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Can't Dispel Claws

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#1 finkoperetta

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Posted 02 August 2010 - 08:33 PM

Hey, I've been playing BG religiously for the past few days, and have encountered a bug. It's probably something I've done, but I don't know how to fix it!

I'm playing BG1 with a party of the canon characters and a human paladin. I found a Cloak of the Wolf in a cave in one of the Siren maps, I think the southernmost one on the coast with the lighthouse. I've given it to Imoen and forgot about it, and then while I was doing a quest for the thieves guild in Baldur's Gate where I needed one thief, I used her. While I was waiting for my contact to show up, I realized I had the cloak and used it. No problem, it was fun to see her as a werewolf then I turned it off. Now she has permanent claws! I can't equip any weapons on her or remove the bag of plenty I had equipped before using the cape.

This is annoying as I want her to use a crossbow instead of running up and punching stuff in the face. I've tried dispelling it or resting and trying the cape again. It's weird - whenever I use the cape she successfully transforms and then only seconds later (without me pressing the "return to human form" button) turns back into her own self.

Oh, and while I'm here, is there any way to re-level the characters from level one, being able to reallocate their proficiencies and other skill points? I stupidly didn't level up Imoen's Open Lock skill and now that she's a dual classed wizard I can't get it any higher.


#2 GeN1e


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Posted 02 August 2010 - 11:30 PM

Please, post your WeiDU log, as otherwise it's hard to tell what the source may be. I know that Item Revisions mod changes the cloak to polymorph into werewolf (it vanilla game that's a wolf), but it works fine for me.

Edited by GeN1e, 02 August 2010 - 11:30 PM.

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#3 finkoperetta

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 12:02 AM

Hi, I'm attaching my WeiDU.log file. Thanks!

Attached Files

#4 GeN1e


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 01:14 AM

Lots of mods indeed :). Please, post the result of '--change-log clck04.itm' command.
http://www.shsforums...r-the-megamods/ , 6th item.

Oh, and while I'm here, is there any way to re-level the characters from level one, being able to reallocate their proficiencies and other skill points? I stupidly didn't level up Imoen's Open Lock skill and now that she's a dual classed wizard I can't get it any higher.

You can reallocate skills and proficiencies in Shadow Keeper or a similar editing program.

Edited by GeN1e, 03 August 2010 - 01:14 AM.

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#5 finkoperetta

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 01:39 AM

Lots of mods indeed :). Please, post the result of '--change-log clck04.itm' command.
http://www.shsforums...r-the-megamods/ , 6th item.

Oh, and while I'm here, is there any way to re-level the characters from level one, being able to reallocate their proficiencies and other skill points? I stupidly didn't level up Imoen's Open Lock skill and now that she's a dual classed wizard I can't get it any higher.

You can reallocate skills and proficiencies in Shadow Keeper or a similar editing program.

I modified the .bat file and changed it to clck04.itm, and the result in my change-log.txt file is one line:

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 21800

Was there supposed to be more? Maybe I didn't do something right.


#6 GeN1e


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 02:18 AM

That's weird, it should have printed out some more info. Well, unless someone can explain why it doesn't work, there's another way - run a search for clck04.itm file in the game root directory. It should yield things like 'some_mod_folder/backup/0', important here is what mods' names are and which numbers in their backups.

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#7 finkoperetta

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 03:12 AM

I ran a search and found it. It looks like it's under the item_rev mod. The directory is:

BGII - SoA\item_rev\backup\0

It is also in the \item_rev\itm directory as well as the \generalized_biffing\prod\0\biffs\106 directory.

#8 GeN1e


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 05:24 AM

Then I don't know what's the cause. What about 'spwi491.spl' & 'dvwere.itm' files?

This is also confusing:

It's weird - whenever I use the cape she successfully transforms and then only seconds later (without me pressing the "return to human form" button) turns back into her own self.

For the time being, try to CTRL-R her, it should dispel all effects. A bit rough way to fix the bug, but until/unless the cause is found, it probably is the only solution.

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#9 finkoperetta

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 05:37 AM

Then I don't know what's the cause. What about 'spwi491.spl' & 'dvwere.itm' files?

This is also confusing:

It's weird - whenever I use the cape she successfully transforms and then only seconds later (without me pressing the "return to human form" button) turns back into her own self.

For the time being, try to CTRL-R her, it should dispel all effects. A bit rough way to fix the bug, but until/unless the cause is found, it probably is the only solution.

Ah that seemed to have solved it! I should have thought of that sooner.

Thanks for all your help.

#10 Demivrgvs

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 06:23 AM

I've checked it but in two different installs (IR-only, and IR + tons of mods) and both times the cloak worked fine. It may be some mod altering spwi491. Just to be sure I'll make the item use a custom Shapeshift to Natural Form spell next time (the one I use for SR).

#11 RYUchan

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 12:27 PM

I had the same problem while I was playing Baldur's gate. I had Tactics installation without NTotSC. I have an old built backuped so I'll test it again tomorrow.