NI says, there's just one block with problems:
IF AreaCheck("AR1203") Global("KR_HELPERS_SPAWNED","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KR_HELPERS_SPAWNED","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreature("Help",[689.512],0) CreateCreature("Help",[886.688],0) CreateCreature("Help",[1035.913],0) CreateCreature("Help",[883.1346],0) CreateCreature("Help",[1103.1429],0) CreateCreature("Help",[2320.1700],0) CreateCreature("Help",[2064.1909],0) CreateCreature("Help",[1747.1987],0) CreateCreature("Helper",[700.600],0) SetGlobal("KRHelper","LOCALS",1) Continue() ENDIt won't trigger as the creature is in another area, but still, I wonder where it comes from. As it's prefixed by KensaiRyu, I can't change it, unless I rename it
edit: I've just seen that the dragons have been added to the small teeth pass area, so the name is correct
Edited by Turambar, 28 October 2010 - 08:42 AM.