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Kits: Change Bg vanilla`s kit names! Help!

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#1 Akurosan

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 11:37 PM

Hey guys!
One thing that always annoyed me is that if you choose for example a fighter / mage or a mage / thief your class never sounds really cool or real.
People just say "hail Akurosan, the great mage / thief"... I mean come on...

I just want to give all the dual class kits new names, for example:

- change mage / thief into "Spellblade" or "Shadowblade"
- change Fighter / Mage into "Arcane Warrior" etc.

I would appreciate your help very much because this little problem destroyed my immersion of some parts of the game since I played this game for the first time (which was back in 1996 then... good old times. I`m almost crying while thinking about the good old times when I was a young boy who really LOVED Baldurs Gate 1...)

Besides, I`m so in love with this lore, I wish I could live within the forgotten realms and I hope this stuff will nerver end until I`m dead or atleast 60 years old :)
Need more books from Salvatore, need new BG games and need your help guys! Thanks!

#2 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:11 AM

- change mage / thief into "Spellblade" or "Shadowblade"

That would be nice... if those class names wouldn't already be in use within kits...

See, there's about 30 to 40 well known kit mods and none of them should use the same description, or it will just confuse people...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 18 July 2010 - 03:13 AM.

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#3 Akurosan

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:29 AM

- change mage / thief into "Spellblade" or "Shadowblade"

That would be nice... if those class names wouldn't already be in use within kits...

See, there's about 30 to 40 well known kit mods and none of them should use the same description, or it will just confuse people...

Dude... That doesn`t help me at all :-(
I don`t want to use a mod that is out there, because I don`t want any new kits or classes.
I just want to make a little mod for myself that changes the dumb names e.g. mage /thief into a *cool sounding name* for example "Shadowwarrior" or "Abukalzuzzoalsthiefwithmagic" (just kidding you got the point)...

Pls help!

#4 Demivrgvs

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 05:46 AM

If you take some time to learn using an editor like Near Infinity it's super easy.

Install NI, open it, use the option to search for "stringref" and in "Find What:" put 'Fighter / Mage' it will find the string for it (should be 10189), select "edit" and write 'Eldritch Knit' or whatever you wish instead of the old name, then save.

Repeat for 'Fighter / Thief' and all the others...

Else I could write a mini-mod that gets installed via Weidu, it's quite easy, but I really don't have the time right now sorry.

Edited by Demivrgvs, 18 July 2010 - 06:22 AM.

#5 Akurosan

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 11:34 AM

If you take some time to learn using an editor like Near Infinity it's super easy.

Install NI, open it, use the option to search for "stringref" and in "Find What:" put 'Fighter / Mage' it will find the string for it (should be 10189), select "edit" and write 'Eldritch Knit' or whatever you wish instead of the old name, then save.

Repeat for 'Fighter / Thief' and all the others...

Else I could write a mini-mod that gets installed via Weidu, it's quite easy, but I really don't have the time right now sorry.

DUDE I love you! It worked! I had the same idea and tried to change the kitnames, but it never worked! Now I know why:
I have the german version of Baldurs Gate 2. Nevertheless, the kitnames which are shown on the buttons are stored in english in the *.tlk file, for example <mageshool> or <fighterclass>. So if you want to change the kitname mage / thief you have to look for <mageshool> / thief instead of Magier / Dieb.

BIG LOVE to all you people who are still modding this wonderful game!
Yea, I`m gonna make an evil Mage / Thief kit called Schattenklinge which is able to use an shadowstep-like ability, has the same THACO as a fighter and can cast spells without waiting time! Thieves rule!

Or maybe I`m goona mod the Assassin-kit to make it more... deadly and assassin like... Assassins should be feared and not be a good laugh, shouldn`t they!

Heya, it`s me!


Edited by Akurosan, 18 July 2010 - 11:35 AM.