I've recently discovered this great megamod pack as I was planning to return to one of my favorite games - BG1. It's really a godsend! I have a couple of problems and questions regarding the installation (Standard option):
1) I'm using The BiG World Setup from HERE, but I'm confused about these:
BiG World Fixpack v9.4
BiG World Installpack v9.4
BiG World Trimpack v9.1.1
Do I need them or does the BiG World Setup take care of it all?
2) The setup can't download the following files:
Ajantis BG1 Expansion v2.1: The Mod itself (AjantisBG1_v2_1.zip)
Adalon's Blood - Silberdrachenblut v9: The Mod itself (AdalonsBlood-v9.zip)
Nikitalleria NPC (Nikita) v1.01: The Mod itself (Nikita101.rar)
Shed's Mods - A Forgotten Wars Mod v1.01: The Mod itself (Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe)
I've tried to find them online myself, but with no success. There were more missing (BDash168.exe, Bonehill_v245.rar, RTTItemPack_v1.2.zip...) but I've managed to find those.
www.rosenranken.org is the only site that stores some of them, but it seems it's not working anymore.
Nikita NPC was taken down, as I've found on the mod's homepage, due to bugs. Should I just skip that one?
I've managed to find "Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe", but mine is named "Shed's Mods 1.03.exe" as \ is not allowed in filenames. I've placed it in downloads directory, but it doesn't recognize it.
3) In the beginning the setup displayed this warning:
These selected downloads are defect:
Baldurdash (BD-WeiDU) v1.6.8
Secret of Bone Hill (Dialog-Patch) v2.45
Ajantis BG1 Expansion v2.1
Adalon's Blood - Silberdrachenblut v9
Return to Trademeet Item Pack (RTT Item Pack) v1.2
Ajantis NPC for SoA (Beta) v0.2.20
Nikitalleria NPC (Nikita) v1.01
Au service d'Oghma v1.5
BGT NPC Portraits v1.8
Some of them I had to download manually later in the setup process.
What does it mean?
4) The manual states (pg.14):
8. By the BioWare BG1 Patch some BG1 files are deleted. In order to repair this again, you need to download after patching the “BG1 MISSING files” and unpack them in the BG1 main directory.
Will BiG World Setup do it automatically or do I have to do this step?
5) Do I start the game with BGMain.exe or TobExLoader.exe or something else?
Thank You!
Edited by Touche, 21 September 2010 - 04:52 PM.