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#381 WeeRLegion


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 02:46 AM

I'm guessing they'll lock it down for combat and plot-critical moments.
Really, excepting the instant functionality part, it seems to be basically the same thing as the Rest button on infinity games, only simpler.

So, eh.


EDIT: Or maybe not, but anyway. It won't be a rave party.

Edited by WeeRLegion, 04 January 2011 - 02:06 AM.

#382 Archmage Silver

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 03:21 PM

Why Be Good? @ Grey Wardens
On Marethari's Clan @ Grey Wardens
Creature Update: Rock Wraith @ BioWare
David Gaider Interview @ Sarcastic Gamer
Dragon Age II: When Stone Attacks @ Grey Wardens

EDIT: Or maybe not, but anyway. It won't be a rave party.

Yes it will. Or haven't you seen Fenris yet? :lol:

#383 Archmage Silver

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 07:34 AM

The bonus companion for the Signature Edition has been revealed: Sebastian, the Exiled Prince. Grey Wardens have an article on this as well.

Adventure alongside Sebastian Vael, an archer of noble birth, as he seeks revenge for the brutal murder of his family. Aid him in his quest, and direct his righteous wrath on your enemies. Sebastian is a full companion character, complete with his own series of side missions. Gain the prince?s allegiance as part of The Exiled Prince downloadable pack included in the BioWare Signature Edition, or available separately for $7 or 560 Microsoft Points.

Let me just say this... ahem... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Seriously, what happened to characters with... character? This is just a cheap Nathaniel Howe rehash.

Another one for the gallows...

#384 WeeRLegion


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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:59 AM

...'his righteous wrath'... o-o

Seriously... They couldn't think of an more off-puttingly terrible phrasing?

Damn... Really, I try to think positive about DA2, but Bioware keeps promising excrement. I seriously hope the paladin there was cut from the main release for not being up to the level of the regular characters... xP

#385 Solar's Harper

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 11:22 PM

Close to every single character has been a rehash of some sort, in fact none of them even look remotely interesting or original at present, again suffering from the Origins syndrome of having more interesting side characters and one-offers than anyone important.

Note in typical Bioware fashion, they're showing us the scraps, the rejects of the royal feast. Not exactly the smartest PR tactic, but it'll hook enough people to prevent it from being sent to development hell, if only for simplicity and familiarity reasons.

Out of fairness, I would say at least give them a chance to explain whether he's just a mook, or a meatbag. They fail at getting a good message across, this entire thread is evidence of that, no? :)

...'his righteous wrath'... o-o

Seriously... They couldn't think of an more off-puttingly terrible phrasing?

How about his glorious thunder? :P

One way or another it leads to places best left for the fans to, yeah...
But considering how many "I'm so awesome but!" stories that we've been subjected to, it actually comes a surprise this one is sidelined to market spam, I mean uhm, DLCs.

Edit Extra Note: What's the deal with archers with full suits of armour?! XD

Edited by Solar's Harper, 07 January 2011 - 11:25 PM.

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When in doubt, lockpick a mudcrab!

Beware the nug conspiracy!

#386 WeeRLegion


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 12:13 AM

Oh, that's clearly not quite full armor. It's a stylish white jacket with some shin guards, a few plates on the left arm, and an wonderful, shining white, iron man-bra.

In true DA2 fashion, it looks like an cutout from some anime cosplay. o-o

#387 Vicen


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 09:51 AM

Edit Extra Note: What's the deal with archers with full suits of armour?! XD

Too be fair throughout history and even in some fantasy realms there have been plenty of archers that use full armor...However most either wear light mail or the typical leather and what not...

Though like WeeRLegion said thats not close to full armor...looks a tad bit more like something from some fashion designer or whatever heh... :doh:

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#388 Archmage Silver

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:12 PM

Close to every single character has been a rehash of some sort, in fact none of them even look remotely interesting or original at present, again suffering from the Origins syndrome of having more interesting side characters and one-offers than anyone important.

Note in typical Bioware fashion, they're showing us the scraps, the rejects of the royal feast. Not exactly the smartest PR tactic, but it'll hook enough people to prevent it from being sent to development hell, if only for simplicity and familiarity reasons.

Out of fairness, I would say at least give them a chance to explain whether he's just a mook, or a meatbag. They fail at getting a good message across, this entire thread is evidence of that, no? :)

Oh, BioWare is getting the message across, but it only captivates mainstream gamers. I think we're just the grumpy old timers in terms of gaming age now... things were better back then - nowadays everything is crap and people walk on our virtual lawn. Rambling posts we already had back then...

#389 Daulmakan


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Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:49 PM

Oh, BioWare is getting the message across, but it only captivates mainstream gamers. I think we're just the grumpy old timers in terms of gaming age now... things were better back then - nowadays everything is crap and people walk on our virtual lawn. Rambling posts we already had back then...

* Nods and shakes fist vigorously*

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#390 Choo Choo

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Posted 09 January 2011 - 12:25 AM

Thanks for making me feel old at nineteen, Archmage Silver.

... but yes, you're spot on. Ack.

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#391 Darziak



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Posted 09 January 2011 - 08:12 AM

I think we're just the grumpy old timers in terms of gaming age now...

Don't think old think wise.

#392 Archmage Silver

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Posted 10 January 2011 - 05:01 AM

Thanks for making me feel old at nineteen, Archmage Silver.

... but yes, you're spot on. Ack.

You're welcome!


#393 Archmage Silver

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Posted 13 January 2011 - 03:15 PM

Dev Diary Video @ GameSpot
Developer Diary 2 @ Grey Wardens
"Everything You Need To Know" @ IGN
Dragon Age II: Magically Merrill @ Grey Wardens
Dragon Age II Pre-Order Bonuses @ Grey Wardens

BioWare has also announced some more Dragon Age II pre-order bonus content, and something that will be available in all new copies. See it all in detail here and here.

The core of this blade is old. As old as the first smiths who sought a way to battle the nightmares from the land beyond. It has fought the demonic hosts in countless battles. Sometimes it has been held high in triumphant victory. Other times, it has lain broken besides its dying owner. But after every defeat it has always been reclaimed, reforged, and made stronger. Fadeshear has passed through many hands before yours. Now it is your turn to make the demons of the Fade pay for crossing the Veil into the waking world.


  • Improves with level-up
  • Additional damage vs. demons and undead
The Lion of Orlais
At the height of the Summer War all of Orlais was embroiled in fierce battles. Over the course of the war dozens of contenders for the Imperial Throne emerged - most long forgotten except as footnotes in scholarly tomes. But everyone remembers the gallant young lord Emile Deveraux, "The Golden Prince". Thought outnumbered at every turn, he racked victory upon victory culminating in the Seventh Battle of Roses. While wearing this shield he broke through his uncle's vanguard to win the day. He never knew the taste of defeat, instead meeting his end at the hands of a jealous lover in the dead of night.

  • Two rune slots
  • Adds to health
  • Adds to % XP gain
The Black Emporium
  • A magic item store that has some of the best equipment you'll find in the game. It's restocked with better items as you progress through the story.
  • A loyal mabari hound that fights at your side in battle.
  • The "Mirror of Transformation". Gaze into it and you can change your very appearance. Hair, eyes, tattoos, and more can be changed with the click of a button.
  • A crafting store which sells powerful unique recipes.
  • Explore the Black Emporium and uncover its strange secrets and lore. Be sure to see its strange proprietor. It should prove most... memorable.

Posted Image

Edited by Archmage Silver, 13 January 2011 - 03:16 PM.

#394 Archmage Silver

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Posted 20 January 2011 - 09:23 PM

I took a while off from the newsdesk, but now it's time for the weekly news again.

DA II Preview @ PC Gamer
World Update: Sundermount @ BioWare
Dragon Age II: Sundermount @ Grey Wardens
Dragon Age II: Building Your Import @ Grey Wardens
HOT: Dead Space 2 Armor in Dragon Age II @ BioWare
UPDATE: Dragon Age 2: Pre-order Bonuses @ Grey Wardens
Dr. Muzyka Says: You Cannot Stop Playing Once You Start @ Grey Wardens
German Version 100% Uncut, English Installation DVD Also Provided @ BioWare

Oh, and if anyone is getting Dead Space 2 and skipping DA II, feel free to send me the armor unlock code.


Edited by Archmage Silver, 21 January 2011 - 12:31 AM.

#395 Archmage Silver

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Posted 21 January 2011 - 09:28 PM

Mike Laidlaw Interview @ GameZone

#396 Archmage Silver

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Posted 25 January 2011 - 09:12 PM

For the BioWare Social forums developer posts and other miscellanous news I haven't covered, see the "What do we know so far?" thread at BioWare Social.

DA II Preview @ CVG
David Gaider Interview (TV Adaptations) @ GameZone
David Gaider Interview (Romance Options) @ GameZone
BBFC: DA II Has 103 Minutes of Cutscenes @ Eurogamer

Opinion: Dragon Age and Mass Effect @ Grey Wardens

#397 Archmage Silver

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Posted 27 January 2011 - 04:37 PM

Dwarves, Elves, and Qunari @ Bio Blog
UPDATED: Dragon Age II @ Dragon Age Wiki

#398 Archmage Silver

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 07:20 AM

EA Confirms Dragon Age II Demo? @ BioWare Social
Templars, Raiders, City Guards and The Coterie @ Bio Blog

Personally I find the idea of a pre-release demo very odd, and I think that this is just a hoax. Most likely it was "leaked" by EA to create hype around the game.

I wouldn't mind being wrong about this one though, but it seems unlikely.

Edited by Archmage Silver, 31 January 2011 - 07:21 AM.

#399 Archmage Silver

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 03:42 AM

Like I thought, the demo was just a hoax. Apparently the email about it was genuine though, so it appears to have originated at EA.

Dragon Age II DRM @ BioWare Social

Let me just say... massive fail. DRM is bad enough when it's simple, but that's something else entirely. You probably have to RTFM before activating the game.

#400 Kulyok

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 03:58 AM

Really good news on the "no cd check" and I don't really care about playing before the release date, so that check doesen't bother me, either. Sunset/"twenty years later" plans(the requirements being patched off in a few years) sound okay, too. Internet check on install and each few days, however, I don't like. I have Internet, but it's still unpleasant. If it's less than 16 days, it's going to be a real pain for vacations without Internet access. I really feel for users who live without Internet and just want to play the game. :( Hells, I could be one of them!

Though it could be worse. I mean, Assassin's Creed II _requires_ internet connection all the time, and it's not even a good game(I wasted like twenty dollars on it, if I recall correctly).