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#1 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 09:38 AM

Hello! New user here ^^
Found this thread via google because I seem to be having the exact same problem   :crying:
Unfortunately it's unresolved so I'll just go ahead and attach my log so one of you geniuses can maybe give me a hand

Here's what the problem looks like:
Posted Image

Thanks !!  :D

Attached Files

#2 dabus

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 10:12 AM

The installation of ToA is already done.
Just look at the last lines of the file you posted. ;)
The was just no other mod or application that set the title of the cmd-window.

The last messages are from longer road, which was installed successfully.
So I'd rather guess you have a problem with the next mod.

Can you tell us which setup-XYZ.exe is running by checking your taskmanager?
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#3 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 10:16 AM

The installation of ToA is already done.
Just look at the last lines of the file you posted. ;)
The was just no other mod or application that set the title of the cmd-window.

The last messages are from longer road, which was installed successfully.
So I'd rather guess you have a problem with the next mod.

Can you tell us which setup-XYZ.exe is running by checking your taskmanager?

Thanks for the reply sir! I suppose there's some good news in that :D
Unfortunately I tried to run the BWS again and for that purpose closed the previous dos window .. EEEeeeeeeeeek! Am I screwed or do I still have a chance of fixing it?

#4 dabus

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 11:18 AM

Well, depends what you did. If you didn't restore the backup, you should be able to resume.

Look at your WeiDU.log which mod was installed last.
I guess it's longerroad.

The open the the BiG World Install.bat and delete every line form
:: Every choice-key may be used only one single time.
to the mod that was installed last. Make sure you get the correct line with the last component that was installed/listed in the WeiDU.log. The component is between %SK% and the |. If it's Longerroad, its
%IFHS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%1%SK% 0 2 | %M%

Save under a new name (like New.bat) and run it.
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#5 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 11:53 AM

Well, depends what you did. If you didn't restore the backup, you should be able to resume.

Look at your WeiDU.log which mod was installed last.
I guess it's longerroad.

The open the the BiG World Install.bat and delete every line form

:: Every choice-key may be used only one single time.
to the mod that was installed last. Make sure you get the correct line with the last component that was installed/listed in the WeiDU.log. The component is between %SK% and the |. If it's Longerroad, its
%IFHS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%1%SK% 0 2 | %M%

Save under a new name (like New.bat) and run it.

Thanks a lot for the help man!
I'll show you what my task manager and weidu logs look like atm before I do anything though, cause I'm not sure the problem is longerroad or not. I'm super noob at this stuff  :wacko:  and a bit afraid to mess something up

I opened the big world install.bat and found the following lines but wasn't sure what should be done to them:
%IFES%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%0%SK% 0 2 | %M%
%IFGNLS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%0%SK% 0 2 | %M%
%IFHS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%1%SK% 0 2 | %M%

#6 dabus

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 12:24 PM

The screen of your WeiDU.log looks a bit * up. At least it does not look correct nor fits with the posted Debug.log. Maybe it's because of windows 7 which puts files under %profiledir% sometimes.

Well, I'd suggest you kill the Setup-Longerroad.exe and the batch should go on. See what happens and maybe you are lucky and things turn out to be ok.

If you still need to edit the batch since the batch does not go on, remove the text including the whole LR-block you posted.
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#7 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 12:50 PM

Awesome! Left it working out the magic there, will report back later with what worked or didnt (hopefuly the first! )
Thanks again!

#8 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 01:12 PM


So the installer finished. In order to get there I had to remove the code mentioned before from the .bat file and run it again.. and when trying to load tobexloader I get the following screen   :crying:

Posted Image

I'm quite lost by now. I wonder if uninstalling/deleteing everything and trying again would be any good or I'll encounter these problems again :blink: Any advice/help is welcome :P

#9 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 02:10 PM

Freaked out, uninstalled+deleted everything, starting over. >.<
Hopefully  I dont run into these probs again.
And I'm definitely unchecking Longer Road! >:(

#10 dabus

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 02:37 PM

You're a bit fast. Maybe something from here could have been helpful. Don't know about that though since I don't install that often.

As far as I see, BGT creates a file by executing this piece of code in the EndSetup.bat:

_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest ABELA.*wav AJANT.*wav ALATS.*wav ALDET.*wav ALORA.*wav AMB_D08.*wav AMB_E03.*wav AMB_E04.*wav AMB_E05.*wav AMB_E06.*wav AMB_E07.*wav AMB_E08.*wav AMB_E09.*wav AMB_E10.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest AMB_E14.*wav AMB_E15.*wav AMB_E16.*wav AMB_E17.*wav AMB_E18.*wav AMB_E19.*wav AMB_E20.*wav AMB_E21.*wav AMB_E22.*wav AMB_E23.*wav AMB_E24.*wav AMB_E25.*wav AMB_E26.*wav AMB_E28.*wav AMB_E29.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest AMB_E31.*wav AMB_E32.*wav AMB_E33.*wav AMB_E34.*wav AMB_E40.*wav AMB_E43.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest AMB_M.*wav AMB_N.*wav AMB_S.*wav AMNSO.*wav ANGEL.*wav ARDEN.*wav AVALH.*wav BANDT.*wav BASIL.*wav BASSL.*wav EDWIN.*wav BELAN.*wav BELTT.*wav BENTL.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest MINSC.*wav IMOEN.*wav BLACK.*wav BRAGE.*wav BRANW.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest BRELK.*wav BRIEL.*wav BRUNN.*wav BRUNS.*wav BUTTON1.wav CADER.*wav CALDO.*wav CARRN10.wav CASSN.*wav CAST.*wav CATTC.*wav CENTL.*wav CHANT.wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest CHANT0.*wav CHANT2.wav CHAP.*wav CHOKE.wav CHROMOR.wav CLDEL.*wav CORAN.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest CROWD.wav CULTI.*wav DALTO.*wav DELAI.*wav DELOR.*wav DELSV.*wav DRADE.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest DREAM.*WAV DRIZT.*wav DROTH.*wav DRYAA.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest DUNKN.*wav DURLY.*wav DYNAH.*wav ELDOT.*wav ELTAN.*wav EMERS.*wav ENTAR.*wav ERROR.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest EXPLOSIO.wav FALDN.*wav FESTH.*wav FLAMN.*wav GALKN.*wav GANDL.*wav GANTL.*wav GARRK.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest GATEW.*wav GBASI.*wav GELLN.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest GLANM.*wav GNARL.*wav GONDP.*wav GONDS.*wav GORE.wav GORIN.*wav GREYW.*wav GUIDE.*wav GULP.wav GWERE.*wav HAIRT.*wav HELSH.*wav HUNGN.*wav HUSAM.*wav IRLEN.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest INTRO01f.wav INTRO02f.wav INTRO03.wav INTROADD.wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest ITHMR.*wav JAHER.*wav JEBAD.*wav JHASS.*wav KAGAN.*wav KAISH.*wav KAROU.*wav KEEPR.*wav KELDT.*wav KESTR.*wav KHALD.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest KIVAN.*wav KORAX.*wav KRUMM01.wav KRUMM02.wav KRYST.*wav LIIAJ.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest LOTHR.*wav MAGMISS.wav MALKL.*wav MAREK.*wav MARLL.*wav MENDA.*wav MESSN.*wav MISC.*wav MISS1A.wav MONKS.*wav MONTR.*wav MULAH.*wav NALIN.*wav NARLN.*wav NIKLS.*wav NIMBL.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest NOTRAV.wav NTHUG.*wav OUBLK.*wav PAPER.wav PERFO.*wav PNOBL.*wav POISN.*wav PRISM.*wav RAGEF.*wav RAIKN.*wav RAIN.*wav RAMAZ.*wav READR.*wav REDEG.*wav RESAR.*wav RIELT.*wav SAREV.*wav SAFAN.*wav 
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest SCARR.*wav SENIY.*wav SHAEL.*wav SHART.*wav SHOAL.*wav SILEN.*wav SILKE.*wav SKIEE.*wav SLYTH.*wav SOLIA.*wav SONNR.*wav SORCR.*wav SPARKLE.wav SURGN.*wav SWI_.*wav TAERM.*wav TAMOK.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest TASLO.*wav TAURG.*wav TAZOK.*wav TCSMA.*wav TELMN.*wav TENYA.*wav TEVEN.*wav TEXTPOP.wav THALD.*wav THALT.*wav THUNDER.*wav TIAXX.*wav TOGRE.*wav TOLAN.*wav TRACE.*wav TRANZ.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest TREMN.*wav TSCFB.*wav TSCFT.*wav TSCMB.*wav TSCMT.*wav TSCNA.*wav TUTHH.*wav TUTOR.*wav ULRAN.*wav UMBER.*wav VARCI.*wav VICON.*wav VIL.*wav VOIC.*wav
_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest WARRI.*wav WILTN.*wav WIND.wav WKNIG.*wav YESLK.*wav XANNN.*wav XZARR.*wav 

_weidu --game "%BG1PATH%" --out BGTWAV --biff-get-rest IKEEE_04.WAV

One should be able to look for those with some assistance.

Edited by dabus, 01 August 2010 - 02:47 PM.

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#11 mpt2

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 02:47 PM

Google usually allows me to be self sufficient for these kind of issues, but after 'fixing' the bgtwav.bif problem I run into another missing file problem, then I was able to launch the game but the resolution was messed up, then it asked me for CD n°255.. . Figured what the hell, might as well go back to step one and go through it slowly this time. I appreciate all your help anyways! :) We'll see what happens this time  8)