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Bug Report for 0.53

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#1 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 05 October 2010 - 10:57 AM

Please post any problems, bugs, or quirks you encountered while playing version 0.53. If you are still using 0.52, post in that thread. Posting about something that may be fixed doesn't help us and may question your sanity.

Classic Adventures is still in development. You will find areas that are still "thin" in creatures, people, or other interactions. We know so please don't post about that here. Also, as a total conversion not every other mod for SoA/ToB is going to work. So please don't add in tons of mini-mods and then complain here about your experience with this mod. However, if the other mod did work, please let us all know about it. We are working with some of the other modders to make sure these work together when possible. Thank you all for helping us out.


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#2 Xeniteia

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Posted 20 October 2010 - 08:28 AM

Well, I've encoutered two bugs, even if the second isn't maybe one.

The first one is when you go into the area TC1044 when travelling, monsters are supposed to attack you but they aren't present. This causes to make save and rest impossible later, and I had to take a previous save to continue the game.

The second one is that I can't access the Slaver's fortress after cleaning the abandoned temple. Some slaves and the slaver where the Shar priestess that has a dialog with Vildamyr don't talk after she leaves. Is it related ?

Edited by Xeniteia, 20 October 2010 - 08:40 AM.

#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 20 October 2010 - 04:10 PM

The Shar priestess has nothing to do with finishing this quest. Did you fight Sturm and pickup his documents on the table?

As for TC1044, usually everyone claims to keep repeating the same fight, but you claim no one appeared? I'll have to try to duplicate on my system.

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#4 Xeniteia

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 01:39 PM

Yeah, I have killed Sturm. The Shar priestess leaves but the slaver that's in the same room remains, and even killing him won't free the slaves near him.

About TC0144, I've already did a fight there once, and after this no opponents appeared. Loading the autosave or using CLUA helps to deal with this bug, though.

By the way, I'll leave some impressions after a few plays of this mod (since version 0.48 or so).

I really like the graphics for Westgate and some details here and there. New beautiful graphics is what misses most mods, even the ones with a good storyline. Recycling the same BG or IWD areas has its limits. I know that doing graphics are hard work but that's something really great, that helps CA creating a very different atmosphere than most other mods/TCs.
Adding the newer high-level abilities from other mods, for the late parts of the game, and adding newer kits for the PC -even from existing kit mods- would be a good improvement IMO. Newer spells and compatible mods already give good additions.
The fact that you have to change a party disappointed me at first but now I think it's more faithful to real role play in regular single player game, since NPCs have their own paths. This may be a problem when playing a multiplayer game, but the BG series are ill-fitted for this purpose IMO.

Edited by Xeniteia, 21 October 2010 - 01:39 PM.

#5 leahnkain

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 06:16 AM

I really like the graphics for Westgate and some details here and there. New beautiful graphics is what misses most mods, even the ones with a good storyline. Recycling the same BG or IWD areas has its limits. I know that doing graphics are hard work but that's something really great, that helps CA creating a very different atmosphere than most other mods/TCs.

Thanks, that map took weeks to do, I am glad you like it. I likle seeing a new map for each town or city that is why we try our best to make orginal towns when possible.

Adding the newer high-level abilities from other mods, for the late parts of the game, and adding newer kits for the PC -even from existing kit mods- would be a good improvement IMO. Newer spells and compatible mods already give good additions.

When we get to the end of the giants series I will start looking more into this. Thanks for the suggestion.

The fact that you have to change a party disappointed me at first but now I think it's more faithful to real role play in regular single player game, since NPCs have their own paths. This may be a problem when playing a multiplayer game, but the BG series are ill-fitted for this purpose IMO.

I thought that it would be good for the player to work with different groups and old friends do come back. After Castle Amber you will have such a huge selection of NPC's to choose from. You cna try many different groups and personalities but in the end you will get back most of your old favorites. Again thank you for your feedback. I am sure SBB will try to recreate the problem you had and find a solution soon.

Edited by leahnkain, 24 October 2010 - 06:16 AM.

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#6 Gray Mouser

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 07:24 AM

1. The talking Lizard Guard outside the lizard lair (old troll mound) never drops the key as he is supposed to, he always drops a rag with vegetable oil on it.

2. ater acquiring potion ingreient for whatshisnames sore throat, I talked to him, and his dialogur was no longer about getting his potion, but making a bomb out of said rags above, when the potion was prepared and brought back to him he wouldn't talk anymore.
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#7 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 09:24 PM

1. The talking Lizard Guard outside the lizard lair

The talkable lizard doesn't have the key, the priest/shaman/brown lizard in the left corner does, it's close to entrance... just bit more on the left past the entrance.

2. after acquiring potion ingreient for whatshisnames sore throat, I talked to him, and his dialog was no longer about getting his potion, but making a bomb out of said rags above, when the potion was prepared and brought back to him he wouldn't talk anymore.

This is, a bug... unless you have done the quest already in which case you, already, have the amulet that you gain from the quest ... Do you have the +1(AC&saves) mage amulet(+ few low level spell memorizations)?
As there has been a bug that allows you to get more than 1 bottle of those potions...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 25 October 2010 - 10:28 PM.

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#8 Gray Mouser

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:31 PM

1. The talking Lizard Guard outside the lizard lair

The talkable lizard doesn't have the key, the priest/shaman/brown lizard in the left corner does, it's close to entrance... just bit more on the left past the entrance.

2. after acquiring potion ingreient for whatshisnames sore throat, I talked to him, and his dialog was no longer about getting his potion, but making a bomb out of said rags above, when the potion was prepared and brought back to him he wouldn't talk anymore.

This is, a bug... unless you have done the quest already in which case you, already, have the amulet that you gain from the quest ... Do you have the +1(AC&saves) mage amulet(+ few low level spell memorizations)?
As there has been a bug that allows you to get more than 1 bottle of those potions...

noneof the 3 lizards that are posted otside the entrance to the lizard lair drop a key, 2 of them drop the oily rag only.
Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"

#9 Gray Mouser

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:33 PM

1. The talking Lizard Guard outside the lizard lair

The talkable lizard doesn't have the key, the priest/shaman/brown lizard in the left corner does, it's close to entrance... just bit more on the left past the entrance.

2. after acquiring potion ingreient for whatshisnames sore throat, I talked to him, and his dialog was no longer about getting his potion, but making a bomb out of said rags above, when the potion was prepared and brought back to him he wouldn't talk anymore.

This is, a bug... unless you have done the quest already in which case you, already, have the amulet that you gain from the quest ... Do you have the +1(AC&saves) mage amulet(+ few low level spell memorizations)?
As there has been a bug that allows you to get more than 1 bottle of those potions...

noneof the 3 lizards that are posted otside the entrance to the lizard lair drop a key, 2 of them drop the oily rag only.

No, I never got said amulet or duplicate potions.
Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"

#10 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:41 PM

noneof the 3 lizards that are posted otside the entrance to the lizard lair drop a key, 2 of them drop the oily rag only.

Did you explore the whole map ? Including the very South & West corner of the map that's behind the former "Troll Hut", in this, no, not the alien creature that's on the north, but the South West. There:
Posted Image

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 25 October 2010 - 10:47 PM.

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#11 Gray Mouser

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:45 PM

If you are playing a multi player game, only the players controlled by the protagonist can take the rowboat ride to investigate the pirate ship.

IMO, there are a few places where adding journal/quest entries as well as removing some from active quests...the one that comes to mind id the haunted house kids...the "journal" said it was done but the quest is still reporting on active quests part.

Overall, superb job folks...I and my long distance Friends are enjoying this thoroughly...most of the bugs seem minor from a layman's standpoint, though I'm sure fixing them is much tougher than discovering them! :cheers:
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#12 Gray Mouser

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:50 PM

noneof the 3 lizards that are posted otside the entrance to the lizard lair drop a key, 2 of them drop the oily rag only.

Did you explore the whole map ? Including the very South & West corner of the map that's behind the former "Troll Hut", in this, no, not the alien creature that's on the north, but the South West.

Yes, and as my supsicion was that there was suposed to be a drop near the door, I returned many times to that same area drudging around thouroughly....Finaly had to shadow-keep the key. If there are suposed to be more than 3 Lizard men in that SW area, there never were.
Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"

#13 Gray Mouser

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Posted 26 October 2010 - 03:04 PM

1. The talking Lizard Guard outside the lizard lair

The talkable lizard doesn't have the key, the priest/shaman/brown lizard in the left corner does, it's close to entrance... just bit more on the left past the entrance.

2. after acquiring potion ingreient for whatshisnames sore throat, I talked to him, and his dialog was no longer about getting his potion, but making a bomb out of said rags above, when the potion was prepared and brought back to him he wouldn't talk anymore.

This is, a bug... unless you have done the quest already in which case you, already, have the amulet that you gain from the quest ... Do you have the +1(AC&saves) mage amulet(+ few low level spell memorizations)?
As there has been a bug that allows you to get more than 1 bottle of those potions...

I restarted the game as a single player game. I also didn't pick up the self replicating chair riddle/treasure table. In this scenario, the TALKING lizard man dropped the key just as he was supposed to.

noneof the 3 lizards that are posted otside the entrance to the lizard lair drop a key, 2 of them drop the oily rag only.

No, I never got said amulet or duplicate potions.

Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"

#14 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 30 October 2010 - 08:34 PM

I just realized that I posted this in a different thread so some of you may not see it.

Candella keeps repeating her banter with you. Fixed
Aesdale and Blush - Blush doesn't appear at inn. Fixed by changing the coordinates of where she spawns in.
Scroll about chair. Fixed, item can't be equipped and therefore you can't duplicate the scroll.
Key to Lizardman lair. Never broken, it is the guy outside the entrance, not the other two lizardmen, however, if all three fight you I can see why there is confusion on this.
Lizardmen animations. Not fixed yet but several creatures have reversed animations, as in a guard has the red lizardman and the higher level creatures have the green. Issues will show animations without proper weapons do to the green lizardmen not have staves, just shield and axe.
Sanbelt will cast Magic Missle 2 using a wand at the PC - this is a killer if the PC is a low level mage. Fixed to now casts spell at person he is talking to. So I used Dirbert who can handle the damage.

New issues:
Candella's new soundset is very loud. I'll have to figure that one out. It is fine in Audacity, just not in the game.
Myth Drannor - Dialog is broken when the cutscene with Althon happens. Fixed, btw if you read it you know we are getting ready for Castle Amber.
Bard's Potion Quest - I had fixed some variables awhile back but that now causes Bonito to not talk to you about the potion. Fixed
Bane Crypt Quest - the Umberlee priestess appears outside her temple but you can't see her. Fixed to move her near stairs so new players should be able to continue this quest.

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#15 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 31 October 2010 - 05:51 PM

I just got the party to Suderham. Okay, issues I have found so far and what I have or haven't done to fix them:

TC1044 and TC1045 - hosed. I have no idea why these 2 random encounter areas are causing the party to not be able to rest and you can't save your game anymore (though the game still saves between areas). I even rebuilt TC1044 with a new area map but it still has problems. I have been able to prove it isn't Suna Seni and company. The area causes this problem even without an area script to spawn them. So I have to assume the problem lies with the Worldmap. If so, that sucks because any changes requires a new game to play since this is stored in each saved game. Still working on it, but for now my recommendation is if you go between Westgate and the temple or the fortress and you hit an encounter, exit and reload the auto save and try again.

Westgate - yeah it is very empty. Most of the houses have no one in them. We are slowing adding people and dialogs.

Perigold - This quest is broken. He tells you to enter the storage building/barn behind him and you see a trapped door but the lock doesn't allow you to open it. This makes no logical sense because the guard you are following already went down there, so the doorway has to be unlocked. I went ahead and unlocked it and opened the doorway so you can easily follow down. BTW, Perigold doesn't have any dialogs here and little to say below. I'll have to work on that.

Anyone else have Sturm (thief in temple/A1) talk to you but not spawn his three mages? Weird, that has never happened before but it sure made the fight easier.

Other Westgate issues -
Since my party is very weak (Mage, Dirbert, Shadow, Aesdale, Candella and now Rivian), I noticed that there are no weapons for mages anywhere on the Westgate docks. Little for thieves also. I'll see about doing like SoA's beginning and stocking some gear in a crate. No magic items.
You can't rest anywhere on the docks, but the drunken sea captain has people sleeping on the floor. Obviously no one bothers the drug addicts here. So this area you can now rest in.
Chesnar the carpenter is supposed to offer you help but I haven't included the dialogs yet. This you should see in the next version. Leahnkain has already written them, I just haven't included it due to the involvement of scripts and other stuff I've been skipping.

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#16 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 31 October 2010 - 08:28 PM

Okay, stupidity on my part. I haven't updated the Master Area file in ages. I thought this was all done back when we added in the new Westgate areas but I guess not. So, download this file and place in your override folder. This will fix the areas so you can now rest or save once you enter Chapter 3, Westgate.

You need to delete the last four positions of the filename, ie ".TXT" for this to work. It has to be MASTAREA.2DA in your override folder. I thought they fixed 2DA files here but I guess not.

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#17 Gray Mouser

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 04:13 PM

CTD in area (not sure what to call it because it isn't labeled on the map and no quest directives have named it explicitly).

It look like a fort, just west of westgate...when I tr to enter the fort proper, (can enter the small tower with dopelganger) get CTD every time. Party consists of Althon, Aleigha, Shadow, Vildamyr and Ryhn.

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#18 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 04:59 AM

After posting in your other thread, I just checked the area. Not sure why you get this because the main causes of crashes are missing files referenced by an area. All CRE files are valid, there are no animations and only 1 ambient file which is there. There are no spawns inside this area. So I don't see why you would find a CTD here. All I can recommend right now is to delete your \temp and \tempsave folders to make sure the game doesn't reload corrupt files and try again. You can also just try to jump into this area, TC1502 from the console and that would skip over the transition region if that is the problem.

Also, does the crash happen immediately during the load or after you appear in this area?

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#19 leahnkain

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 06:34 AM

Candella's new soundset is very loud. I'll have to figure that one out. It is fine in Audacity, just not in the game.

We have two versions of her soundset, we can use the first recorded version which everyone felt was too soft. This is an easy fix. If you need em to send it to you I can.

My party this time is the opposite of yours.
Main character is a fighter with average stats. This run through I am checking every encounter. Ilhara is about to be booted out. So far the traps have hurt me but Icar and Althon suck damage well. It is possible at this point to get by without a thief.

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#20 Gray Mouser

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 09:28 AM

I figured out (at least for CA mod) what causes the inabilaty to save or rest.

Every once in a while, you be "Waylaid by Enemies", but no monsters appear. After this, you cannot save or rest on my game.
Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"