Are these new companions? I think so. As with the build up to DA:O, the Germans always seem to get the best info, first.
Seeing the companions always makes me excited, regardless of how I feel about the game's new features. ...
I'm not sure if they're all joinable, as the article simply says "characters". The only new bits I found in it are that every chapter has its own narrator, and that mages get finishing moves now (sounds interesting). Here are the character descriptions, I fixed some translation errors and added a few lines:
- Hawke: The male or female hero is the main character of Dragon Age II, and leads the player through the character's 10-year story.
AMS Note: The male Hawke is most recently shown in the second screenshot, see the bottom of this post. I haven't seen any images of the female Hawke yet.
- Bethany: Hawke's sister is a mage, and supports her brother in the battle with fire spells.
AMS Note: She's shown in the first screenshot, see the bottom of this post.
- Cassandra: The Inquisitor has a burning interest in the heroic deeds of Hawke.
AMS Note: She's shown in the concept art, see my earlier post in this thread.
- Varric: The dwarf has accompanied Hawke on his travels, and is one of the narrators in Dragon Age II.
AMS Note: He's shown in the concept art, see my earlier post in this thread. The google translation suggests that Varric is the only narrator in the game, which is wrong.
- Flemeth: The mighty shapeshifter and Morrigan's mother from Dragon Age: Origins is also back in Dragon Age II.
AMS Note: The google translation is flawed, as it made it seem like Flemeth might be joinable, even though the article doesn't suggest it.
Now I'll need some serious hype before I'll ever consider pre-ordering or anything of the sort...
Ya know, the amusing part is that while I like to criticize the changes I don't like, you'll probably see me ranting about the Collector's Edition around Christmas anyway.

There is of course one work-around. That is only if they started to develop this whole thing years before now, or they're batman. Take your pick ladies and gents. 
Hm. My estimate is that they've have had a separate team working on DA II from so far back, that it will actually be a two-year development process when the game is released next year. Still, when you compare it to the time used on DA: Origins... I mean there
were delays, but the difference is still counted in years. Origins was announced at E3 in 2004.
Why don't we just dub her femhawke for now, and note that she's wearing something of an imitation of the Mass Effect model of Blood Dragon armor. Silly Bioware.
Yup! And the dragon picture resembles curiously concept art for the first one ...
I guess that dragon could be Flemeth if we see her again, provided that she has stolen yet another body. Or maybe we'll meet her before the Warden has had a chance to kill her in Origins.
I do hope the albino ogres aren't what's going to get passed as an graphics overhaul here... .p
Most likely not, and when it comes to graphics, it's hard to say how accurate these screenshots will be when the game is released. I like how they've gone about making the fire fx though.