I'll be working hard to catch up.

Posted 06 August 2010 - 09:02 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 07 August 2010 - 09:08 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 09 August 2010 - 03:10 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:48 AM
*snickers*. Oh yes. Positive thinking. Love that line. And given you're writing so fast, it's perfectly understandable that there are a few mistakes here and there. They don't lessen the enjoyment of Shepherd's adventures though.
As for ME1, it's sitting on a busted computer right now, unfortunately. I'm not sure if it's the RAM or the Motherboard, but either way there will unfortunately be a lot of fixing before I can play ME.
Edited by Bluenose, 10 August 2010 - 04:49 AM.
missed out a word
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 20 August 2010 - 10:01 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:41 AM
Thanks for the sympathy.
Things are up and running again, but now I've misplaced ME.
One day I will get things right.
Finally caught up to your most recent update.It's been very, very fun. You really do bring the characters to life in so many ways. The confrontation with Ashley and Anderson was sad, but awesome, and Zoe is as always amazing.
Looking forwards to more.
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 26 August 2010 - 11:50 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 27 August 2010 - 06:48 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:18 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:21 AM
Zoe smirks at the volus. "Charge."
He sets off down the passage, wobbling along and bouncing off the walls. As the door opens, he staggers through. "Wasea! Your doom has come. I will make your end swift." Summoning all he biotic might, he sends a wave of biotic energy towards the asari captain. It leaves a very faint mark on her forehead. As he wobbles in the doorway, exhausted, she summons her own biotics. Her throw smashes him back against the wall, smashing his suit open. She watches for a few seconds as he chokes to death on the poisonous oxygen, before looking back at her datapad.
"Everything's gone to hell since we smuggled that filthy creature off world."
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 02 September 2010 - 04:37 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 03 September 2010 - 11:03 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 17 September 2010 - 05:18 AM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 17 September 2010 - 11:08 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 20 September 2010 - 03:45 AM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 20 September 2010 - 11:04 PM
If this Spectre business doesn't work out, I think I'll start selling ethics to batarians.
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 21 September 2010 - 08:55 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 24 September 2010 - 12:46 AM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain
Posted 24 September 2010 - 08:46 AM
Back from the brink.
Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.
Posted 27 September 2010 - 04:40 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain