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Infinity animations from PST

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#41 LonerAoshi

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 04:37 AM

Hi there, I've got a non-joinable NPC (or maybe 3) you should probably exclude from this. There are 3 NPCs called Sonner (SONNER.cre), Jebadoh (JEBADO.cre) and Telmen (TELMEN.cre) in the BG1 area called "South of Wyrm's Crossing" (AR8300 in BGT, AR1400 in BG1). I chose the 25% option when installing (component 710). I don't know how a relevant NPC gets picked to be changed to a PS:T animation, but in my case Jebadoh was changed. However, this also changed him from having a class of NO_CLASS - 255 (like the other 2) to being INNOCENT - 155. Thus, when I whacked all 3 for stealing Tenya's bowl (the priestess of Umberlee north of this area), my reputation was halved. With this particular quest, if you side with Tenya, all 3 automatically turn hostile once you demand the bowl from them. They run away, but, well, if it has a red circle under it, I tend to kill it. Posted Image

Not sure if you could set converted NPCs to keep their class when changing animations, otherwise the only option would be to exclude them from this component, I guess. In any case, I've attached my version of JEBADOH.cre along with a changelog of him; I checked the previous versions, his class was always NO_CLASS - 255 until IA changed him.

Anyway, thanks for all the hard work! Posted Image

Attached Files

#42 Miloch



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Posted 09 February 2011 - 05:12 AM

Ok, fixed locally, cheers. Anyone with the "peasant" animation has a chance to get the PST commoner (lower class townie) animation with this component. These don't need to be excluded from the component, they just are getting their classes "corrected" erroneously. Let me know if you see others.

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#43 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 05:08 PM


So, in my semi-mega mod installation, I was doing the "Tenya and the Fishermen" quest (listed under http://www.forgotten.../bg1/ar1400.htm), and trying to solve it the good way by demanding the elemental control bowel from the fishermen to give to Tenya. Doing that turns the fishermen hostile. The problem is, when I killed them, I lost REP for no reason.

I posted this as a bug in the BGT forums (http://www.shsforums...shermen-issues/), thinking it was an issue with the new BGT. However, through running a change-log on the fishermen cre files and looking at them in DLTCEP, I noticed that Infinity Animations modified both sonner.cre and telmen.cre to have the innocent class, thrus producing the bug.

If someone wants to make a quick fix to avoid giving these creatures the INNOCENT class, please do. Changelogs are attached for the fishermen.

Attached Files

At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#44 Turambar

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 06:06 AM

IIRC, IA also had a similar issue with the orcs-peasants who hold Aerie's key in the illusionary circus


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#45 William Imm

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 03:14 PM

IIRC, IA also had a similar issue with the orcs-peasants who hold Aerie's key in the illusionary circus

Mmm... Fix please?
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#46 Lollorian


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 05:32 PM

Could be fixed by individually removing each offending cre from the omgbbqpwnsauce code :D

But that still leaves problems that might not have been reported yet - does IA need to change the class/race when assigning animations? Kinda fuzzy logic there when you think just because a guy looks like a thug (aka gets the thug animation), he's implicitly a Fighter-Thief :ROFL:

A better fix imho would be removing the code that changes the classes when anims are assigned :P

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When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


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#47 Miloch



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Posted 05 February 2012 - 06:45 PM

Guys, this was reported a few days shy of a year ago and fixed locally the same day (see above - I have merged the topics). Please do at least a cursory search before reporting issues in an optional component of an optional (and beta) mod. The search works even though it uses google - I brought up the "old" topic within the first few posts just by typing in "Tenya" or "Sonner."

Granted, I probably didn't post a "fix" because it is non-critical - it doesn't crash the game or make it unplayable by a long chalk. You can "fix" a minor loss of rep by going to the nearest temple and donating a paltry sum of gold. You can even CLUAConsole in the gold if you feel you got "cheated" of it. Or you can restore the previous versions of the .cre files from the mod's backup folder, described in several threads including the megamod FAQ. As I've mentioned in several posts, we are overhauling the backbone of the mod so this is very minor compared to other work in progress. Not trying to be an arse, but this makes a molehill sound like a mountain, like there's something dreadfully wrong with the mod, and surprisingly there isn't (or we'd have a lot more complaints).

Anyway, a real "fix" means reinstalling the mod in all its monstrosity, but here it is nonetheless. I'll attach it here since the mod upload doesn't seem to work on any browser or OS (and having to attach anything at all forced me to find a Windows machine with IE :().

Attached File  t-pstanims.tpa   73.57K   451 downloads
The "fix" requires putting that in infinityanimations/lib (overwriting the existing file) and reinstalling at least the PST component.

Edited by Miloch, 05 February 2012 - 06:47 PM.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#48 Dakk

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:04 AM

But it's totally usable as a hot-fix right? As in popping it into the /lib before installing? :)

#49 Miloch



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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:32 AM

That is the only way it works (reinstalling, installing - same thing). Note I also pulled that directly from my development work-in-progress so I can't claim I even tested it. But it's basically the previous PST library with a few corrections as noted.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#50 Ascension64

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:33 PM

Why don't you just turn off party AI for the moment, so that your characters don't decide to shoot the poor buggers and kill them? Otherwise, just Ctrl+Y them, they have no other function in the game.

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:43 PM

Why don't you just turn off party AI for the moment, so that your characters don't decide to shoot the poor buggers and kill them? Otherwise, just Ctrl+Y them, they have no other function in the game.

I think the point was that not all creatures with the peasant/commoner/noble animation should be flagged as INNOCENT (i.e. the aforementioned orcs covered in illusions in the circus quest).

Furthermore, Infinity Animations is generally viewed as a cosmetic/graphical mod within the modding community, so altering creatures' race/class/stats is probably not something that the players expect from it. Perhaps it might be a better idea to move those changes to a separate (and optional) component.

Edited by aVENGER, 06 February 2012 - 11:57 PM.

#52 Ascension64

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 12:02 AM

That's fine, but it appears William Imm wants a fix now, and it was sparked by the issue with Sonner/Jebadoh/Telmen. Face it, there won't be a fix "now", so existing players should work around it for now.

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#53 Lollorian


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 05:00 AM

Furthermore, Infinity Animations is generally viewed as a cosmetic/graphical mod within the modding community, so altering creatures' race/class/stats is probably not something that the players expect from it. Perhaps it might be a better idea to move those changes to a separate (and optional) component.

Quoted for truth :D

Seeing that the fixed file now contains this block to deal with the Sonner/Jebadoh/Telman issue...
PATCH_IF (BYTE_AT 0x273 = 0) OR (BYTE_AT 0x273 > 198) BEGIN //If invalid class
		  PATCH_IF ((~%nb%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%tsu%jebado~ = 1) OR (~%nb%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%tsu%noober~ = 1) OR (~%nb%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%tsu%sonner~ = 1) OR (~%nb%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%tsu%telmen~ = 1)) BEGIN
			WRITE_BYTE 0x273 255 //Class (no_class)
... IA could still break stuff if some mod wants a certain NPC to be NO_CLASS rather than something else to do its stuff :unsure:

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


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#54 Miloch



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Posted 07 February 2012 - 05:17 AM

I swear I must be posting just to myself sometimes.

I mentioned at least two ways of fixing all aforementioned issues (including classless peasants and circus orcs). [Re]install the component with the attached .tpa above copied first to your infinityanimations/lib folder. If you just want a quick fix for a game in-progress, it's a simple matter of restoring the .cre files in question (which you've already identified) from your infinityanimations/backup/710|720|730|740 (whichever option you chose for this component) to your override folder.

I'm not moving class/race fixes to a separate component. IA fixes erroneous ones to make sure it's matching the correct animations. Your BWP game is better off for it, barring a few rare stray errors, which I correct as above.

Did I mention this is an optional, beta component? It has other, more significant issues RYUchan raised above that I've been chipping away at. If there are other issues or inconsistences, please report them, but please don't report issues that have already been reported and fixed.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#55 ScuD

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 09:30 AM

Miloch, from here.
When using your updated t-pstanims.tpa causes error during the installations. Lollorian has probably found the culprit:

READ_LONG 0x2b8 t-io //Items offset
before the

READ_SSHORT (t-io + 0x12) t-wpn //Weapon 1
at line 418 should probably fix it

Edited by ScuD, 24 August 2012 - 09:31 AM.

#56 Miloch



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Posted 25 August 2012 - 02:18 AM

Yeah, I've seen it, cheers. I will update this mod when I get back to my development files (might be a while).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle