Well I wrote the code - Erephine ported the animations. As it says in the *DO NOT READ* readme *DON'T CLICK ON THAT LINK* 'cause it contains naked pix (
- Chev's idea... well sort of true if you scroll down to the Animations).
Well you know there are over 50 mods in
BG I couldn't possibly read all the readmes and remember all modders names

Of course you have "Infinity Animations" in your sig but yesterday I was too sleepy to noticed it
Well like I said, it's a new component so I've no doubt it could be tweaked a bit. Also if you start tweaking mods, not only do you end up with an unsupported version, but you might find yourself modding, and that's a nasty, ugly road to start down, so my advice is DON'T DO IT if you value your sanity! Anyway, if you do want to start modding (and tweaking existing mods is in fact a good way to start) then Infinity Animations is definitely not that mod to start with
You see I'm not a modder or a scripter I'm a digger and I absolutely love cutomization, the more the better

I dig into a code and try to figure out what is what. I don't have a knowlidge to understand everything but I've never done something that caused a mass glitch(well except for couple of times but I've undone the effect eventually

) because I'm trying to be as cautious as possible(it worked for RO and WoW emulators sourcecode editing though I don't have a C++ knowlidge

Perhaps so. I could mess with recolours of the green monk or maybe palette the dustman differently to get grey hair etc. Yeah it's a minor detail, but despite its size, this mod is chock full of minor details. Also, you can delete specific creatures from the routine if you know what they are (mainly the *monktu* cres in this case) but I would rather change the code or make the components more flexible so folks don't have to do this sort of thing.
That's funny because grey hair was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard their "Hello, child"
Their weapon looked to me more like a kukri or possibly a scimitar, since it's a bit curved, but of course daggers can be curved too, so I guess I can restrict it to those who only have daggers.
Note that this might happen with other animations too, include ones from IWD etc. We had a similar problem with "bugbear archers" since the IWD bugbear has a hardcoded morningstar or mace, but it was easy enough to fix. Same goes for other IWD animations with hardcoded weapons, like cambions/"Isairs" who have double scimitars, alu-fiends/"Madaes" who have a mace and shield, etc.
I think it's just my
PST fan issue that digs in. Because I remember that it is a dagger in
PST as an item. Though if you look at concept yep it somewhat looks like kukri.
I won't care much about
IWD animaions unless creatures will start using arrow shooting from meele weapons skill.
Zero chance, because it checks for rmq > 6. Equivalent roughly to commenting out the block, except the runtime will probably be longer because it has to cycle through all the potential CREs, only to find it doesn't do anything with them (though we're probably talking about fractions of seconds here).
Pretty much thought so, just wanted to confirm. I understand about performance it's just a habbit of making as less changes as I can, plus a bit of a curiosity. Also I thought that changing it only for thugs(I'll give Dustmen another chance to be visit
) won't hurt the overall runtime.
After looking through your sig again I must admit you did very good mods. Most of them are my favourites. For instance "Aurora's Shoes and Boots" for its overall flexible customization and as I mentioned above I like customization a lot

EDIT: after looking through the whole topic again I've noticed this quote of yours
Also, you can delete specific creatures from the routine if you know what they are (mainly the *monktu* cres in this case) but I would rather change the code or make the components more flexible so folks don't have to do this sort of thing.
Does it mean I can simply delete cres with thug anim (who have bows in their inventory) without consequences from lib files and their animations will be default? Or does it require editing more files?
EDIT2: Just out of curiousity looked through CREs in NearInfinity and such creatures as, for example, amsmug02(light crossbow) or ambmaevr(composite long bow) have ranged weapons in their weapon slot. This cretures use Curst Town Citizen male anims which doesn't have ranged weapon animation too(a bit of a pity because this anims suit thieves and smuglers perfectly). It's not a complain just thought it could help if you consider to change this in your next release
Edited by RYUchan, 25 June 2010 - 05:38 AM.