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#1 Vicen


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Posted 20 September 2010 - 11:28 PM

Heh I know im 7 years late to the party for the first KOTOR but I have to say...Wow one of the best games ive played to date! And the best $2.50 I ever spent! (Thank you steam for the great deal over the week!...now if only you bums had the 2nd game on steam!) I dont know how I miss it during my earlier gaming days...but I am damn glad I was able to play it...I only wish I could have more...It ended too early dang it!

All well I suppose the 2nd one will have to do...sadly it does not seem its on sale anywhere besides a physical copy...All well Amazon here I come!

And if your wondering I played light side jedi and did the whole romance with Bastilla and loved every minute of it...at a later date I think ill try the dark side and maybe as a female as well...I assume the romance option for a female is Karth?

EDIT: I have one question if someone may be able to answer...after reading the description for the game it takes place apparently 5 years after the first game...and the sith have hunted the jedi to almost extinction? Is this to say that the char you made in the first game goes to the dark side and not the light? Or will this be explain further once I get the game? If you can answer this without spoilers for the 2nd game I would very much love to hear if thats true or not!

Edited by Vicen, 20 September 2010 - 11:32 PM.

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#2 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 September 2010 - 11:46 PM

'Vicen', on 21 September 2010 - 10:28 AM, said:

I have one question if someone may be able to answer...after reading the description for the game it takes place apparently 5 years after the first game...and the sith have hunted the jedi to almost extinction? Is this to say that the char you made in the first game goes to the dark side and not the light? Or will this be explain further once I get the game? If you can answer this without spoilers for the 2nd game I would very much love to hear if thats true or not!

Well, it doesn't really matter in the second game what you did in the first, there's kinda an explanation, but you start as a 'new' Jedi... that's as spoiler free I can make it.

The second game was a bit rushed and not supported at all... so the end of that game is really ... bad. Fortunatly for you, you took the first one first, and today there is a semi-restoration mod for the SW:KotOR2, although the gizka teams full-restoration was suspended.

'Vicen', on 21 September 2010 - 10:28 AM, said:

I assume the romance option for a female is Karth?

That's with a C... no, not KartC, but Carth... :D

Spoilers for the first game...

I loved the first game too, the one thing I didn't like though was the Regular class/Jedi optimation, I could have leveled up to level 9 as the Soldier, but didn't as I am such a cheater and all, I was just a 2nd level Soldier(because I had to be...) and then when I got the Jedi, I went and PWN everything with my suddenly +7 levels of Jedi Soldier Guardian... the second game doesn't have that, and it's a good thing, although semi-non-spoiler
... with is easy. The second games first planet is a horrible dungeon grawl, and the end &/%ยค#&?= is bad.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 21 September 2010 - 12:35 AM.

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#3 Vicen


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Posted 21 September 2010 - 03:04 AM

Heh thanks for the quick answer...I have no idea why I put a k on Carth...I use him alot in the first game too! Would you still recommend the mod even on a first play-through?

Oh and I agree totally about the whole 2 class thing in the first game...I did not do much or really any research into the game before I bought it...I just heard that it was a great game...so I figured id set up my char to be a blaster wielding shooter either 1 in both hands or a rifle...lo and behold of course you get turned into a jedi so alot of the feats I took in my early lvls didnt help obviously since they were non melee related...

Also is it just me or do you think the Bastilla romance was a wee bit too short? I mean one measly kiss that they dont even animate? Dont get me wrong though...I loved all the various dialogue and of course her lovely voice by Miss Hale. Ah well guess Ive been spoiled by the various romances in the bg series dragon age mass effect and various other games...where they did a bit more!

Edited by Vicen, 21 September 2010 - 03:06 AM.

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#4 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 21 September 2010 - 03:50 AM

'Vicen', on 21 September 2010 - 02:04 PM, said:

Heh thanks for the quick answer...I have no idea why I put a k on Carth...I use him alot in the first game too! Would you still recommend the mod even on a first play-through?

Well, I haven't actually played the second game with that mod, but from what I would tell you, is that anything that makes the games ending even a little more bigger, would be an improvement.
If we use the Dragon Age as a comparison point, the Battle of Denerim's plot would have you gone through the whole rest of the way to the Arch Demon... with the companions at it's start...
... and to spice things up, the battle at the gate would have involved the using the 1 level... dog.

'Vicen', on 21 September 2010 - 02:04 PM, said:

Also is it just me or do you think the Bastilla romance was a wee bit too short? I mean one measly kiss that they dont even animate? Don't get me wrong though...

Well, it's easy to explain why that romance was a bit short, again with spoilers to the first game; Bastilla is intricate part of the main plot, after all it's her that says almost all of these things. This might be a bit more revealing...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 21 September 2010 - 04:34 AM.

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#5 Vicen


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Posted 21 September 2010 - 08:52 PM

Ah yes the big event...I suppose thats why the romance isnt as juicy as other romances are in other games...good point! Regardless Im going to call around locally and see if they sell KOTOR 2 at gamestop wal-mart target etc...IF they dont then of course Amazon here I come...And once I have that game I think ill go grab that mod too!

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#6 Cal Jones

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Posted 28 September 2010 - 02:59 AM

They're both worth playing. I preferred the first game, largely because the second one is such a downer. It does have some extremely exciting parts but I realised after three playthroughs that I had to stop because I was getting depressed. I went back to the first KotOR and replayed it to cheer me up again. That worked.
Romances don't really exist in the second game. There's hints of them but they don't go anywhere, which is a real pity. A lot of the second game's content was rushed (a whole planet was cut, and the ending was just massacred), but there's still worthy parts.
I agree about the first area - the space station. I hated that part. But it gets better after that.
There are some good companions and you have the option of turning some of them into Jedi (or Sith, if you prefer). Your actions also influence your companions. If you get a certain amount of favour with them, your stance (light or dark) will affect them directly. Unfortunately, the flipside is that companions you don't have much favour with won't reveal much to you at all - they will only talk to you if they like you. Since I find it very difficult to play darkside (I tried...really...but I felt too guilty about what it was doing to my friend, lol) I failed to open all the conversation trees with Mandalore, AK47 and Goto, which was a shame (especially as Mandalore = Canderous, who was pretty much my favourite character form the first game).
There are some cameos from Bastila and Carth (if they lived through KotOR) but boy are they depressing.
On the plus side, there are some very good characters.
As someone said when I asked about the game a couple of years back, overall the quality is lower, but the high points are higher.

#7 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 28 September 2010 - 05:01 AM

'Cal Jones', on 28 September 2010 - 01:59 PM, said:


You have points yes, but could you use the spoiler tags, as said, Vicen hasn't played the second game at all... or much if he got it already.

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#8 Vicen


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Posted 28 September 2010 - 02:41 PM

'Jarno Mikkola', on 28 September 2010 - 08:01 AM, said:

'Cal Jones', on 28 September 2010 - 01:59 PM, said:


You have points yes, but could you use the spoiler tags, as said, Vicen hasn't played the second game at all... or much if he got it already.

Heh Luckily im near the end of the game so it was not info I pretty much did not allready know thankfully!

EDIT: Ok I just beat it so you all take off your spoiler gloves if need be! But man that ending...was so abrupt! Does anyone know of a site that has info on all spoiler related things to these 2 games? Soooo many questions I have and I want answers heh!

Edited by Vicen, 28 September 2010 - 06:57 PM.

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#9 Cal Jones

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Posted 01 October 2010 - 01:11 PM

What did you want to know? There's a Star Wars wiki that has a lot of info but if you have game specific questions some of us might have answers.

#10 Vicen


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 08:28 PM

Allright I have few so here we go!

1. There is apparently a NPC that can join you called disciple but he will do so only if your a female...my question is when I got to Dantooine and found him my party was allready full with the 10 or so members in it...What does the Male Exile get that the female does not?

2. The dark side...For some reason I dont think I can do the dark side in the star wars universe...in ME2 and dragon age NWN2 it was so easy to be evil / badass in my 2nd playthrough(I Always play as good / light my first time) But I cant bring myself to play the dark side in star wars for some reason...am I missing out on alot by not trying the dark side at all?

3. My third and final question...I guess the MMO that bioware is going to make is this going to be the next chapter in the series or is it something else entirely? Still cant believe there has been no KOTOR 3...Revan and the Exile would of made one HELL of a team!

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#11 Cal Jones

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Posted 02 October 2010 - 09:38 PM

1. Handmaiden - the crazy girl who likes to beat you up in her knickers.

2. Same. I eventually forced myself to play darkside in KotOR 1 and felt horribly guilty, but I wanted to see the other ending. Unfortunately it means killing Jolee, who is awesome, and Juhani (didn't really care about her, to tell the truth), but you rejoin Bastilla.
Playing darkside in KotOR II is even worse, for me, because of the way it influences your companions. Unfortunately, in the KotOR games, being darkside doesn't mean being ruthless and badass, or sneakily manipulative (like Darth Sidious or, heck, the Illusive Man). It means being a jerk. And whilst I'm happy to play ruthless, or renegade, if you will, I don't enjoy being spiteful for the sake of it.
What got about halfway through a darkside game before realising I couldn't continue like that, so that character ended up as a slightly lightside grey Jedi with a Sith class. You do need to be one or the other to progress the game, however.
The classes and the conversations with the darker characters are pretty much all you miss. You can find those on YouTube if you care enough.
The ending is just as abrupt either way. Instead of flying off, you stay on Malacor V and presumably run your little sith academy. What happens to your companions? *shrug*

3) Hopefully there will be some answers but it's set a few hundred years after the games so all the characters you meet in those games will be long dead. Bioware have hinted that you might find their decendants, however.

#12 Daulmakan


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 10:15 PM

'Vicen', on 03 October 2010 - 01:28 AM, said:

2. The dark side...For some reason I dont think I can do the dark side in the star wars universe...in ME2 and dragon age NWN2 it was so easy to be evil / badass in my 2nd playthrough(I Always play as good / light my first time) But I cant bring myself to play the dark side in star wars for some reason...am I missing out on alot by not trying the dark side at all?

Depends on your style of play. Me, I always try to see all game content if I can. Playing dark side is no big deal for me, and that way you get to learn more about G0T0, Mandalore, and HK. Plus using dark force powers, and solving quests in different ways.


3. My third and final question...I guess the MMO that bioware is going to make is this going to be the next chapter in the series or is it something else entirely? Still cant believe there has been no KOTOR 3...Revan and the Exile would of made one HELL of a team!

I seriously doubt there'll be relevant Kotor-related content in that, but it just might be me being pessimistic.

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#13 Vicen


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Posted 03 October 2010 - 11:29 AM

Handmaiden really eh? For some reason I thought it would of been Visas...

Thanks for answering the questions maybe if were lucky the mmo will include certain things from the first two games...Do you think that HK-47 and T3M3? (Might be wrong name but you get the idea!) Could still be around?

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#14 Cal Jones

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 11:06 AM

It's conceivable the droids might have survived. I'd be surprised if HK-47 wasn't in it in some form. He's much loved.

#15 Vicen


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Posted 05 October 2010 - 02:24 PM

That would be awesome to see him in that game if we are not ever going to get a KOTOR 3...Still does not make any sense they never made another one...dont they realize its a cash heap just waiting to be plucked? Make it LucasArts /Bioware /Obsidian /Insert Random Good Company damn you!

Edited by Vicen, 05 October 2010 - 02:32 PM.

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#16 Vicen


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Posted 08 October 2010 - 09:58 AM

Just wanted to add one thing here...I CAN play the darkside...however I just cant play one as a male! Id feel like some cheap Darth Vader clone or something and I figure how many evil sith chicks have there been? To my knowledge most of all the evil sith people back in the day were dudes! So I figured id shake it up a little by making Revan and maybe the exile an evil sith chick!

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#17 Daulmakan


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Posted 08 October 2010 - 10:22 AM

'Vicen', on 08 October 2010 - 02:58 PM, said:

Just wanted to add one thing here...I CAN play the darkside...however I just cant play one as a male! Id feel like some cheap Darth Vader clone or something and I figure how many evil sith chicks have there been? To my knowledge most of all the evil sith people back in the day were dudes! So I figured id shake it up a little by making Revan and maybe the exile an evil sith chick!

Ventress? Aurra Sing? Mara Jade?

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#18 Vicen


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Posted 08 October 2010 - 07:20 PM

Like I said I Dont claim to know anything about Star Wars besides the movies so im going with that :whistling:

Regardless there are more evil sith / dark jedi's that are men anyways :lol:

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#19 Devinoextra

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Posted 29 November 2013 - 06:59 AM

Vicen, on 21 Sept 2010 - 07:28, said:

Heh I know im 7 years late to the party for the first KOTOR but I have to say...Wow one of the best games ive played to date! And the best $2.50 I ever spent! (Thank you steam for the great deal over the week!...now if only you bums had the 2nd game on steam!) I dont know how I miss it during my earlier gaming days...but I am damn glad I was able to play it...I only wish I could have more...It ended too early dang it!

All well I suppose the 2nd one will have to do...sadly it does not seem its on sale anywhere besides a physical copy...All well Amazon here I come!

And if your wondering I played light side jedi and did the whole romance with Bastilla and loved every minute of it...at a later date I think ill try the dark side and maybe as a female as well...I assume the romance option for a female is Karth?

EDIT: I have one question if someone may be able to answer...after reading the description for the game it takes place apparently 5 years after the first game...and the sith have hunted the jedi to almost extinction? Is this to say that the char you made in the first game goes to the dark side and not the light? Or will this be explain further once I get the game? If you can answer this without spoilers for the 2nd game I would very much love to hear if thats true or not!


Indeed I agree KOTOR I was the best game I have ever played. And its very sad that bioware turned it into an MMORPG :(


Jarno Mikkola, on 21 Sept 2010 - 07:46, said:

'Vicen', on 21 September 2010 - 10:28 AM, said:

I have one question if someone may be able to answer...after reading the description for the game it takes place apparently 5 years after the first game...and the sith have hunted the jedi to almost extinction? Is this to say that the char you made in the first game goes to the dark side and not the light? Or will this be explain further once I get the game? If you can answer this without spoilers for the 2nd game I would very much love to hear if thats true or not!

Well, it doesn't really matter in the second game what you did in the first, there's kinda an explanation, but you start as a 'new' Jedi... that's as spoiler free I can make it.

The second game was a bit rushed and not supported at all... so the end of that game is really ... bad. Fortunatly for you, you took the first one first, and today there is a semi-restoration mod for the SW:KotOR2, although the gizka teams full-restoration was suspended.


Revan basically leaves to an unknown place after KOTOR I and the sith take over the known parts of the galaxy... As to what happened to revan... there are clues in KOTOR II but I guess bioware had to start making that MMORPG and had no time to flesh that story out at all :(

#20 The Imp

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Posted 29 November 2013 - 09:20 AM

Devinoextra said:

Indeed I agree KOTOR I was the best game I have ever played. And its very sad that bioware turned it into an MMORPG :(

Well, I'll say my best RPG is definitely the whole Mass Effect series. I just wish it was made wholly with the ME3's engine, but ahh...
The MMORPG 'ing of the KotOR was a clear cut continuation of the series... it can be argued that that was a bad idea, and I don't deny such, a horrible actually, I also see the next game in the series, and that's even worse, it will be the Knights of the New Republic. Another MMORPG... And the maker, a Disney associate. Ouh, the horror of my dreams.

Jarno Mikkola said:

Revan basically leaves to an unknown place after KOTOR I and the sith take over the known parts of the galaxy... As to what happened to revan... there are clues in KOTOR II but I guess bioware had to start making that MMORPG and had no time to flesh that story out at all :(

First of all, it wasn't Obsidian's fault the KotOR2 had such a bad ending, but Lucas Arts lawyers, that made the release schedule worse than bad. Talking about that(relatively small company with a big product), this can be seen even in the Bioware's of yesterdays, as if you go and look at the release of the Mass Effect 3... the ending had to be made as a DLC to be a proper one. I believe it's because of the pressure comes from outside the creative team to finish a product, and at some point the story/plot gets thrown to the shredder. Of course you could call that as "refining the product" if you wish to be ironical about it. :devil:

There's a few sparks of light in the SW:KotOR 2 today, one being that the restoration mod happened, even though the gizka team bellied up. Another point is that the mod associated Droid planet is up too... the only bad thing about it is that it feels a little too much as modded content. And yes, I now have played the restoration mod and I can tell you that the KotOR 2 had had a darn good moments at the end.

Edited by The Imp, 06 December 2013 - 09:18 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.