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Innershade: Bug reports

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#21 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 08:56 AM

Just try using the "no" component for Worldmap addition. You will be able to play without a problem. This possibility was prepared for that kind of situations :) It should work fine - I myself tested the mod with plenty different ones!

#22 Daulmakan


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Posted 21 November 2010 - 01:41 AM

Got some typos and comments regarding the mod:


@6 = ~I'll look for your papa, child~

Final dot missing.


@0 = ~Oh, hello. Isn't it a lovely <DAY_NIGHT> to<DAY_NIGHT>? So, you've decided to visit Innershade, <SIR_MAAM>? That's kind of you, but you probably won't find much fun here.
Oh, if you want a respite from the crowded towns, and to enjoy some peace and solitude, it's the right place! Regardless, we welcome you with a smile.~

The correct tokens are <DAYNIGHT> and <SIRMAAM> (I believe the mistake is repeated in the other .TRAs as well).

@8 = ~Well, if you are fishing for gossip, stories and legends, you should speak with a child called Little Bud. He lives near the wood chopper's tent. For a coin, Bud will tell you an interesting story. He
knows quite a few enjoyable ones!~

Unnecessary space between 'He' and the rest of the sentence.


@0 = ~Oh, I see a new face here in Innershade. Well, you decided to visit me because you have an empty stomach, am I right? You want something to eat? I am Bartec. Pleased to meet you, my <LORD_LADY>. So, would you like to buy something to eat? I have the finest products: all fresh, all tasty, all made from the finest ingredients!~

<LADYLORD> (probably repeated elsewhere as well).

@25 = ~[...] The last story I can offer you is a sad one. about a plague


@36 = ~[...] the tower in which Patric decided to live, and mine of crystals beneath this village.

'the mine' sounds better.


@37 = ~[...] He... h's a bit hairy, you know?



@15 = ~You see, my tools were ruined in a storm we had some time ago. I fixed some of them, but I still son't have an axe with which I could chop wood.


@29 = ~No. I'd say about twenty-seven. We'e a rather small community; some people leave this villege,



@37 = ~This little bowl contains a soup made of beetroots, potatoes and some mushrooms. It has a pleasnt smell and a kind of dark, dusky pinkish-red color. The smell is very appetizing.


@43 = ~When eaten, the fruit permanently gives an innate ability that allows whoever eats it to shapchange into a wolf.


And some comments:

* Might I suggest flagging the soup as a potion? That way it could be stored in the potion case.

* Magic fruit drop has no description BAM.

* Patric mentions a healer north of the woodchopper, which should be Woa from what I glance. Thing is, when I go to that part of the village he's never there. And at one point, there was a body on the floor. :huh:

* Not sure if it was something I did, but after resting in the mine and getting transported to the Dream, the shapeshifting creature was invulnerable. I couldn't damage it with neither weapons nor spells. Only after CTRL-Ying him it triggered the dialogue for the nightmare pieces.

* The shapeshifting creature you kill afterwards inside the mine yields no XP. Intended?

* Is there a point to the dog encounter? Or is it just for colour?

The village map looks really nice. That must've been some work. 8)

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#23 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 21 November 2010 - 02:01 AM

Thank you for the correction! You are great! I will try to prepare a new version today or tomorrow :)

And now some answers:

Might I suggest flagging the soup as a potion? That way it could be stored in the potion case

I can do that, sure!

Magic fruit drop has no description BAM

Will give it a bam :) I'm not sure if any will suite but I will check.

Patric mentions a healer north of the woodchopper, which should be Woa from what I glance. Thing is, when I go to that part of the village he's never there. And at one point, there was a body on the floor.

I have no idea what is this body, but I know why there's no Woa. I think Patric said that *if he's in the the village* he can be found there. Woa appears in chapter 3 - that's to make village change a bit in time. You know what I mean? :) Oh, you can visit it after Underdark, you will find someone new as well :P

Not sure if it was something I did, but after resting in the mine and getting transported to the Dream, the shapeshifting creature was invulnerable. I couldn't damage it with neither weapons nor spells. Only after CTRL-Ying him it triggered the dialogue for the nightmare pieces.

Are you sure? Creature begins with stoneskin and some other protections. He should appear to be killable in a moment. I never had a problem with that, you just have to wait a moment or try to crush the stoneskin.

The shapeshifting creature you kill afterwards inside the mine yields no XP. Intended?

I'm not sure... but I may give something for killing him. Well, he isn't really killed, but that was a kind of experience...

Is there a point to the dog encounter? Or is it just for colour?

Nah, that's just a nice encounter, that's all! :P Isn't the dog great? I wish I could have a dog like it! But I have an allergy :crying:

The village map looks really nice. That must've been some work.

Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)

#24 Daulmakan


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Posted 21 November 2010 - 10:14 AM

Will give it a bam :) I'm not sure if any will suite but I will check.

Why not keep the corresponding one to the inventory one? (It's one of the round things from the pillars in Watcher's Keep, right?)

I think Patric said that *if he's in the the village* he can be found there. Woa appears in chapter 3 - that's to make village change a bit in time. You know what I mean? :) Oh, you can visit it after Underdark, you will find someone new as well :P

That clears it, thanks.

Creature begins with stoneskin and some other protections. He should appear to be killable in a moment. I never had a problem with that, you just have to wait a moment or try to crush the stoneskin.

Yes, of course, I meant apart from that. Breaching him and pummelling him with spells was useless. Resting and returning proved ineffective as well. Reloading the encounter was no good either. Weird.

I'll be looking forward to the next bits of the mod in future chapters.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#25 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 21 November 2010 - 10:32 AM

ok! And don't forget to visit Barbara from time to time! :) As well as check replies to the Dream if you "have" it :) There is one that should change from time to time if you use it.

#26 10th

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 12:30 PM

Innershade adds this script block to baldur.bcs

Ishspl2 doesn't exist, but there's an ishspl1.

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#27 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 12:48 PM

It's missing file. I always forget to fix it. Sorry, however the missing file is a benefit for player, because it's supposed to apply negative effect on charname if he/she decides to follow particular path :P
Please, give me some time, because I'm sick at the moment and I need some rest.


#28 alltheviking

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Posted 26 March 2011 - 08:40 AM

This is quite a good mod! I enjoyed the SoA component.

I noticed that when Woa takes the potion and scroll from you, he takes an entire stack, no matter what its size is. Is that intended, or should he only take one?

#29 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 26 March 2011 - 09:41 AM


The problem is that action used in this quest doesn't "count" and I can do nothing about it...

#30 -Guest-

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 07:23 PM

Hello ! I'm just here to report the same bug Daulmakan had : I can't seem to kill the shape shifting creature. I think it has to do with the fact that its shape is one of a child, and since children cannot be harmed in some versions of the game (mine included, alas), well, you do the math... I might be wrong though. Is there any way to go around that limitation ?


As for the mod itself it's fantastic. Really. I also tried The White Queen (had to stop at the necromancer, he's from another league !) and I'm really impressed with your skills, as a modder and as storyteller. Can't wait to play the rest of the Colours of Inifnity series.

#31 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:46 AM

why the hell they can't be harmed in some of the versions? O_O I would never come up with that kind of idea...

Not sure how other solved it - you may try using the CLUAConsole to get the shapechange (item name: SCRL9Y) spell and become an illithid for a moment to kill him. Maybe that would work, by any chance. I have no idea what else you could do...


I tried to prepared a bit modified file. Could you check if it works fine? Just unzip it to the override directory.


Can anyone confirm that's because of the child thing?


And thank you for your kind words. I do my best to provide some people nice stories and entertainment. And I'm not retired, yet :) Working on ISNF v3 (as I'm not satisfied with the current version) and not just that :)

Attached Files

  • Attached File  9xe1.zip   322bytes   255 downloads

#32 -Guest-

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:10 AM

It works :) the creature is now called "Yes dear ?" but it works ! Thanks. Wasn't expecting an answer to be honest.

And I don't know why I can't harm children with this version, I didn't notice it until yesterday. Didn't find anything with google either. I still have another installation of the game, from an older retail copy (the one I'm using right now was released in 2006 I think), I tested my save on it and the shape shifting creature could be killed no problem, so I think that was the problem.


Anyway thanks for your help !

#33 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:17 AM

Yeah, sure :) And why shouldn't I answer? :P The only reason possible would be that I missed it somehow, but I try to check the forums, really :P

And I hope that apart from "Yes-dear?" creature name, everything else stayed normal :) aaaaaand the name changed because I used the version from my game which surely use different string for name :P



#34 -Guest-

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:25 PM

Oh please don't mind this part, I'm just pessimistic by nature. I was pleasantly surprised though :D

So anyway just finished Innershade, didn't run into any other problem whatsoever, all is good. And allow me to reiterate : easily one of the best mods I tried so far, and I'm not just saying that. I'm happy to know that you still have plans for the game :)


Good continuation !



#35 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:43 PM

Keep in mind that even though, that the main plot has a final talk in ToB :) And there's still granny you may want to visit etc ^^

Still, thank you :) It's very kind of you :) If you haven't played TotDG, you may like the quest. Some more weirdness and some more fighting :)



#36 Kyoma

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:33 AM

There's a bug with the Coin Child quest, the journal entry for completing it is never added (and thus not removing the other entries either). Using SetGlobal works but leads to another problem.

////////////////COIN CHILD


GlobalGT("ISHxCCJ","GLOBAL",1)  //ISHxCCJ never gets set to anything above 1 (here or in dialog)
SetGlobal("ISHxCCJ","GLOBAL",4) //causes the block to repeat, 4 is still greater than 1 :P


Othert than that, great mod! Really enjoy the areas! :D

Edited by Kyoma, 18 May 2013 - 10:37 AM.

#37 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:38 AM

uh, journal entries suck xD I hope to fix those, one day. I'm afraid I won't find time to do that any soon as stuff got a bit hectic at the University and... you know. But I hope it won't lower the gameplay significantly :)



#38 Kyoma

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:41 AM

uh, journal entries suck xD I hope to fix those, one day. I'm afraid I won't find time to do that any soon as stuff got a bit hectic at the University and... you know. But I hope it won't lower the gameplay significantly :)



Nope, and its easy to fix locally. :)

#39 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:54 AM

Yeah, I must have had head in the clouds when I was writing the script. Will be fixed in the next version, but as I said -- not sure when exactly it will happen.


#40 ilot

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 03:23 AM

why the hell they can't be harmed in some of the versions? O_O I would never come up with that kind of idea...

Not sure how other solved it - you may try using the CLUAConsole to get the shapechange (item name: SCRL9Y) spell and become an illithid for a moment to kill him. Maybe that would work, by any chance. I have no idea what else you could do...


I tried to prepared a bit modified file. Could you check if it works fine? Just unzip it to the override directory.


Can anyone confirm that's because of the child thing?


And thank you for your kind words. I do my best to provide some people nice stories and entertainment. And I'm not retired, yet :) Working on ISNF v3 (as I'm not satisfied with the current version) and not just that :)


Hi Lava :)


I would like fixed it locally using Near Infinity, who can I do?




Another question:

Is the "fixed tokens" (see readme)  about that?:

The correct tokens are <DAYNIGHT> and <SIRMAAM> (I believe the mistake is repeated in the other .TRAs as well).

Edited by ilot, 25 June 2013 - 04:49 AM.

Italian mods tanslator!!!!