instead of the U series if you wanted (or bent the rules and done both :whistling: ). It explains how in Chapter 2 of the walkthrough. You can check out the cover art of the modules here if you want to see which module is which. The G series (Giants) is in the works now. There may be a teaser map for them in the game, but I don't remember for sure.

The walkthrough gives no real info about the UK series other than how to start. I can get to Piney bluff and 1 map to its west but can get no farther in this series.
Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#154 -Gast-

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 12:45 PM

As far as I remember you have to find a book in the tower on the map west of Piney Bluff. It reveals a new map to the south and the quest is going on.

#155 Noelstrum

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Posted 27 January 2012 - 07:50 PM

Did I miss any major maps/quests so far?

You could have done the UK series instead of the U series if you wanted (or bent the rules and done both :whistling: ). It explains how in Chapter 2 of the walkthrough. You can check out the cover art of the modules here if you want to see which module is which. The G series (Giants) is in the works now. There may be a teaser map for them in the game, but I don't remember for sure.

The walkthrough gives no real info about the UK series other than how to start. I can get to Piney bluff and 1 map to its west but can get no farther in this series.

I think there may be a bug with Bergon's dialogue. He is the one who can open the first main UK2 map, but he will only do it the first time you speak to him, and then only if you have the global TCKurstSaidTalktoBergon set to 1. I don't know how this flag is supposed to be set .... I used ShadowKeeper. With this global set he will allow an additional dialogue reply option:

"Kurst talked of two skulks. Can you tell me more?"

You must make this reply the first time you talk to him or you are stuck forever, unless, of course, like me, you get in and edit TCBERGON.D to make him repeat his intro dialogue.

It's worth the effort tho .... the UK dungeons are really fun!

#156 -Gast-

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 03:35 AM

Hello. When I took a note in Sturm B's office a new map revealed (Slaver fortress, A2). But I could not access these area. Tried different maps with different directions to leave but with no success. Maybe I missed one but the map with the pack and Marl was missing too. I tried to talk to everyone in Westgate without luck. Finally I used the console to travel there. What was my fault?

#157 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 22 June 2012 - 02:05 AM

Please, say that the mod is still alive...i've been waiting for years waiting for it to be fully playable and I avoided spoiling it until its final version ...

I know it's a big work ... just hope it's still in developing ;)

Keep it up!

Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#158 leahnkain

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 01:00 AM

After the 3.11 earthquake in Japan, I got very busy with the real world. I still have a ton of material to sort through, I am unsure about SirBillyBob but I will start working on CA again soon.

Longing for the old pen and paper modules of the 70's and 80's. Experience AD&D's greatest adventures using the infinity engine: Visit our homepage at http://classicadventuresmod.com/

#159 HERD

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 03:19 PM

In Vildamyr-Dirbert banter, Dirbert says, 'Gee, that is so kind of you' Gee? They don't know Jesus Christ in Faerun (nor elsewhere in FR either)
A couple of typos in BVILD.D
Woman change only when they need something ==> Women change only when they need something
Thou are fair ==> Thou art fair

Edited by HERD, 06 October 2012 - 03:28 PM.

#160 Tchos

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 03:31 PM

In Vildamyr-Dirbert banter, Dirbert says, 'Gee, that is so kind of you' Gee? They don't know Jesus Christ in Faerun (nor elsewhere in FR either)

Of course! In the Forgotten Realms, the expression "Gee" is an invocation of the gnomish god Garl Glittergold, whose domain is trickery, and is worshipped by practical jokers. That's why when someone uses the expression, you know they're being sarcastic. :)