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Interest in more IWD NPCs?

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Poll: Interest in more IWD NPCs? (11 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think about more NPCs in IWD 1 or 2?

  1. More NPCs could be interesting (6 votes [54.55%])

    Percentage of vote: 54.55%

  2. I prefer to use my own characters (1 votes [9.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.09%

  3. Not playing IWD (2 votes [18.18%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.18%

  4. Preferably the first game (2 votes [18.18%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.18%

  5. Preferably the second game (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

Any NPCs here that you like?

  1. Calena (7 votes [26.92%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.92%

  2. Erinal (3 votes [11.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.54%

  3. Naubol (2 votes [7.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.69%

  4. Tevornex (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. Murduin (3 votes [11.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.54%

  6. Jeraven (2 votes [7.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.69%

  7. Amirah and Halim (3 votes [11.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.54%

  8. Taladur (5 votes [19.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.23%

  9. None (1 votes [3.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.85%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 Ipsissimus


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Posted 14 August 2010 - 10:08 AM

I was wondering if anyone's still playing Icewind Dale I or II, or would be interested in seeing more playable NPCs. Several tentative character outlines follow - thoughts, please?
1) Name: Calena
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Lawful good
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 17

The daughter of a village healer, Calena felt drawn to Ilmater from an early age. As a sign of her faith, she took the two of the vows commonly associated with Healers, purity and poverty, leaving out the vow of peace or nonviolence. She tries to avoid fighting if she can, though, preferring to negotiate an agreement when possible. She is relatively young, barely twenty, and intends to devote her life to the service of the Crying God. She departed with her parents' blessing, intending to prove herself to the Companions of Noble Heart.

2) Name: Erinal
Gender: Male
Race: Half-elf
Class: Necromancer
Alignment: True neutral
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 12

Erinal studies necromancy in order to support his opinions on the nature of death. To him, there is a perfect and peculiar balance between life and death, though he grudgingly admits that he hasn't yet found it. He is a scholar, and considers himself a visionary in his field. He is somewhat devoted to Jergal, preferring the god's fatalism to what he views as Myrkul's interference in the cycle of nature. Despite this, he is surprisingly relaxed about his field of study. Death is merely "something that happens," he claims - one could die adventuring, true, but there are a myriad of other ways as well. He cares little for the manner of his own demise, and simply hopes that he will have been able to finish his research first.
He was born in Halruaa, but has since (obviously) traveled far afield. He is quite devoted to his research, and at various points has been a gravedigger, an undertaker, a musician, and, earlier in his life, a traveling merchant.

3) Name: Naubol (according to Chosen of Eilistraee Drow translator, means "nothing"
Gender: Male
Race: Drow
Class: Thief or Fighter/Thief
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 8

In the Underdark, Naubol was a drow slave, the lowest of the low, in the city of Maerimydra. Sick of being constantly taunted and bossed around by males and females alike, he left. He suspects that he only escaped because no one could be bothered to hunt down one worthless slave. He lacks many of the "typical" features of drow. For instance, he does not worship a deity, and he knows little or nothing about most of them. He speaks very little Common, barely enough to get by, he does not understand the written forms of Undercommon or Drow, and he does not know the drow "sign language." He's not entirely sure why he ended up in Icewind Dale, but he's optimistic enough to think that it could be worse. He thinks that being part of a group affords him some protection, both against monsters and angry humans, so he's willing to do pretty much anything he's told to.

4) Name: Tevornex
Gender: Male
Race: Human (tiefling)
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Strength: 18/22
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 10

Tevornex is a traveler of the planes, born (he thinks) in Sigil. He cares little for where his path takes him, treating life as an elaborate game. His journey to Icewind Dale was entirely unexpected, and he regards it as a peculiar trick. He believes that he is asleep and dreaming in another plane, and all he sees in the Prime is but an illusion. Needless to say, he is completely insane. He's well aware of this, but he simply doesn't care. He enjoys life as a madman, and if, as he believes, the Prime doesn't truly exist, why not make the best of it? He claims that all mortals live in their own fashion, and this is his.

5) Name: Murduin Whitehelm
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric or Cleric/Mage
Alignment: Neutral good
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 12

Murduin is a member of a small clan of northern shield dwarves. He venerates Dugmaren Brightmantle, the dwarven god of scholarship, discovery, and invention. He has a great love for old scrolls and books. He is quite old even for a dwarf, and considers this journey a good omen, in a way - should he survive, he intends to retire from the adventuring life, and should he die, he would have fallen for a worthy cause. He asks only that the party return his body to his clan, if possible.

6) Name: Jeraven
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/thief
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 12

Jeraven is originally from Luskan. He spent ten years as a sailor, intending to someday purchase and captain his own vessel. Ironically, by the time he'd begun to earn a decent amount of gold, he realized that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the sea, and headed for Icewind Dale in search of adventure. He's rather irate that he wasted a decade sailing, and he's more than happy to complain about this. He actually really care that much, but he's been told that he should at least act more serious. He fancies himself a charming and debonair rogue. While this isn't entirely accurate, he can be relied upon to remain calm in times of trouble.

7) Name: Amirah
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Bard or multiclass thief/mage
Alignment: Chaotic good
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 16

Amirah is the only daughter of a moderately wealthy Calishite merchant in Memnon. She learned that her father intended to arrange a marriage for her, so without actually thinking about it, she fled the city. Icewind Dale might be rather far for a Calishan girl, but why do things halfway? She misses the city itself, but is thrilled at the opportunity for adventure. Her primary complaint is the cold, but then again, furs are so very fashionable - if only they weren't so heavy. She considers the dangers of adventuring exciting. She received a good education focusing largely on music, the arts, politics and languages, but with some emphasis on spellcraft as well. She adores the intrigue involved in politics, but her primary love is music - she plays the violin.

8 ) Name: Halim
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 10

Halim is Amirah's elder brother, one of three sons. He received martial training in order to work as a caravan guard. Since then, he's traveled throughout Calimshan, and as far north as Tethyr. While he disagrees with Amirah's decision to run off, thinking that her arranged marriage would be best for their family, he is extremely loyal to her, and says that he will always stay at her side.

9) Name: Taladur

Race: Half-elf
Class: Druid
Alignment: True neutral
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 15

Taladur is a traveling druid, most recently of Mirabar. He venerates Chauntea in her manifestation as the Great Mother. He was born in Neverwinter and trained as a sculptor, a trade he continues to this day. He believes that nature is innately beautiful, and it is the artist's job to reveal and emphasize such beauty as they see fit. He also believes in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and, oddly, does not believe in "unnatural" things, considering everything a part of the Great Mother.

Edit: added Taladur.

Edited by Ipsissimus, 14 August 2010 - 11:56 AM.

And the mirror, it reflects a tiny dancing skeleton, surrounded by a fleshy overcoat and swaddled in
A furry hat, elastic mask, a pair of shiny marble dice, some people call them snake-eyes, but to me they look like mice
-- "Nothing's gonna change my clothes", They Might Be Giants

#2 berelinde



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Posted 14 August 2010 - 12:01 PM

I don't really play IWD, but that's mostly because of the lack of joinable NPCs. The IWD2 NPC project helps a lot. I made it through chapter3, but eventually, I decided that I'd rather stick to modding.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#3 Crazee

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 12:05 PM

Much, much interest, at least from me. I tried my hand at writing a NPC mod for IWDII, failed, but enjoyed the process very much. I doubt IWD mods will ever gather as much attention as BG mods, though.

EDIT - Any more info about their various personalities (rather than their pasts) would be super, before I vote who I like.

Edited by Crazee, 14 August 2010 - 12:21 PM.

#4 Ipsissimus


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Posted 14 August 2010 - 09:30 PM

Thanks for the responses :) I'm not interested so much in how popular any such project would be, though. It's something I'd enjoy writing, and hopefully those who do play it would enjoy it. As for personalities...

Calena - dislikes fighting unless it's absolutely necessary, or if her foes cause more harm while they live - e.g., worshipers of Loviatar, or abominations. She doesn't believe in mercy killings, insisting that there has to be another way. She'd prefer to heal, but never had much aptitude for it. She has a peculiar appreciation of irony, and a rather dry sense of humor. She likes to talk, and is happy to listen or to offer counsel to any who need it.

There might be a romance arc for a non-evil Player 1 of either gender. She's uncomfortable with the idea of casting aside one of her vows, but she eventually reasons that her faith and deeds matter more than her oaths, and to love another doesn't necessarily impede her duties as a paladin. She admires personal strength and leadership capabilities, as well as a devotion to a particular cause, especially law, justice, or healing.

Erinal - quite studious, but rarely serious. He's generally relaxed, particularly about his magic. He's disdainful of necromancers who practice the Art merely for the power it offers. In his opinion, they disrupt nature. He's also fond of travel, and is quite curious, particularly about foreign lands, other schools of magic, druidic ideas of the Balance, and the views of others on death and religion.

Naubol - not really good or evil. To him, seeking power or riches indicates a strong sense of self. On the other hand, he sometimes appreciates acts of kindness. He is intrigued by the surface world, but wary of it as well. He's used to following orders, and since he's free, he doesn't mind doing whatever the party leader tells him to. He may ask Player 1 to teach him more of Common. Simply put, he's glad to be able to make his own decisions, but he's not entirely sure where to start.

Tevornex - completely and utterly insane. He likes trying to convince people that they don't exist, though at best he succeeds in confusing them. Like Haer'Dalis, he adores chaos, although he lacks the foresight to consider the aftermath. He insists that the Prime is but a dream, and becomes irate that, since it is his dream, he cannot change it as he would like to. He often switches from one mood or persona to another, alternating between hyperactivity (mania), extreme depression, and irritation. He's named his personas as well - he says that the manic one is Tevornex (him), the depressed one Neilak, and the irritated one Vragdush. He is quite scatterbrained as well, and rarely remembers anything of importance.

Murduin - loyal and devoted to his god, and with a love of study and lore, although his eyesight isn't what it used to be. He cares deeply for his family and his clan. Not much else about him, really.

Jeraven - A rough fellow, with a lot to learn about civility and etiquette. Now that he's on land again, he happily curses Umberlee, though normally he's a gods-fearing man. Extremely superstitious (inasmuch as any fantasy character could be), and his idea of seriousness is to just complain about everything. Possible romance with a female Player 1, though I haven't much thought about it.

Amirah - clever and charming, but she tends to overestimate her own abilities. She is quick to make friends, but also quick to take offense - she doesn't tolerate insults to her family or her homeland. If she's insulted directly, though, she thinks that someone else is just trying to be witty. Her moods change rapidly, though in general she tends to be dramatic and overly curious. She likes her life to be exciting, and thinks that her arranged marriage would have been dreadfully tedious. She is also somewhat immature at times.

Possibly romanceable by a male Player 1. She wants someone who appreciates her for who she is, treats her with courtesy, and doesn't mind a good argument every now and then. Her brother probably won't agree with this, though.

Halim - his main goal is to keep his little sister out of trouble. He's generally serious and reserved, although he sometimes likes to tease Amirah. The two are close enough that Halim willingly left - deserted, he says - his family in order to protect Amirah, and he views traveling with a group as the best way to do this. Once in the party, he is extremely loyal.

Possibly amenable to a romance with a female Player 1. He respects intelligence, experience, maturity, thoughtfulness, and leadership ability.

Taladur - believes that, overall, life is beautiful. He travels in order to experience both life and beauty in their many forms. He is a diligent and devoted servant of Chauntea. He believes that any being is capable of serving nature in his/her/its own way. He does so by actively aiding the Great Mother, and by using natural materials, particularly stone, to create works of art. Think a non-rogue Coran that doesn't flirt quite so much. He is fairly tolerant, and the only thing he will not stand for is direct harm to nature.

Possible romance with a Player 1 of either gender, haven't thought much about it.
And the mirror, it reflects a tiny dancing skeleton, surrounded by a fleshy overcoat and swaddled in
A furry hat, elastic mask, a pair of shiny marble dice, some people call them snake-eyes, but to me they look like mice
-- "Nothing's gonna change my clothes", They Might Be Giants

#5 Crazee

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 02:23 AM

Thanks for the responses :) I'm not interested so much in how popular any such project would be, though. It's something I'd enjoy writing, and hopefully those who do play it would enjoy it. As for personalities...

Calena - dislikes fighting unless it's absolutely necessary, or if her foes cause more harm while they live - e.g., worshipers of Loviatar, or abominations. She doesn't believe in mercy killings, insisting that there has to be another way. She'd prefer to heal, but never had much aptitude for it. She has a peculiar appreciation of irony, and a rather dry sense of humor. She likes to talk, and is happy to listen or to offer counsel to any who need it.

There might be a romance arc for a non-evil Player 1 of either gender. She's uncomfortable with the idea of casting aside one of her vows, but she eventually reasons that her faith and deeds matter more than her oaths, and to love another doesn't necessarily impede her duties as a paladin. She admires personal strength and leadership capabilities, as well as a devotion to a particular cause, especially law, justice, or healing.

I really like the sound of Calena. It's nice to see a female paladin, and from the sounds of it, she has a brain, which is always a pleasant change. Having a sense of humour is always good, too.

Erinal - quite studious, but rarely serious. He's generally relaxed, particularly about his magic. He's disdainful of necromancers who practice the Art merely for the power it offers. In his opinion, they disrupt nature. He's also fond of travel, and is quite curious, particularly about foreign lands, other schools of magic, druidic ideas of the Balance, and the views of others on death and religion.

A mage who isn't stuck up their own arse? Again, like the sound of this one.

Naubol - not really good or evil. To him, seeking power or riches indicates a strong sense of self. On the other hand, he sometimes appreciates acts of kindness. He is intrigued by the surface world, but wary of it as well. He's used to following orders, and since he's free, he doesn't mind doing whatever the party leader tells him to. He may ask Player 1 to teach him more of Common. Simply put, he's glad to be able to make his own decisions, but he's not entirely sure where to start.

I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of drow, so this guy will instantly have to work really hard to get my vote. I'm intrigued by the idea he doesn't speak much Common, though, and will be interested to see how you pull that off.

Tevornex - completely and utterly insane. He likes trying to convince people that they don't exist, though at best he succeeds in confusing them. Like Haer'Dalis, he adores chaos, although he lacks the foresight to consider the aftermath. He insists that the Prime is but a dream, and becomes irate that, since it is his dream, he cannot change it as he would like to. He often switches from one mood or persona to another, alternating between hyperactivity (mania), extreme depression, and irritation. He's named his personas as well - he says that the manic one is Tevornex (him), the depressed one Neilak, and the irritated one Vragdush. He is quite scatterbrained as well, and rarely remembers anything of importance.

He sounds interesting, but mad has never been my cup of tea, whether it's supposed to be funny/confusing/eerie/whatever. His views about the Prime being a dream are interesting, but I get the feeling he might turn out a little Xzar-like, if you're not careful.

Murduin - loyal and devoted to his god, and with a love of study and lore, although his eyesight isn't what it used to be. He cares deeply for his family and his clan. Not much else about him, really.

While it's certainly nice to see a dwarf who isn't the typical drunken fighter, this guy comes off as a little bland, from your descriptions. If you're including him just for the sake of providing another option for a cleric/as the token dwarf, I'd suggest skipping him out. The work load will be staggering as it is. If not, I'd be happy to be proven wrong!

Jeraven - A rough fellow, with a lot to learn about civility and etiquette. Now that he's on land again, he happily curses Umberlee, though normally he's a gods-fearing man. Extremely superstitious (inasmuch as any fantasy character could be), and his idea of seriousness is to just complain about everything. Possible romance with a female Player 1, though I haven't much thought about it.

Like the name, like the character. The whining will probably annoy the crap out of me, but it makes him interesting. I've got a mental image of a man who spits and talks about pissing and drinking, and it's an image I like. Sound like something he'd do?

Amirah - clever and charming, but she tends to overestimate her own abilities. She is quick to make friends, but also quick to take offense - she doesn't tolerate insults to her family or her homeland. If she's insulted directly, though, she thinks that someone else is just trying to be witty. Her moods change rapidly, though in general she tends to be dramatic and overly curious. She likes her life to be exciting, and thinks that her arranged marriage would have been dreadfully tedious. She is also somewhat immature at times.

Possibly romanceable by a male Player 1. She wants someone who appreciates her for who she is, treats her with courtesy, and doesn't mind a good argument every now and then. Her brother probably won't agree with this, though.

Hmm. In two minds. It's good to have another female character, but you need to be careful not to make her too like Nalia or Skie, and the 'running from an arranged marriage' has been done to death. That said, a skilled writer can make it work. The romance sounds interesting.

Halim - his main goal is to keep his little sister out of trouble. He's generally serious and reserved, although he sometimes likes to tease Amirah. The two are close enough that Halim willingly left - deserted, he says - his family in order to protect Amirah, and he views traveling with a group as the best way to do this. Once in the party, he is extremely loyal.

Possibly amenable to a romance with a female Player 1. He respects intelligence, experience, maturity, thoughtfulness, and leadership ability.

Definitely a fan of the lad. He sounds mature and reasonable, and I just like the idea of Calishite who isn't female. We had Khalid in BG, but he never really portrayed the unique culture, and otherwise all that comes to mind are princesses running away from home (who like to dance) and big fat pashas with lots of rings on their fingers and big, belly-rumbling laughs. Be careful not to let his personality get too wrapped up with his sister. What would happen if you took him along without his sister?

Taladur - believes that, overall, life is beautiful. He travels in order to experience both life and beauty in their many forms. He is a diligent and devoted servant of Chauntea. He believes that any being is capable of serving nature in his/her/its own way. He does so by actively aiding the Great Mother, and by using natural materials, particularly stone, to create works of art. Think a non-rogue Coran that doesn't flirt quite so much. He is fairly tolerant, and the only thing he will not stand for is direct harm to nature.

Possible romance with a Player 1 of either gender, haven't thought much about it.

Favourite character, by far! Sounds really interesting - his views and his past. Very interested in this guy.

A solid set of characters overall, and the fact you've provided at least 2 characters for each class role (I believe) will be appreciated. I couldn't stand Nikosh in the IWD2 NPC project, so I was always, always playing a rogue. There's a distinct lack of female characters, but I guess that's okay. Both are romance options though, which I like less. Sometimes it's nice to see a plain-looking/ugly female character. Maybe you could make Murduin female? That would spicen things up! Apart from that, I really like everything. If you decide to continue this, all the best, and let us know how you're getting on.

Edited by Crazee, 15 August 2010 - 02:23 AM.

#6 luda

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 03:58 AM

i'm always interested in romanceable NPCs :woot:

#7 Ipsissimus


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Posted 15 August 2010 - 01:10 PM

Again, thanks for the feedback :)

I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of drow, so this guy will instantly have to work really hard to get my vote. I'm intrigued by the idea he doesn't speak much Common, though, and will be interested to see how you pull that off.

He could probably make it as a deep dwarf or svirfneblin, more likely the former. His story still pretty much fits.

He sounds interesting, but mad has never been my cup of tea, whether it's supposed to be funny/confusing/eerie/whatever. His views about the Prime being a dream are interesting, but I get the feeling he might turn out a little Xzar-like, if you're not careful.

Hmm, good point. Then again, Xzar has periods of lucidity, while this guy doesn't. He's reliably crazy, I suppose. Maybe I should get rid of the multiple personalities...

While it's certainly nice to see a dwarf who isn't the typical drunken fighter, this guy comes off as a little bland, from your descriptions. If you're including him just for the sake of providing another option for a cleric/as the token dwarf, I'd suggest skipping him out. The work load will be staggering as it is. If not, I'd be happy to be proven wrong!

My main worry was that he was just a Yeslick clone, and at this point, he kind of is. I'm not entirely sure about this guy. Maybe change him to a young dwarven CG female priest instead...

Like the name, like the character. The whining will probably annoy the crap out of me, but it makes him interesting. I've got a mental image of a man who spits and talks about pissing and drinking, and it's an image I like. Sound like something he'd do?

He doesn't really whine that much, but he sometimes complains - when he remembers, that is. And that image is definitely accurate :)

Hmm. In two minds. It's good to have another female character, but you need to be careful not to make her too like Nalia or Skie, and the 'running from an arranged marriage' has been done to death. That said, a skilled writer can make it work. The romance sounds interesting.

She's another character that I wasn't too sure about. I think she is different from Nalia and Skie, but it might be kinda hard to show. She wanted to run away for some time, since she always saw her father and brothers going off on trips, but the arranged marriage was the last straw, really. She doesn't much want to "help the needy," and while I like Skie, she does tend to whine, which Amirah is generally too stubborn to do. She's also somewhat more lighthearted than either Skie or Nalia.

Definitely a fan of the lad. He sounds mature and reasonable, and I just like the idea of Calishite who isn't female. We had Khalid in BG, but he never really portrayed the unique culture, and otherwise all that comes to mind are princesses running away from home (who like to dance) and big fat pashas with lots of rings on their fingers and big, belly-rumbling laughs. Be careful not to let his personality get too wrapped up with his sister. What would happen if you took him along without his sister?

I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Their backstories are so involved that it probably wouldn't be a good idea, sort of like trying to separate Khalid and Jaheira or Minsc and Dynaheir. Part of my idea was to create two characters who would interact with and react to one another - for instance, since both are planned to be romanceable, they might comment on one another's romances, if applicable.

Favourite character, by far! Sounds really interesting - his views and his past. Very interested in this guy.

Glad you like him :) Druids don't get enough love.

There's a distinct lack of female characters, but I guess that's okay. Both are romance options though, which I like less. Sometimes it's nice to see a plain-looking/ugly female character. Maybe you could make Murduin female? That would spicen things up!

A good point. Another thought, then:
Name: Marda Ironshield
Race: Arctic Dwarf
Class: Cleric or Fighter/Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic good
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10
Marda is a recently-ordained cleric, or kaxanar ("bloodmaiden"), of Haela Brightaxe. She comes from a long line of warriors and priests renowned for their defensive skills in battle. In the tradition of her forebears, she likes fighting in the front lines, bearing a hammer and a heavy shield. She rarely if ever plans ahead for battles, preferring to leap into the fray. She loves fighting, but not in Korgan's bloodthirsty manner. To her, the appeal is in conquering one's foes and entrusting one's life to the Lady of the Fray, not in simply spilling blood. This is only her third journey from her homeland, and she is thrilled at this opportunity. She respects characters who are strong in battle or devoted to their cause, but her first loyalty is to family and clan, and her second to Haela.
She's generally quite cheerful, although she's happiest when she's destroying things, particularly evil monsters. Occasionally she'll become extremely chatty. She likes to drink, but she's picky, and only drinks dwarven ales and meads. She's of the opinion that most problems can be solved by a good fight or a good drink - preferably both. Oddly, she also likes to sing.

Edited by Ipsissimus, 15 August 2010 - 01:11 PM.

And the mirror, it reflects a tiny dancing skeleton, surrounded by a fleshy overcoat and swaddled in
A furry hat, elastic mask, a pair of shiny marble dice, some people call them snake-eyes, but to me they look like mice
-- "Nothing's gonna change my clothes", They Might Be Giants