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A BG2 Challenge

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#1 Law

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 07:10 AM

Hi everyone,

Most of this post is a ramble- feel free to fast forward to the question at the end! :)

------------------Boring rant------------------

I'm hugely new here, so excuse any differences between this and the normal post you see lying around here!

So, similarly to most reading this I'm sure, I'm a huge BG2 fan and have been playing it for a long time. After defeating the game on the hardest difficulty though, I started to seek more of a challenge within the confines of what the developers intended (to that end I'm not particularly interested in playing on "difficulty"-scaling mods, etc.).

After reading through someone's, somewhat impressive, journal of a solo completion with a Sorceror (core difficulty, imported with stats enhancements from BG1) I decided I would see how much progress I can make with each of the classes, but on the hardest difficulty and starting the character from scratch in Irenicus' dungeon.

ANYWAY, the main issue I foresee is that in wanting to attempt to solo the game with a Druid, say, I'm going to come across two (I think) locked doors which I NEED to get through.

------------------/Boring rant------------------

Is there any sort of CLUACONSOLE command or something similar which will enable me to open these (locked doors) without having to borrow an NPC?


#2 the bigg

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 07:19 AM

No CLUAConsole. One of the components of bg2tweaks over at G3 removes all traps and locks. Failing that, you can transform into a bear, wear Girdles of Strength or transform into Slayer Form to force them.

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#3 Law

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Posted 26 July 2010 - 01:00 PM

Hey buddy- cheers for the speedy response! I guess I'll treat lock-picking as a class advantage until other means of breaking them is acquired!