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save/character editor?

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#1 Scully

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 08:43 AM

I picked half elf not knowing i'd be unable to dual class. I want to change my char to human, but I dont wish to start over as I've gotten pretty far already. Anyone know of such a trainer/editor and if it would work for BGT? Also, where is my character saved?

#2 Scully

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 08:51 AM

I believe I've found a great editor that can change every part of your character. (http://www.mud-maste...eper/index.html)
However, as I changed my character to human, he still doesn't get the dual class option. What lvl do you get dual class option? I'm a kensai and want to dual class mage. I noticed that imoen can already dual class.

Edited by Scully, 29 September 2010 - 08:52 AM.

#3 Turambar

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 09:06 AM

I believe I've found a great editor that can change every part of your character. (http://www.mud-maste...eper/index.html)
However, as I changed my character to human, he still doesn't get the dual class option. What lvl do you get dual class option? I'm a kensai and want to dual class mage. I noticed that imoen can already dual class.

you need level 2 , strength 15, int 17; kensais should be allowed to dual mage


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#4 Scully

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 09:13 AM

Yes I got it working now, thank you.

#5 Scully

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 10:27 AM

Actually, when is it recommended I dual class? I hear lvl 9, but isn't lvl 7 max lvl cap in BG? Even if it isn't, losing all kensai abilites until lvl 9 will render your character very useless for quite some time yes?

#6 the bigg

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 10:49 AM

BGT removes the level cap in BG1, so that doesn't matter. If you dual at 9, you'll regain your old levels quickly enough (learn all spells you can find to speed up the process a lot), and the rest of your party will more than easily carry your weight while you're useless.

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#7 Scully

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 11:06 AM

Really? well with the six party members i have atm, leveling is veeery slow. I just reached lvl 2 after hours of play. I can't see myself reaching lvl 9 anytime soon, certainly not two times! I'll keep playing and see how it goes.

#8 the bigg

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 11:32 AM

I don't know if you have mods that slow down the XP gain; if you don't, you can get to level 2 in Beregost if you do all subquests and kill all enemies in the areas you visit.

Also, as you progress in the story, enemies/quests will yield more XP and levels take more XP; after you dual class, the XP taken counter is reset, the XP per kill isn't - so you'll get to level 5 in two trivial battles, and regain your old class abilities after two medium-sized quests (so, yes, in some hours of game time - but that might be 5 hours out of 400!).

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