Bug Report for 0.53
Posted 06 January 2011 - 04:55 AM
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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:48 AM
Edited by Helborn, 07 January 2011 - 11:49 AM.
Posted 07 January 2011 - 08:33 PM
Longing for the old pen and paper modules of the 70's and 80's. Experience AD&D's greatest adventures using the infinity engine: Visit our homepage at http://classicadventuresmod.com/
Posted 08 January 2011 - 08:36 AM
I had a problem with the quest in Pine Bluff (V53a). After the mage has received the Gauntlet from Icar, he disappeared and was not seen, found since then.
Suna Seni stays neutral when her bunch is going to attack.
I wonder why Bart is not in his bureau? And this is more for help, but I can not find Ander in Selgaunt to finish the quest with the new farmers.
Two and a half travel points in Selgaunt are broken.
File: ObjCreatureAI.cpp
Line: 16055
Msg: TC3053 missing Exit3310 wont work on both sides. And ASSERTION FAILED!
File: ObjCreatureAI.cpp
Line: 16055
Msg: TC3740 missing Tc3050 here you can not return to Lothar from the sewers.
And this is maybe Shadows temperament but she will "keep on moving" even when you moving around with her or an other figure.
File: CStore.cpp
Line: 241
Exp: pData != NULL
Msg: no msg. was the last crash in the village where Ander & Co are ment for.
Posted 09 January 2011 - 01:19 PM
Shadow's comment is just her standard line when you are in a dungeon area. She seems to say it more often than other characters say their line here.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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Posted 10 January 2011 - 05:14 PM
BTW, if you are saying you can't find Ander after talking to him on the docks, go to the inn on the same map (the one at the top of the map that looks has stairs going down into the inn). He will be there.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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Posted 12 January 2011 - 03:58 PM
Hmm, in area TC3510 are sixteen persons but nobody called Ander or Dale. Does the bar boss in the slums appear only to special NPCs in the group? I have been three times in Sunderham, two times without permission, and in V53a with one, but never find the artifact for the halfling in the White Knight. Missed I a special dialogue or a location? Btw the cleric there did not recognize his student in my group I promised to search for. Candella (V53) does not get the icon on her portrait when she claims to be weary. After the quest with the three sisters a cleric send my group to Piney Bluff to investigate a mysterious stone. I found nobody there who would talk about that thing. Is this an other quest, maybe not ready for now, or does it lead to the story with the gauntlet?
Posted 13 January 2011 - 09:16 AM
Ander and party will only be in TC3510 if you have already talked to them outside near where you arrived. Otherwise, they are still outside.
Bar boss in slums? You mean Bart? That quest isn't finished yet.
White Knight is a Suderham inn. The gnome inside is asking you to get him an item that doesn't exist. It is a trick to get you to go against the slavers.
Candella - We have done nothing to change how being tired works. She should show icon if really is tired.
Mysterious stone - quest isn't finished.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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Posted 13 January 2011 - 03:34 PM
That was all I am asking for. I do not know if I talked to Ander or he talked to me but he said, that he would take the group to an inn and vanished in the big white building near by. Only the guard is standing at the docks, who told me, that there is somebody looking for farmers. I talked to this man, but now I cannot find Ander in TC3510 so the man in the other inn has nothing to say to me. Quest end.
Posted 14 January 2011 - 07:46 AM
The global that spawns Ander and folk needs to be set at "3" but if you talk to Phodor to get the quest, he sets it to "4". So if you then go to TC3510, Ander won't spawn. I'll set it so he spawns either way. To fix your game, use the CLUA and do this:
That will spawn them in the inn. It shouldn't mess up any dialogs with Ander but I need to test it.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
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Posted 14 January 2011 - 11:49 AM
Posted 16 January 2011 - 10:14 AM
Doors to nowhere
I've played through the Sunless Citadel so far, and noticed a lot of doors to nowhere, which open into a void that can't be seen or walked into, but I thought perhaps that was supposed to represent collapsed passages. But now I'm in Saltmarsh and I see the same thing in one of the houses there (Deril Estate). Are these intentional (perhaps meant to be closets?) or areas that are unfinished, or something else? I'd make those doors unopenable to cut down on the confusion.
Erky's spell selection
Erky has "Find Familiar" in his spellbook. Before I erase it, is there some reason for this that I don't understand (roleplaying reasons, perhaps)? Since only the protagonist can cast that spell, it seems to have no purpose there.
Nephelium armour description
If you have Rurik make a set of plate out of the nephelium ore, and choose not to use any gem for colour, he will agree to make it, but the resulting armour's description states that you did, in fact, choose to use a gem to tint the armour blue.
Other things that I'm not sure about. I picked up a couple of wardstones at some point during the Citadel adventure or maybe before, and I'm not sure what they're for. Maybe I already unwittingly used them, like that key I got from the kobold queen. I'm sure I must have used it to open a door, but I don't know which door it was. At any rate, do I need those wardstones anymore?
Posted 18 January 2011 - 06:40 AM
Erky has the spell just like any other mage. You can remove it if you want. When I created him, I just selected random 1st level spells.
The splint mail has the correct description text:
"With the addition of the special Nephelium ore and a small blue gem already at the smithy, Rurik has added ..."
The plate and chain mail are now fixed. Thanks for finding that error.
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website
Posted 18 January 2011 - 06:59 AM
Actually, I've never yet played BG2. I just finished BG1 (using Tutu) a couple of weeks ago, and thought I'd give Classic Adventures a try before getting into the second BG game. I like it so far.These are used all over SoA but you have probably played it enough times that you don't even bother opening those doorways anymore, so you forgot.
What about those wardstones, though? Not needed if I've finished the Citadel? I'm past the haunted house now.
Glad I could help with the one genuine issue.
Posted 18 January 2011 - 09:50 AM
Tired of Bhaal? Try some classics mods instead:
Classic Adventures
Official Classic Adventures Website
Posted 18 January 2011 - 03:36 PM
Another thing I've noticed is that Dirbert complains about my selecting during the normal course of the game, seemingly more than he should. "Hey! There's nothing left for you to hear! Pick someone else, okay?" Shadow does this too, to a lesser extent. "You really enjoy this, don't you?" I'm not just clicking on them over and over. I use both Dirbert and Shadow as scouts to check ahead while stealthed, and I switch between them trying to get them hidden in shadows (takes several tries), but even though I've clicked Dirbert (f6), then Shadow (f6), then Dirbert again (f6), he acts like I'm just clicking him over and over. Perhaps this is just built into the engine? If so, what's the name of that sound file, so I can replace it with a blank one? As good as the voice acting is, I don't like being told I'm doing something intentionally when I'm not.
Posted 18 January 2011 - 05:35 PM
While playing the game, go to "Options" then to "sound" and then to "character sounds" and turn the "selection sounds" option down to seldom or never, depending on your preferenceAnother thing I've noticed is that Dirbert complains about my selecting during the normal course of the game, seemingly more than he should. "Hey! There's nothing left for you to hear! Pick someone else, okay?" Shadow does this too, to a lesser extent. "You really enjoy this, don't you?" I'm not just clicking on them over and over. I use both Dirbert and Shadow as scouts to check ahead while stealthed, and I switch between them trying to get them hidden in shadows (takes several tries), but even though I've clicked Dirbert (f6), then Shadow (f6), then Dirbert again (f6), he acts like I'm just clicking him over and over. Perhaps this is just built into the engine? If so, what's the name of that sound file, so I can replace it with a blank one? As good as the voice acting is, I don't like being told I'm doing something intentionally when I'm not.

"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden
___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________
Posted 18 January 2011 - 05:53 PM
Posted 18 January 2011 - 07:05 PM
I know of that option, but I like most of the sounds. I'd really rather deal with this particular issue than cut them all out entirely.

~Hey! There's nothing else here for you to hear. Just pick someone else. Sheesh.~ [TCDIRB23.wav]
~You really enjoy this, don't you?~ [TCSHAD30.wav]
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden
___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________
Posted 19 January 2011 - 05:59 AM