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My Critique of NTotSC (spoiler)

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#21 jastey

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 12:18 PM

I like the term "temporarily unkill". :lol:


You cold reset the variable that accounts for his death:




should do the trick.

#22 tor11

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Posted 11 September 2022 - 02:35 PM

I was just playing the Citadel quest and I don't quite understand at what point was I supposed to use a Lesser Restoration spell that I received from someone.


I don't have a save anymore but I'm curious, because afaik there was no hint on using it to save Eldod and others.


//edit: Alright I made a quick run from some older save to test this. Maybe it is just me, but it was kind of vague and not quite obvious from the dialog with Lenore that the spell she gave me should be used on Eldod, asap. The result is death of Utor, Satos and Eldod himself. Not good. 


Btw, there is a dialog with Pique where he says, "Here, take this. He dropped it, and I know not what it means." but you receive no item.

Edited by tor11, 11 September 2022 - 03:14 PM.

#23 jastey

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Posted 11 September 2022 - 11:43 PM

tw, there is a dialog with Pique where he says, "Here, take this. He dropped it, and I know not what it means." but you receive no item.

That is a known issue (listed in docs/known_issues.txt) because the mod uses unused lines from the original game but giving an item was never implemented.



it was kind of vague and not quite obvious from the dialog with Lenore that the spell she gave me should be used on Eldod, asap. The result is death of Utor, Satos and Eldod himself. Not good.

That Eldod is under mind influence is a quest element the player has to deduct him-/herself. The possible spells to free him from it will be extended in a later version to also include Dispel Magic, Remove Magic, and Remove Curse. Currently, only Restoration will free him.