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Shar-Teel goes hostile and wont die/lose

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#1 ocoini

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 04:57 PM

I used Big World Project, with the tactical setup.

I met Shar-Teel north of Nashkel and she goes hostile and never dies.

I got this weidu.log from my bg2 folder, im not sure if I have to make a new one or not, or how that should be done.

It's a fresh install from Big World Project. Not sure if this is the right forum for reporting a bug like this :)

Attached Files

Edited by ocoini, 30 August 2010 - 05:00 PM.

#2 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 31 August 2010 - 12:13 AM

I used Big World Project, with the tactical setup.

I met Shar-Teel north of Nashkel and she goes hostile and never dies.

I got this weidu.log from my bg2 folder, im not sure if I have to make a new one or not, or how that should be done.

It's a fresh install from Big World Project. Not sure if this is the right forum for reporting a bug like this :)

It is the right forum... this has been encounterd before, there AI doesn't regognice that it should surrender, you might need to step back after Shar-Teel is at the "near death"... or just leave her there and run away, cause she is unkillable.

PS, if you use the TobExLauncher utility to start the game, you cannot dual class your character without a crash to desktop, as you need to install the ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #1300... component to be able to.

Your WeiDU.log in spoilers...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 31 August 2010 - 12:16 AM.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#3 Turambar

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Posted 31 August 2010 - 12:35 PM

I met Shar-Teel north of Nashkel and she goes hostile and never dies.

It is the right forum... this has been encounterd before, there AI doesn't regognice that it should surrender, you might need to step back after Shar-Teel is at the "near death"... or just leave her there and run away, cause she is unkillable.

~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #0 // Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod, version 180: v180a BWP Fix

~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ #0 #13 // Improved Xvart Village, for BGT-weidu: v180a BWP Fix

I've also had that problem when I tried to install BP. During the duel, she should remain neutral, but as soon as I hit her, she became hostile. Probably, some script gets overwritten

I'm not so sure that BP should be installed so late, because it overwrites many files instead of patching them, and this could cancel many other mods (for example, I'm not so sure of how the improved xvart village from BP and that from DSotSC interact)

Edited by Turambar, 31 August 2010 - 12:40 PM.


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#4 ocoini

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 04:00 AM

Thanks for the help and tip about dual classing :)

I cleaned out the Xvart Village last night, and did not encounter any problems there with my installation.

#5 Miloch



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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:03 PM

I've also had that problem when I tried to install BP. During the duel, she should remain neutral, but as soon as I hit her, she became hostile. Probably, some script gets overwritten

I'm not so sure that BP should be installed so late, because it overwrites many files instead of patching them, and this could cancel many other mods (for example, I'm not so sure of how the improved xvart village from BP and that from DSotSC interact)

BP is actually very careful about *not* overwriting scripts (though it overwrites some rare CREs still, something I'm revising). And it does nothing at all with Shar-Teel, as it doesn't touch BG1 CREs at all unless they're in some specific component.

SCS on the other hand IIRC, does overwrite scripts (or did last I checked). Shar-Teel should have wtarsgt.bcs as her main script but also sharteel.bcs as her override script. BP shouldn't change that. SCS apparently changes wtarsgt to dw#olwta.bcs.

Other mods that change sharteel.bcs (which has a higher priority than any other script) according to my WeiDU change-log are NEJ2 (Custom Firewalker Kit), BG1 NPC and Gavin. So I would look to those first to see if they're causing this issue.

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#6 Turambar

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 07:38 AM

BP is actually very careful about *not* overwriting scripts (though it overwrites some rare CREs still, something I'm revising). And it does nothing at all with Shar-Teel, as it doesn't touch BG1 CREs at all unless they're in some specific component.

SCS on the other hand IIRC, does overwrite scripts (or did last I checked). Shar-Teel should have wtarsgt.bcs as her main script but also sharteel.bcs as her override script. BP shouldn't change that. SCS apparently changes wtarsgt to dw#olwta.bcs.

Other mods that change sharteel.bcs (which has a higher priority than any other script) according to my WeiDU change-log are NEJ2 (Custom Firewalker Kit), BG1 NPC and Gavin. So I would look to those first to see if they're causing this issue.

I have none of those other mods installed, apart from BG1NPC, but the duel works, now. I only had that problem when I tried to install BP.

I think the duel actually uses shartel2.bcs, but none of them is changed by BP.

That's not the only script she has, though: she also has Dplayer and wtasight (the level 2 one) or wtarsgt (level 4 and 6).
At least the latter is changed by BP: in the bpscript.2da file, I see a line:

Anyway, it must at least have something to do with BP, because uninstalling it also removed the bug.


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#7 Miloch



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:49 AM

I think the duel actually uses shartel2.bcs, but none of them is changed by BP.

Indeed, that gets set to her override script by her dialogue as soon as the duel begins. And as you say, it's not changed by BP.

That's not the only script she has, though: she also has Dplayer and wtasight (the level 2 one) or wtarsgt (level 4 and 6).
At least the latter is changed by BP: in the bpscript.2da file, I see a line:


Perhaps so. But none of that (the lower scripts) matters much, because her override script outranks any other script. And that contains:






Now looky here. If she's attacked by the strongest male in the party, she'll continue to attack him without changing her allegiance (staying neutral in other words). Occasionally she'll interject dialogue (presumably either gloating or eventually conceding the duel). Now if the person fighting her is *not* the strongest male in the party, she'll go enemy. If the third-to-last block is (and continues to be) true though, it makes sure the second-to-last block never executes. AttackReevaluate should (in theory anyway) take care of that. Meaning if only the strongest male attacks her, she'll never go enemy. It also means as long as that continues to be true, no other script will execute, so it's irrelevant what her other scripts are for the duration of the duel (unless someone other than the strongest male attacks her). If the PC attacks her and he *isn't* the strongest male, she'll go enemy.

Anyway, it must at least have something to do with BP, because uninstalling it also removed the bug.

As you yourself said, BP doesn't change that script (no mod does but BGT itself) so you might want to test it again, under very controlled circumstances, with and without BP (and preferably no other mods to interfere).

Edited by Miloch, 02 September 2010 - 10:51 AM.

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#8 Turambar

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 01:26 PM

As you yourself said, BP doesn't change that script (no mod does but BGT itself) so you might want to test it again, under very controlled circumstances, with and without BP (and preferably no other mods to interfere).

Ok, this is what I tried, both with and without BP:
- new game - bg1
import character -> tobfighter
Cluac to AR9400
speak with s-t

Without bp: hit her three times, the circle remained blue, she surrendered.

With BP (managed to install it only after commenting the tooltip.2da part):
as soon as I hit her, she became hostile as every common png does if hit (so, it's not either a problem of not understanding my sex XD, otherwise, she would have said something); she became unkillable (did some 100 damage, Y-d her three times...) and never surrendered.

Edited by Turambar, 02 September 2010 - 01:27 PM.


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#9 Miloch



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Posted 03 September 2010 - 08:36 PM

Well, with your new-found scripting expertise (:P) maybe you can figure out what exactly is causing this. It would be easy enough to exclude Shar-Teel from BP's global patch, but maybe there are other similar creatures, so it would be good to know why this is happening. I can't exactly test it myself without making a new BGT install from scratch (which might be tough for me right now - I thought I had enough disk space with a new drive, but apparently it's never enough after a BWP "Expert" install).

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#10 Turambar

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Posted 07 September 2010 - 02:53 AM

Well, with your new-found scripting expertise (:P) maybe you can figure out what exactly is causing this. It would be easy enough to exclude Shar-Teel from BP's global patch, but maybe there are other similar creatures, so it would be good to know why this is happening. I can't exactly test it myself without making a new BGT install from scratch (which might be tough for me right now - I thought I had enough disk space with a new drive, but apparently it's never enough after a BWP "Expert" install).

Well, it's really weird... I tried installing it again, without any change, and this time, apparently, it works.

Still, I get an error installing when dealing with tooltip.2da. I've seen it's nothing new, but I haven't understood how to fix it, yet. The only solution I've found, yet, is commenting that part out in the tp2.

Edited by Turambar, 07 September 2010 - 02:55 AM.


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#11 Miloch



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Posted 07 September 2010 - 02:44 PM

Well, it's really weird... I tried installing it again, without any change, and this time, apparently, it works.

In your first screenshot, it looks like you just attacked her. I'm not sure if you let the dialogue do its work - maybe she needs to attack you first.

Still, I get an error installing when dealing with tooltip.2da. I've seen it's nothing new, but I haven't understood how to fix it, yet. The only solution I've found, yet, is commenting that part out in the tp2.

Error installing what, and what error? I thought we fixed it in BP - not sure about other mods.

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#12 Turambar

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 12:33 AM

In your first screenshot, it looks like you just attacked her. I'm not sure if you let the dialogue do its work - maybe she needs to attack you first.

When the dialogue finishes, Shar Teel and Strongest Male attack each other automatically, so I didn't do anything different from the other times. Maybe, the BP version I had wasn't the latest, although it was version 180a...

Error installing what, and what error? I thought we fixed it in BP - not sure about other mods.

Installing the main component of BP.

I don't have the .debug file any more, but the error should be the same already reported both for BP and NTotSC (where you also suggested a fix, but it didn't work). Anyway, I'll try re-installing BP, as it's on top of my installation now, and post the .debug


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#13 Turambar

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 12:41 AM

In your first screenshot, it looks like you just attacked her. I'm not sure if you let the dialogue do its work - maybe she needs to attack you first.

When the dialogue finishes, Shar Teel and Strongest Male attack each other automatically, so I didn't do anything different from the other times. Maybe, the BP version I had wasn't the latest, although it was version 180a...

Error installing what, and what error? I thought we fixed it in BP - not sure about other mods.

Installing the main component of BP.

I don't have the .debug file any more, but the error should be the same already reported both for BP and NTotSC (where you also suggested a fix, but it didn't work). Anyway, I'll try re-installing BP, as it's on top of my installation now, and post the .debug file.

edit: here it is, the part which deals with tooltip.2da.


If you need it, here's the tooltip.2da it doesn't manage to patch (couldn't upload it directly):

Attached File  TOOLTIP.rar   1.39K   288 downloads

Attached Files

Edited by Turambar, 08 September 2010 - 12:58 AM.


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

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#14 Miloch



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Posted 08 September 2010 - 02:06 AM

I don't have the .debug file any more, but the error should be the same already reported both for BP and NTotSC (where you also suggested a fix, but it didn't work).

Did you try this code? I think it made it into CtB and TDD but probably not BP or NTotSC. Though it might not work because the code is different in those mods (I think it's failing on trying to convert the "test" variable, whatever that is for).

Infinity Engine Contributions
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#15 DavidWallace

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 02:58 AM

Shar-Teel should have wtarsgt.bcs as her main script but also sharteel.bcs as her override script. BP shouldn't change that. SCS apparently changes wtarsgt to dw#olwta.bcs.

Though actually dw#olwta is just a copy of the vanilla wtasight script, the logic being that joinable NPCs shouldn't cart around 3,000 lines of code that's only really intended for enemies.

#16 Turambar

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 04:05 AM

I don't have the .debug file any more, but the error should be the same already reported both for BP and NTotSC (where you also suggested a fix, but it didn't work).

Did you try this code? I think it made it into CtB and TDD but probably not BP or NTotSC. Though it might not work because the code is different in those mods (I think it's failing on trying to convert the "test" variable, whatever that is for).

Well, both fixes actually "worked" somehow... in the sense that now I get a different error:

Appended text to [TOOLTIP.2DA]
Appending to files ...
[./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 9313 bytes
Appended text to [TOOLTIP.2DA]
Appending to files ...
[./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 9367 bytes
Appended text to [TOOLTIP.2DA]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 9420 bytes
ERROR: Cannot find 107 rows with at least 7 columns.ERROR: [TOOLTIP.2DA] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Cannot Set 2DA Entry"))
Stopping installation because of error.

Anyway, commenting out the following lines apparently allows me to install it:
PATCH_IF("%ccc%"<"%required_columns%") BEGIN
    SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 ccc ccc "%str%"

    FOR(j=1; j<="%rows_prev%"; j+=1) BEGIN
      READ_2DA_ENTRY j ccc col_cnt "last"
      SPRINT str "%last%"^"%str_add%"
      SET_2DA_ENTRY j ccc col_cnt "%str%"

What should they do?

re-edit: I also had to remove these lines:
READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 4 "test"
 PATCH_IF( "%test%"=0 ) BEGIN
 SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 4 ""

apparently, that was the wrong %test%.

anyway, this is my tooltip.2da now: I think there's a column too much.

Edit: the line
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~kkkkkk~ ~"%str_add%"~
prints the "s on the file!
2DA V1.0
             138637        138638       -1
HALBSHA            138619        138620       -1
HALB12            138621        138622       -1
HALB09            138635        138636       -1
HALB08            138633        138634       -1
HALB07            138619        138620       -1
HALB05            138631        138632       -1
HALB04            138629        138630       -1
HALB03            138619        138620       -1
HALB02            138627        138628       -1
HALB01            138625        138626       -1
DWHALB01            138623        138624       -1
CBSBMLTO            138621        138622       -1
CBSBMLTN            138619        138620       -1
0                  1            2           3          4          5          6
WAND05            15531        13047       -1         -1         -1         -1
DAGG05            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
AX1H04            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
AX1H05            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H26            3326         12018       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H27            3320         12080       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H31            3178         3803        -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H32            39678        12042       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H33            3193         5692        -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H33c           3193         5692        -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H34            3161         12042       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H36            3155         12123       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H51            8637         12015       3804         -1         -1         -1
SW2H10		  3222	       12026       -1         -1         -1         -1
RODS02            6337         6352        6350         -1         -1         -1
RODSWORD          6352         38872       -1         -1         -1         -1
RODMACE           6337         38872       -1         -1         -1         -1
RODSPEAR          6350         38872       -1         -1         -1         -1          
CLCK27            13722        3008        9387         -1         -1         -1
RING27            3806         12109       12074         -1         -1         -1
RING28            3808         12021       -1         -1         -1         -1
RING29            3809         32393       -1         -1         -1         -1
RING39            12017        25937       -1         -1         -1         -1
HELM16            6618         25960       2664         -1         -1         -1
STAF09            8157         22614       -1         -1         -1         -1
STAF10            8138         8786        -1         -1         -1         -1
STAF11            8113         3895        26304         -1         -1         -1
STAF12            8121         23085       23791         -1         -1         -1
STAF13            8132         23085       12124         -1         -1         -1
STAF14            7938         20678       3899         -1         -1         -1
STAF15            8110         12047       24839         -1         -1         -1
STAF16            8111         32393       15180         -1         -1         -1
STAF17            8112         15211       25880         -1         -1         -1
HAMM06            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
DAGG11            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
DAGG12            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
HALB06            138613         138614       12015         -1         -1         -1
AX1H08            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
AX1H09            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
AX1H10            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
BOW10             7458         3915        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A            6618         4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A1		  12017        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A2		  12023	       4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A3		  12096        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A4		  38133        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A5           10871        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A6           24785        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A7           12056        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A8           23085        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
MISC3A9           12074        4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H65            64411	       7468        12026         -1         -1         -1   
HALB10            138615        138616       38568         -1         -1         -1
HALB11            138617        138618       38568         -1         -1         -1
AX1H16            15527        15529       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1h68            64709        71539       -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1h69            64709        71539       70621         -1         -1         -1
CLCK31            25937        12021       -1         -1         -1         -1
BRDFLUTE	  12025        23791       25958         -1         -1         -1
WAND18		  25914        25934       -1         -1         -1         -1
BOW20		  64875	       54312	   -1         -1         -1         -1
BOW21   	  64877	       54312	   -1         -1         -1         -1
HAMM11		  64862        73979       7468         -1         -1         -1
SW1H70	 	  64766	       55844 	   -1         -1         -1         -1
SW1H71	 	  64778	       35603 	   -1         -1         -1         -1
BRAC16            54312        -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
BRAC23            25765        12116       -1         -1         -1         -1
HELM32            74091	       -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
AMUL26            25937	       -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
RING42            14783	       -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
CHAN20            12066	       -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
HELM30            25633	       -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
BOOT12		  39326        -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
AMSOUL01          12115        -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
RODS02A           6337         6352        6350         -1         -1         -1
MISC3AA           6618         4731        -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL001           74133        74134        -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL006           74135        74136       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL016           74137        74138       14118         -1         -1         -1
CBCL028           74139        63742       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL034           17410        -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL035           14062        74140       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL043           13017        74141       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBCL057           38568        -1          -1         -1         -1         -1
CBDMNSTF          74142        74143       74144         -1         -1         -1
CBHBLFET          74145        13054       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBHBSLDR          74146        74147       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBHBSLDV          74148        34647       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBHBSLSK          74149        74150       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBHBSLSN          74151        39326       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBHBSLZP          74152        74140       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBRJR005          38039        74140       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBRJR009          74153        49073       -1         -1         -1         -1
CBRJR011          42870        -1             -1         -1         -1         -1
CBRJR020          46431        74154       74155         -1         -1         -1
CBSTFSKL          74156        74157       74158         -1         -1         -1
DSAXE06           15527        15529        -1         -1         -1         -1
DSCLUB01          15527        15529        -1         -1         -1         -1
DSBELT01          12080        -1           -1         -1         -1         -1
DSDAGG01          15529        15527        -1         -1         -1         -1
DSSWD02           92180        12119        -1         -1         -1         -1
DSTEARS           92181        12099        -1         -1         -1         -1
NTBLUN06          93510        93511       -1         -1         -1         -1
NTBLUN07          93510        93511       -1         -1         -1         -1
NTROBE01          12082        12022       -1         -1         -1         -1
NTSTAFF2          93512     12131       12129      12041      12116      12117
HELMLIFE          141654        141655       25765" -1 -1 -1 -1"
SHADLNTH          141656        -1          -1" -1 -1 -1 -1"
BUCK02            6347         12028       -1" -1 -1 -1 -1"

Edited by Turambar, 08 September 2010 - 04:50 AM.


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

Turambar's fixes and tweaks for BG2, BGT, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH and more!


Before posting questions (even regarding posts written by myself), please look at Jarno Mikkola's FAQs for the Megamods!
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#17 Hoppy


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 07:39 AM

It looks like
25765" -1 -1 -1 -1"
is from the BP mod from the Helm of Life item. The ("") look odd but I don't know anything anyway.

RoT still uses old code, TS-BP may use the same, and SOS may due the same old code even further but the tooltip I just saw looks like the worst kind of 2da soup I have ever seen. Someday babies...someday.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#18 Turambar

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 07:45 AM

It looks like

25765" -1 -1 -1 -1"
is from the BP mod from the Helm of Life item. The ("") look odd but I don't know anything anyway.

It comes fom using ~"%str_add%"~ to declare a string...

RoT still uses old code, TS-BP may use the same, and SOS may due the same old code even further but the tooltip I just saw looks like the worst kind of 2da soup I have ever seen. Someday babies...someday.

Yes, it's quite ugly indeed. hopefully it works, somehow

Edited by Turambar, 08 September 2010 - 07:45 AM.


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

Turambar's fixes and tweaks for BG2, BGT, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH and more!


Before posting questions (even regarding posts written by myself), please look at Jarno Mikkola's FAQs for the Megamods!
(how to correctly report CTDs)



#19 Hoppy


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Posted 08 September 2010 - 08:27 AM

Yes, it's quite ugly indeed. hopefully it works, somehow

We can always hope. :lol:

Oh, back on the original topic. You will have the same "issue" with Bolivar from Shadows Over Soubar. I tried working out something for that but I am sure another mod will change it with some awesome default fighter script to make him a berserker.

Just a little heads up :D
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#20 Miloch



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Posted 08 September 2010 - 01:13 PM

Yes, it's quite ugly indeed. hopefully it works, somehow

We can always hope. :lol:

Well, one way to check is to CLUA in one of the listed items (particularly some of the "messier" ones) and see if you can see the tooltip text for each of the abilities (melee, ranged, and multiple magic abilities usually) while equipped. I kind of doubt they all work if it looks like that. Thrown Hammers uses some newer code to make sure tooltip gets handled properly when adding new items, and I think Mike1072 has a function or something (probably 1000s of LoC long :P) that does something similar. Maybe the older mods need to be converted to something like that, could be a lot of work though. I'll see what I can do in BP at least (eventually, hopefully).

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